Chapter 17

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Moonbyul's P.O.V
" What do you mean you decided to stay here? Are you serious?"

She nodded, " Yes. And don't try to talk me out of it. I wanted to be here."

I ran my fingers through my hair contemplating on what to say next. I don't know what else to do. Why now, when I am trying my best to forget the woman who stole and broke my heart. Why now, when I have promised my self to not fall for her smile again.

" Yongsun." I called her name but she continued on unpacking her stuff. Frustrated I went up to her and force her to stop what she's doing to face me. When I touched her hand, I closed my eyes not really wanting to have this kind of feeling. This feeling of longing for her touch and attention.

I forced myself to look at her in the eye and said, " Yongsun. You can't stay here. I told you I'm not the only one who lives here. I have to ask for permission from them and I don't think they will agree with this."

She scoffed and there it is again, her lopsided smile. " Yeah I can see that you have another person who's living here. I saw her with my two eyes. NAKED." She crossed her arms pursing her lips.

I sighed. " I don't know what you want me to do Yongsun. You told me to get away from you and Eric and I just did that. So tell me." I pause while fiddling with my ring on my left finger. "Tell me. Why are you here?"

She looked at me and I can't really tell what kind of emotion she is showing. Her jaws are tight and her lips pursed. Her eyes wavering and seems like any time tears will fall. I tried to look into her eyes trying to seek for the answers in my head. But found nothing since the moment I tried to touch her hand to ask again she moved away from me and sighed.

"Okay. I get it Moonbyul. You don't want to see me. I know. I can feel it."

"I am confused as well Moonbyul. Ever since the time that you walked out of my home, I felt like a part of me was with you and I felt so lost." ,She sniffed wiping away her tears. "I constantly wait for you outside the door hoping that you'll return."


It came out as a whisper and I pulled her in a hug. She cried and I felt my shirt being wet.

"Moonbyul!!!", Yongsun hollered and I was out of my wits.

"I am asking you one more time! Who the fuck is that woman?!"

I jumped up win shock and realized that I day dreamed while being awake. God I know it could not be real.

"Her name is Krystal and she's my roommate" I answered walking past her to get the clothes that I dropped when trying to put it on to Krystal.

I heard a scoff and I rolled my eyes. I wonder what she is really doing here. "Yongsun, why are you here? Did you come here with Eric? I have a lot in my mind right now so please if you're just here to yell at me then just leave."

A minute of silence enveloped the two of us and she walked up to me but still kept her distance.

"I'm sorry. But can you go back? Home? With me?"


She shrugged. " I don't know. I did not even realize that I am here now. Standing in front of you."

She looked at me and whispered. "Come home with me."

" I can't."

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