2. Tattletale: Mark (GOT7)

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Placing the hot steaming food on the table, you heard the front door open and a voice call out to you. You mentioned that you were in the kitchen where you heard small footsteps running into the house.

"Jaebum, what did I say about running in the house?" you asked in a stern manner.

"Sorry Dad" he said as he hugged you.

After releasing you, your husband came up to you.

"Food smells delicious and looks good" Mark said as he wrapped his arm around your waist as he kissed the side of your head.

"Thanks babe. It's ready if you wanna get Jaebum down here" you said.

"Jaebum! Dinner is ready!" Mark shouted.

"Coming!" Jaebum shouted happily.

After sitting down, you guys said prayer, and began to eat.

"How was school Jaebum?" you asked.

"Good, BamBam and Yugyeom has invited me to go to their house..." Jaebum started.

"Jaebum, I already said that you can't go" Mark interjected.

"But how come appa?" Jaebum whined.

"Yeah why not" you asked as you took a bite from your food.

"Because I said so. And that's final" Mark said.

Jaebum slumped back into his chair, obviously frustrated with his father's decision.

"How was practice?" you asked which earned a gasp from Jaebum and a glint in his eyes that couldn't be read.

"It was great. You know what else was great?" Jaebum asked as he gave Mark the side eye as he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"What?" you asked as you put a spoonful of food in your mouth.

"I saw Jinyoung and appa together while I was at practice. Appa let uncle Jinyoung play with his hair and hug him" Jaebum said making Mark choke on his food.

"Is that right?" you asked as you glared at Mark.

"Yeah and did you know that appa and uncle Jinyoung flirted with each other. They wouldn't stop smiling at each other" Jaebum said as he shoved some food into his mouth.

"Are you sure it was your father Jaebum" you asked as you glared daggers at Mark.

"Yup. I checked and double checked. I even asked BamBam and Yugyeom if it was him and they both said that it was Dad" Jaebum said smirking at Mark "We just watched as Dad sat on the bleachers, leaning back between Uncle Jinyoung's legs, and was smiling up at him"

"Wow, seems like you had a great time" you said, directing your statement towards Mark.

"We were just catching up babe" Mark said quickly.

"May I be excused?" Jaebum ask

"Catching up? Is that right? I'll help you catch up with Jesus" you muttered.

"Did I also tell you that appa let Uncle Jinyoung kiss him on the cheek?" Jaebum blurted out making you slam your utensils down on the table "When Dad walked him to his car"

"Jaebum, on second thought, you can go on ahead and go to BamBam and Yugyeom's house" Mark said.

"Okay" Jaebum said excitedly.

"Jaebum dear, go to your room. Your father and I have some things to discuss" you said.

"But he hasn't finished his food yet" Mark pointed out "His plate is still full"

"It's okay. I'm full. Thanks Dad" Jaebum said as he got up and walked out of the kitchen, Mark glaring at his back as he walked out of sight

You glared at Mark, the moment Jaebum closed his door.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just end you?" you asked.

"Babe I swear on my love for you, that there were no feelings attached" Mark said.

"Doesn't matter, you let him touch your hair? And he even kissed you on the cheek?" you asked, your voice increasing bit by bit.

"What do I have to do in order for you not to be mad at me?" Mark asked.

You glared at him as you walked past. You walked up the stairs and grabbed a blanket and a pillow and threw it over the rail, letting it smack on the ground. Mark flinched as he heard you slam the door to your room. He heard a door open and in walked Jaebum as he asked if there was any more ice cream.

"You!" Mark exclaimed making Jaebum freeze in place.

"Dad!" Jaebum screamed as Mark chased him around the house, letting the words 'snitch', 'traitor' and 'tattletale' escape his mouth.

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