4. Battle Of The Bands: Jaehyun (NCT)

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"Alright, you are on set in five" one of the crew members announced to you guys.

"Alright guys lets do this! Let's have a great performance and have fun!" Taeyong, the leader exclaimed causing everybody to cheer.

You grabbed your drumsticks as Jaehyun grabbed his guitar and Ten grabbing his bass. You guys marched onto the side of stage where the only thing separating you and the crowd was the curtains that led to the stage. You were bouncing on your balls of your feet when your hand was grabbed. Turning to look, you saw Doyoung smile at you.

"Breathe, it's just another performance. You'll do great as always" Doyoung said.

"Thanks DoDo" you said as you ruffled his hair.

You heard a scoff coming from in back of you, but you paid no attention. Doyoung smiled as you guys were motioned to go on stage.

"Good luck" he said as he let go of your hand and went straight to the mic stand where you went to the drum set.

They all looked at you as you hit your drumsticks together, and after the third hit, that was when the instruments came to life. Doyoung was singing while Taeyeong played on the keyboards. Doyoung made eye contact with you, smiled and continued to sing the lyrics as you mouthed the lyrics. You guys continued to sing the song to each other, until Doyoung turned around and began to sing to the crowd. It came to the final chorus and you were singing the song. However, you heard the guitar that was played by Jaehyun, it's strings echoing much louder. Everybody began cheering thinking that Jaehyun's adlibs with his guitar was part of the performance. You couldn't help but glare at him as he continued to overpower the performance with his strings. Oblivious to the tension happening on stage, the crowd began to cheer even more as Jaehyun continued to play louder and louder. The song ended and you guys got up to bow and walked off stage. After entering the room that was assigned to you and the band, you popped off.

"What's your deal Jaehyun?" you shouted.

"Yeah the whole playing louder was kinda out of line. But the crowd loved it" Taeyong said as he sat down.

"I just wanted to do it" Jaehyun said nonchalantly.

"But for what?" you asked.

"Just because" he ended his response with that.

"Because of Doyoung right?" you inquired.

"Doyoung has nothing to do with this" Jaehyun said.

"It's because you like Doyoung" you threw it out there.

"No offense to you Doyoung, but I don't like him" Jaehyun said.

"Then why risk our performance?" you shouted.

"Y/n calm down please. We're not gonna get anywhere if we pop off like this" Taeyong said.

"No Taeyong. He needs to know that he could've cost the performance" you stated.

"Didn't you hear the crowd? They loved my playing" Jaehyun said proudly.

"Doyoung, did you like his playing?" you asked.

"Again, Doyoung doesn't have anything to do with the situation" Jaehyun stated, obviously irritated at your persistency.

"Doyoung is very much relevant to the situation because you like him" you shouted.

"I don't like him! I like you!" Jaehyun shouted making everybody quiet.

You stood there shocked at his confession. He watched you stand there.

"Are you gonna say something?" he asked nervously.

"I need some air" you managed to whisper as you walked out, closing the door in back of you.

You walked out to the back door where you stood outside trying process what just happened. You heard the door open and close behind you. You looked over your shoulder and saw Jaehyun stand behind you, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"So?" he managed to let out.

The door opened again and you looked at him as he walked to you.

"There you are y/n, I was looking all over for you" Xiaojun said as he threw an arm over your shoulder.

"Oh hi Xiaojun" you managed to say.

"Oh who's this? Hi, I'm Xiaojun. I'm part of the WayV band. I'm the vocalist of the band and I'm currently courting y/n" he said as he held out his hand for Jaehyun.

Jaehyun looked at you and then at him as he reached out his hand to shake as he introduced himself. Xiaojun then excused himself and turned to you and smiled.

"Y/n, it's been almost a year since I've been courting you and each time I see you, I keep falling for you even more" he said as he grabbed ahold of your hands.

"Xiaojun, what on earth are you..." you began to ask only to be cut off by Xiaojun.

"Will you please do me the favor and make me the happiest man in the world and be my boyfriend?" he asked.

Your eyes widened, as you looked at the face that had hope filled in his eyes for you to say yes, and then there was the other pair of eyes. The one filled with hope, that you would say no to him.

"I- uh" you started to say as you kept looking at Xiaojun back to Jaehyun.

"What's the matter darling?" Xiaojun asked "Don't you love me?"

"I-I..." you managed to get out but your mind couldn't form any sentences.

"You love me right?" Jaehyun asked causing you and Xiaojjn to turn to you both.

"You love him y/n?" Xiaojun asked as he point at Jaehyun.

"I don't know" you said.

"Well baby, if you choose me, you'll be in my band. I'll treat you so good that..." Xiaojun was saying before being cut off by Jaehyun.

"We as in NCT already treats him good. In fact, he's the one that everybody protects the most from lousy good for nothing old horndogs like yourself" Jaehyun said.

"I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you, judging from the wrinkles you've got" Xiaojun stated obviously getting Jaehyun irritated even more.

"Why would y/n want a little boy when he can have a man like me" Jaehyun asked.

"Because it's guys like you who are always so horny" Xiaojun said.

"He's going to remain in my group and that's final" Jaehyun said as he grabbed your wrist.

"He's going to move to WayV" Xiaojun said as he grabbed your other wrist.

"Make him choose! It's his decision" Jaehyun said.

"Why when he's gonna obviously choose WayV?" Xiaojun said, still having a tight embrace on your wrist.

"As if! Y/n choose" Jaehyun demanded.

You looked at both of them and saw that they had the same look in their eyes. Hope. You let out a long sigh and began to respond.

"I choose..."

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