Chapter 18

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Yongsun's P.O.V

Everything happens so fast. I still felt like I am dreaming. I did not expect to met her like this again. I am just so excited to he honest to see her again. So when I saw another woman, who by the way doesn't have any clothes on her, made my blood boil. The next thing I know I am already throwing a fit in front of Moonbyul.

Then she asked me that question. What are you doing here? That left me speechless because to be honest? I don't know why I am here. Still longing for your affection.

The only thing I know is I have to bring her home. With me. I have to be with her and I am scared of what I am feeling right now.

"I can't."

Those two words shot a wound at my heart.

" What? Why?"

She sighed and ran a hand through her long hair. I look at her and then I saw how frustrated she is and how she wanted to stay calm.

" Yongsun, I honestly don't know what brings you here and- "

" I want to know what do you mean by that time before you left my house."

I could feel her small gasp. She look at me her expression suddenly changed to surprise and sadness.

Moonbyul. What are you really hiding from me?

Moonbyul's P.O.V

"Why are you not answering my questions Moonbyul? What are you really hiding?"

I look away sighing in the process. " I don't have any idea what you mean."

I turned my back at her trying to fix nothing. I heard the door being shut after five minutes and I sighed in relief. God that was so close. I almost spilled everything.

I turn on my heels and look at the door closed shut. I guess she really is gone now. I laughed a little at my self. It seems like I just wanted the feeling to be with her but I always got scared whenever she's here with me as well.

Keep it together Moonbyul. You can move on from her. You just have to make sure that you will not see her every-

My eyes went big as saucers by the time that I went inside my bedroom. And there she is. "Yongsun."

Sprawled on my bed her baggage on the floor.

"Are you guys done talking?"

I turned my head the right to see Krystal on a towel wrapped around her slim body.

I did not answer as I close my eyes feeling dizzy a little bit with all of the things that has happened for just a single day.

Oh God this is gonna be a mess!

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