35. I'll Be Waiting: Leedo (ONEUS)

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The sound of your alarm kept blaring aloud causing you to wake up. You felt the other side of the bed to feel the the other side cold and empty. You weren't surprised. Not one bit. You slowly began to get used to it. I mean, with the constant arguing and fights that just kept getting worse and worse your husband has  decided to sleep in the guest room. You had decided that you were going to apologize first, because all though you were getting used to sleeping separately, you still missed your husband, without a doubt. You got up and began your morning routine. After dressing for work, you decided to cook you and him some breakfast. The voice in the back of your head continued to tell you to let him starve, but your heart told you otherwise. You plated the food for the both of you and started eating since you were trying to be on time for work. You heard footsteps trotting down the steps, you looked up to make eye contact with your husband.

"I made breakfast for you" you said.

He looked at you up and down, scoffed, and walked past you. To say that you weren't hurt by his action would be total bullshit, you felt the pang at your heart when he looked at you like some sort of joke. You quickly finished your food and washed your dishes, trying to go to work to avoid the awkward atmosphere.

"Okay Leedo, I'll be going to work. I love you and I'm so sorry for how last night went about" you said as you were about to hug him out of habit, but he scooted back as if he was a little kid trying to avoid the cooties.

You tried to force a smile on your face but your face was rather too quick that it showed your hurt expression.

"O-Okay, I'll be heading to work now" you said as you grabbed your keys and rushed to your car.

You pulled up to your job where you were met with your friend Ravn. You both went to the elevator where you saw people from your department just standing there.

"What's going on?" you asked Ravn.

"Beats me. I just hope we get sent home" he said.

"I wish so too. I wanna fix me and Leedo's relationship" you said.

"Another one?" Ravn asked all too familiar with your at-home life situation.

"Yes" you said in a much defeated manner.

"What did he say this time?" Ravn asked.

"He has it in his mind that the reason why I've been staying late is because I'm dating you in secret. But to be honest, you're not even my type" you said which caused Ravn to gasp offensively.

"I beg your pardon! I am everybody's ideal type" he said offensively.

"Who told you that lie. You better tell the truth and shame the devil" you said as you both ended up laughing.

"ATTENTION! ATTENTION EVERYONE!" your supervisor, Xion, began shouting to get your department to huddle closer "Okay, good news and bad news. Good news is, you're all taking the day off due to the system being down and we can't seem to fix it. Bad news is, there will be OT later down in the near future. Please go home and I'll contact you whether we work tomorrow or not"

"Yes!" Ravn exclaimed happily.

You guys began walking to your cars where Ravn instantly hopped in his car after bidding you farewell, and drove off. You couldn't help but giggle at the fact that it shows that he did not want to be at work. You hopped in your car and went to the store to buy some things in hopes of rekindling your relationship with your husband. After purchasing his favorite things you drove home where you quietly crept through the front door. You walked past the kitchen, taking notice that a takeout bag was on the table and the food that you had made for him was pushed to the side. You quietly went to the guest room that your husband was sleeping in for the time being and pushed the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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