31. Don't Go: Seonghwa (ATEEZ)

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Because it was his birthday!!
Was inspired by the BL Drama "Semantic Error"

"All right y/n. Here goes nothing" you coached yourself as you walked to the guy that everybody wanted to be in a relationship with.

Park Seonghwa. Known for his good looks, nice smile, Adonis like body, and a brain that could be compared to those with higher IQs.

You walked steadily towards him, a bouquet of roses in one hand, and a box of his favorite chocolates in the other. You called out to him, making him and his group of friends stop in their tracks, turning towards you. You felt like it took you forever to make your way to him, but when you did, the monologue that you've been practicing in your head vanished in nothing, as you were now face to face with the Park Seonghwa.

"Not again y/n. I've already told you the other few times that I don't like you like that" Seonghwa said.

"Yea but..." you started but was cut off.

"But nothing. You've already confessed your dying love for me, but I don't see you the same way" Seonghwa cut you off as he stormed away, making his friends look at you with pity.

"Come here y/n" Yeosang said as he engulfed you in a hug "Please understand him, he's going through some things"

"Thanks Yeosang" you said as you handed him the bouquet of roses and box of chocolates "You can have him"

"You wanna hang out tomorrow? It is the weekend" Yeosang insisted.

"Yeah I guess so. I'll pick you up at your place" you said as you guys separated.

The next day rather quickly, because you were on the doorstep of Yeosang's place. Knocking on the door, you waited for it to open.

"Wow long time no see! You've grown up to be quite the handsome young man. How's my sister doing?" the woman at the door exclaimed.

"Thanks Auntie. Mom is doing great. Busy as usual. How have you and Uncle been doing?" you asked as she led you inside.

"Your uncle is good, he's on a business trip at the moment with your cousin. It's just me and Yeosang at the moment. Did you want anything to eat or drink?"she offered.

"No thanks, me and Yeosang are going out for lunch" you said.

"Well I have work to finish. You know where his room is, just go on up there" she said as she strutted away into her office.

You walked up the stairs and made your way to his room. Knocking on the door, you walked into his room.

"Are you ready?" you asked.

"Just about" he said as he was tying his shoes.

He got up and looked at himself in the mirror, flattening out the small wrinkles here and there. He finished it with a satisfied smile.

"Ok let's go! You're paying right?" he asked.

"Yah! How are you gonna ask me to go out and you're not even gonna pay?" you asked as you shoved his head down.

"Hey!" he shouted as shot back up to fix his hair "It was just a question"

"I guess I'll pay. I have to tell you something as well" you said making him turn around, his face filled with curiosity.

"Good or bad?" Yeosang said.

"It depends on how you take it" you said.

"Mom! Me and y/n are heading out!" Yeosang announced.

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