22. Accident (Part 2):Jun (A.C.E)

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It's been a couple months since you buried your son after the accident. Your husband, was lucky enough to get an early release due to good behavior. Since his return, he's been trying to talk to you since. Primarily begging you to forgive him for what he has caused. You sat at your son's tombstone, cleaning off little specs of dust that laid on the stone. Your tears flowing down your face as you remembered all the memories that you had with your son. The breeze rode past you, causing you to shiver. A jacket was placed on your shoulders, your eyes not even leaving the tombstone.

"Come on y/n, it's getting late" your husband said as he tried to get you to leave.

"Don't touch me" you said quietly.

He retracted his hand from your shoulder as if you were burning up. He watched as you stood up from kneeling on the grass.

"Don't touch me after what you put my baby through. You have no right to even be visiting him! You should be rotting behind bars like the criminal you are! You're a murderer! You're a monster!" you cried, this time facing Jun.

"You think I don't know that?" he instantly snapped "Ever since my release, you never failed to state that our son is gone because of me! Every chance you get, you throw a sly remark about how I killed Changmin! I already know that I'm the reason he's gone!"

"Good, at least you're well aware at the fact that you're the cause of our son's death!" you said, your tears still falling down your face.

"For fuck sakes y/n! What do you want me to do? I've apologized on multiple occasions, begged on my knees for forgiveness. Hell, I even went to fucking therapy just to make you happy!" Jun shouted as his arms flew up into the air.

"You think just because you went to a few therapy sessions is gonna make me happy? Bring my baby back, that's what's gonna make me happy! Oh wait, you can't even do that because Changmin is six feet under the soil we're stepping on right this moment!" you screamed out in frustration, spits flying out of your mouth.

"Well what do you want me to do then y/n! What should I do to make you happy again?" Jun asked as he came towards you.

"Fuckin' drop dead! It should've been you, not Changmin!" you said out of anger.

Jun's face instantly switched from agitated to hurt as he heard the words escape your mouth. Realizing what you just said, your eyes widened and your gasped at what you said.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Jun! I didn't mean it" you began to cry harder as you fell to your knees "It's just, losing our baby, made me go so crazy. Oh fuck..."

You buried your face into your hand as you cried out loud. You felt your body being embraced, a hand rubbing small circles on your back.

"Look baby. If it means to make you happy, I will go and..." Jun said.

"No please don't Jun. I need you here. I'm so sorry for saying such stupid things to you" you wrapped your arms around his body, as your face dove right into his chest.

You couldn't hold it in anymore, you began to sob into his chest as he continued to run circles on your back.

"It's just the day of the accident, after the line went dead, I didn't know what I would do if I had lost you and our son. But I didn't think of what I would do if I had lost one of you. When the officers told me that you failed the sobriety test on multiple occasions, all I could think about was that it should've been you under that tarp and not my baby" you cried.

"I know baby. I was thinking the same thing. It should've been me lying in the ground lifeless," Jun said as he hesitantly brought you into a tight hug.

You couldn't help but cry out. The emotional pain that you've endured from losing your son, finally being let go.

"Hey look at me" Jun demanded as he held your face in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumbs "I love you and I'm sorry for the pain that I caused this family. I understand if you wanna get a divorce..."

"Who said anything about divorce?" you shot your head up tears still flowing down your cheeks "I know what I said was too much and I'm sorry Jun, I really am. But please Jun, please don't leave me"

"I'm not going anywhere baby" Jun said as he lifted your head up by your chin and gently kissed you.

You guys separated, with you still in his arms, looking at your son's gravestone.

"Changmin-ah, watch over appa and I, okay buddy. I love and miss you so much. I'm so sorry baby. I can't bring myself to accept the fact that you're gone because of my stupidity. I'm so sorry baby. I hope that you forgive me" Jun said as tears began to flow down his face.

"My little Minnie. We're about to go now. Please, like daddy said, watch over me and him. And also watch over your little sibling that'll be in this world soon. I love and miss you baby, every single day that passes by" you said as you blew kisses at his grave stone.

You pulled Jun away from his tombstone and towards his car, not letting go if his right grasp on your hands.

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