Chapter 8

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Yongsun's P.O.V

I scowled my eyes when I saw how close Moonbyul and this guys is. I hate how his face scrunched up whenever she smiles specifically to Moonbyul and the mistress never failed to blush whenever this Minhyuk guy would tease her.

"Hi. My name is Minhyuk. Nice meeting you Yongsun-ssi." , he smiled scrunching up his nose while I just smiled at him fakely of course.

"It's nice meeting you too Minhyuk-ssi. But me and Moonbyul really needs to get going as of the moment since we still have a 'date' to catch up on.", I gritted my teeth forcing a smile to come out my free hand grabbing Moonbyul's wrist and tugging her on my side and wrapping my arm protectively around her waist. She jumped at the sudden contact and looked at me surprise but I just let my eyes bore to Minhyuk's brown eyes to tell him to back off. Instead of scurrying away like a puppy like what I had hoped for, he just laughed probably amused of my reaction I'm not really sure.

"Well Byulie I didn't know that you have an overprotective girlfriend here.", He laughed even louder when I gasped at him clearly shock at how blunt he is.

Moonbyul cleared her throaght untangling my hand around her wrist which made me frown even more. What now? She wouldn't let me touch her now since she already have this guy clearly flirting with her! Wtf!

"Ahm, Yongsun can you go to the car first? I just need to talk to Minhyuk oppa about something.", she smiled timidly but I just glared at her even more scoffing at the mention of 'Oppa' flowing from her mouth.

I tried to retaliate but I failed to do so since she almost pushed me out of the store and it made my heart ache with the sudden rudeness on her behaviour although she lightly pushed me by the shoulders.

I huffed in annoyance when I can't do anything about Moonbyul being close to this Minhyuk. I hate how she smiled sweetly at him like she adored and love him... Love.. I hate to afmit but they really look good together. I hate how the guy can make Moonbyul blush and act like a woman when in fact with me Moonbyul will only give me a smirk or if not just a teasing smule but never an adored smile. I hate it. I hate how Minhyuk coyld get my Byulie's attention easily.

I groaned and tugged my hair in frustration tossing the basket full of food inside the trunk. I looked at the couple one last time and I almost shout in pain when I saw them kissing their faces only inches apart from each other. I don't know why but I swear toGod I almost heard my heart break into pieces.

I decided to look and walk away from the area to try to ease the pain that I'm feeling. Is it because I thought Moonbyul loved my husband and now I felt cheated for Eric? Oh, maybe that's the reason. Yeah. That's the ONLY reason and nothing more.

With the train of thoughts clouding my mind I walked away and never looked back.

Moonbyul's P.O.V

"Minhyuk Oppa, I told you to not intervene right?", I told the guy infront of me letting out an exasperated sigh from my lips.

Minhyuk laughed ruffling my hair in process. "I'm just worried about you Baby. You know that I hate seeing you hurt and lonely. You have suffered enough to be the other woman of Eric. I told you to stay away from them right? Now look at you. You're hurt again, just like how you are before."

"You don't understand Oppa. She's not supposed to be with Eric we all know that. She's not the one for him. I don't know why Eric did this terrible things to us but I swear, I will never forgive him for betraying us. For betraying me."

I said almost trying to contain the sadness and tears. Minhyuk look at me with those soft brown eyes almost the same as mine. He hugged me and kissed my cheek followed by a kiss on my forehead leaning in. "I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything about the situation yet. But, still, if you need me, I'm only one call away."

I laughed at him punching him on his shoulders. "Did you really just quoted a song?"

He laughed with me hugging me to his sides.

"Yeah. Only for you Baby. Come back to me if you really can't contain it anymore,okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I will. Thanks oppa."

He grinned showing me his bunny teeth that I always love. " I love you Byulie."

I smiled softly."I love you too."

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