5. Make Up Artist: Seonghwa (ATEEZ)

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You were waiting for the artist that would be stuck with you for the tour to come to you. You were on your phone when the seat in front of you became occupied. You looked at him, making eye contact. He smiled at you.

"Hi, you're my new make up artist" he said.

"Yup, that's me. I'm y/n" you said.

"Park Seonghwa but you can call me Seonghwa or Daddy" he mumbled the last part for only you to hear.

"Sorry, I don't date idols" you said uninterested.

"Not yet" he said.

"In your dreams lover boy" you said.

"You sure?" Seonghwa asked.

"Positive" you said.

Time past and you had finished Seonghwa's make up. He looked in the mirror, satisfied with the results. He glanced at you and gave you a wink while he walked towards the other members who were also finishing up. They went out and performed a few of their songs. One of your friends had approached you, nudging your side. Hissing in pain, you glared at them.

"Is there a reason why you were mean to Mr. Handsome over there? He likes you, why won't you give him a chance?" your friend Nari asked.

"Because I don't have any good experiences with long distance relationships" you said ending the conversation, or so you thought.

"Do you at least find him attractive?" Nari asked.

"Yes now drop it!" you demanded and they left you alone.

It was a little break and the boys came and had a touch up on their make up. Seonghwa has a smile on his face as you continued to apply the light make up to his face.

"What's the matter with you?" you asked.

"A little birdie told me that you think I'm good looking" he said and you instantly glared at Nari who avoided eye contact with you at all times "Does that mean you'll give me a chance and let me take you out this weekend?"

"In your dreams lover boy. I'm busy this weekend" you said as you examined his face to see if he needed any more touch ups.

"Well maybe sometime next week? We'll be seeing each other the next few weeks" he said.

"Yeah no. Busy next week too. Walking my dog" you said as you packed your things and left him there smiling at your back.

"We can walk you dog together" he shouted only for you to scream 'no'.

Weeks past and you have gotten closer to Seonghwa. You even went on a few dates with him. He smiled as he led you back to your apartment.

"Well this is it for now. Tomorrow I'm going back to Korea" he said which made your smile fall.

"Right" you let out a sigh.

"I love you y/n. I really do wanna try being in a long distance relationship" Seonghwa said.

You stood there frozen, not knowing how to respond. You were worried that the past will just replay itself and you would be hurt but you really loved this man. Tears welled in your eyes as you wanted to continue being his boyfriend but you were too scared to.

"I'm sorry Seonghwa but I don't know if I can ever do long distance relationships ever again. Just know that I do love you and I will forever love you" you said as you kissed his lips.

After stepping back, you looked into his eyes and couldn't read what he felt. He just stared at you.

"Well this is it" you said as you walked into your apartment.

You looked back and saw Seonghwa still staring at you, and the lone tear that slid down his face when your door closed shut. You went to your bed and cried your eyes out, knowing that the man that you love, will be gone.

Dragging your feet into the studio, you were greeted by everybody. You returned their greeting with a forced smile as you couldn't even think of anything besides Seonghwa. Your manager had recognized the people that had helped with the ATEEZ project. You guys were awarded a gift card and the brunch continued. The double doors was shot open and everything became quiet. You looked up and saw him. Park Seonghwa. He made his way to you and grabbed ahold of your hands, making you stand up.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to leave back to Korea?" you asked.

"I'm not going back unless you come with me" Seonghwa said.

"What? Are you crazy?" you asked as you heard what he had to say.

"I am. I was crazy for you when we first met and I'm still crazy for you. I won't leave unless you come with me to Korea" Seonghwa said "You said you can't do long distance relationship, well let's close the gap. You come with me to Korea"

"But Seonghwa, you can't do that to the others. You can't jeopardize the group because of me" you said.

"They agree with me. They're the ones that forced our manager to drive straight here" Seonghwa said.

You looked around and made eye contact with Nari. She mouthed the word "go" and you smiled.

"Fine" you smiled "But only if Nari goes"

"Deal, Mingi will be happy" Seonghwa said.

Seonghwa smiled as he placed his lips onto yours, wrapping his arms around your waist as you threw your arms around his neck. He dragged you out of the room with Nari following behind, and went straight to the van where people began to cheer.

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