13. I Object: B.I (Former IKON)

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You sat there at the cafe, sipping the nice hot drink, that had warmed you up. Your fingers slightly getting burned from being wrapped around the cup for a while. You watched as the steam from the drink, danced it's way in the air. You looked out the window, taking in the scenery that you haven't scene in ages. From the corner of your eye, you saw the chair that was in front of you, become occupied. You turned and your eyes widened.

"Hanbin-ah?" you asked quietly.

"When did you come back?" Hanbin asked as his eyes never left you.

"Came back yesterday" you responded.

"Look y/n. Everything is my fault. If I hadn't cheated then I wouldn't have lost you..." Hanbin started.

"You're still going on about what happened years ago? I'm over it. And you should be too" you said.

"How can I be over it when I'm still in love with you?" Hanbin said "My love for you never died down. It actually became stronger seeing you today"

"Gee thanks" your response laced with sarcasm.

"Do you still love me?" he asked, hope hinted in his voice.

"I do Hanbin. I still love you..." you said but was interrupted when another guy had come to Hanbin, calling him baby.

"Baby, I was looking for you" they pouted.

"Oh I'm sorry love. I was just catching up with an old friend here. Hey y/n, this is my fiancé Yunhyeong. Babe, this is my friend y/n"

"F-Fiancé?" you asked aloud, trying to comprehend whether he meant what he said.

"Yeah, our wedding is soon. You should come, since you're a friend Hanbinnie" Yunhyeong said making you cringe at the nickname.

That was the same nickname you called him when you guys were in a relationship.  You looked at Hanbin, who was now avoiding any sort of eye contact with you.

"W-Wedding?" you asked.

"Yeah, oh here. I have an extra invitation. This is for our wedding" Yunhyeong said gleefully, as he handed you the vanilla shade envelope. You ripped the flap open and pulled out the content inside. There in all it's glory, was a picture of Hanbin and Yunhyeong kissing, with the words "You are invited to join us in celebration of the marriage of Kim Hanbin and Song Yunhyeong!" elegantly written in the center. You looked and noticed that the day of the wedding was the weekend that was approaching. You instantly looked at Hanbin and scoffed.

"Hey love. I'm gonna come out after bidding my friend farewell. Mind if you wait in the car?" Hanbin asked.

"Of course" Yunhyeong said as he turned to you, and bid farewell to you and waltzed his way out.

"You're fuckin' engaged? When were you going to tell me?" you asked.

"No but listen y/n! I love you still. I love Yunhyeong but I love you more. Please if you love me, then stop the wedding" Hanbin begged you.

"Are you listening to yourself right now? And what about Yunhyeong?" you asked.

"He can find someone better" Hanbin said.

"Then why don't you cancel the wedding?" you asked.

"Because everything is in motion" Hanbin said.

"So what? If you love me like you said you do, then you cancel your own wedding" you said.

A thick layer of awkwardness rested between you two. Hanbin had announced that he was leaving soon so he got up. In a flash, his lips were on yours, molding them together. He stepped back and smiled.

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