Chapter 6

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"Why are you so pretty Yongkong?"

I rolled my eyes for the nth time. " I told you to stop this nonsense!", I said irritated with her new nickname that she gave me as I swatted her hand that is circled around my waist.

"But why? I think it's cute. Don't you love your husband anymore?", she pouted which I found funny as I laughed at her. I laughed hitting her playfully on the arm. It's always been like this, Moobyul throwing greasy moves and me getting irritated at first but at the last moment I would find myself enjoying every banter and argument that we would have.

That helped me a lot as she would keep my mind off of Eric even just for a moment. I'm also starting to like our newfound friendship. I could say that she's not that bad as I thought.

There's just one rule that I gave her. When Eric comes back she would stay away from us and I don't want to see her again when that happens. She kind of hesitated when I told her that but she said yes nonetheless.

Right now we were watching a drama on the T.V. She snuggled herself to me, her arms around my waist, she was sniffing and I chuckled as I looked at her tear-stained cheeks.

"Yah, we're not even on the best part yet you already cried a river.", she sniffed and looked at me with those puffy eyes as I laughed at her pointing on her red nose.

"Stop making fun of me Yongkong.", she said pouting wiping the tears on her eyes with my shirt.

"I told you to stop calling me with that nickname.", I said rolling my eyes.

"But why Yongkong? It's cute Yongkong. Don't you like it Yongkong?", she said her palm drawing circles on my stomach. My breath hitched at the contact and I could see her smirking under her bangs. And the only thing that could stop her is, " You're still my husband's mistress Moonbyul Yi!"

She stopped immediately sitting up properly then she looked at me with those sad eyes she would always wore in times like this.

"I know it's weird Yongsun.", she started and I quickly looked at her when she called me by my real name which tells me that she's being serious right now. "But I already want to be your friend. And I am serious when I said that I'm going to stay away from you until Eric comes back.", she continued. However there's a little pain on my chest when she said that but I quickly dismissed it.

"Yeah. I know.", I said as I smiled softly as she tucked a strand of hair around my hair. I blushed.

"It's okay honey.", she said smiling, her nose scrunching up and I hit her playfully.

"Ah! Stop saying greasy things Moonbyul!", I shrieked while she just laughed.

"Okay. Okay! Let's go to sleep now. Tomorrow let's buy some groceries to fill in your refrigerator.", I nodded as I let her carry me to bed. She tucked me in like what Eric would do kissing my forehead saying goodnight. I felt my stomach flipping not because of me imagining Eric but me looking up at Moonbyul's eyes.

Moonbyul's P.O.V

"Stop whatever you're doing with my wife Moonbyul!", I snickered. "You're being paranoid Eric. Your wife misses you so I just did my job consoling her.

"I don't give a fuck about that Moonbyul. This is not what we agreed upon! I told you to stay away from Yongsun until I can come back!"

"I didn't agree on anything Eric we both know that. Besides I already promised Yongsun that I would leave immediately when you come back.", I said nonchantly but in all honestly it actually hurts for me.

I heard him scoffed on the other line. " You better do that!", he said as I rolled my eyes.

I hanged up sighing in the process. This is so frustrating! How can I leave Yongsun when that day comes?

"What should I do now? Do I still stand a chance to you? I can't believe that I would still love you even if you keep on hurting me. First, you forgot about me, then you always hurt me by saying that you love someone else. How could I keep this up? Huh? Do you want me to die in pain? Do I have to do this? ", I shook my head as I talked to no one tears rolling down on my cheeks. The pain in my heart not subsiding. I looked up to see the moon shining brightly. I smiled.

"It's patethic when the moon loves to be with the sun yet they can't be together for the law of the universe is against it. How could they love each other from the distance when everytime the sun shine brightly, the moon will die and lose it's light. How could I make it possible for the both of us...Yongsun."


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