25. Failure: Taehyung (BTS)

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Warning: Mentions of Death

"Please Dr. Kim, all I want is for you to operate on me" Jimin said.

"I don't know Jimin, I don't want to be the reason why you don't wake up" you said on the verge of tears.

"I'll be happy either way. I'll be happy to see you if I do get the chance to wake up and if I don't, I'll be happy that I'm not suffering anymore" Jimin said "Just try, that's all I'm asking"

"But Jimin, this surgery is a make it or break it. I'm not gonna be able to forgive myself if you don't make it" you said as your tears finally fell.

"Y/n listen. I've been in pain for so long that I would rather die on the table than wake up and be in more pain. Please think about it. I'm only gonna get the operation, only if you agree to operate on me" Jimin said.

"Alright, I'll think about it Jimin. But I have to go, I have other patients to check on" you said.

After checking on other patients and pondering about your decision, you had finally came to a decision. You walked to one of the front desks and asked to see the schedules for the Operating Room.

"The earliest time is actually tomorrow at 7pm, did you want to take it?" Jungkook asked.

"Please, for patient Park Jimin" you said.

"Alrighty, you have the Operating Room at 7pm for Park Jimin" Jungkook said as he typed in the required information.

"Thanks Kookie" you smiled as you walked to Jimin's room.

You knocked on it before entering and was met with Jimin, staring outside the window.

"I already took my meds. Don't worry" he mumbled quietly as a sigh escaped his lips.

"Your surgery is tomorrow" you said.

He turned around and he smiled. You couldn't help but feel happy from the way he became so excited.

"Thank you so much y/n" Jimin said.

"Any time, it's at 7pm" you said making him nod "Alright my friend. I'll be heading out for the night. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Okay y/n. Have good night and a safe drive home" he said.

You walked out of the room and went home. After pulling up to your drive way, you placed your head on the steering wheel.

"Everything is gonna be okay y/n. Everything is gonna be okay" you said to yourself "You're gonna go in that operating room and you're gonna help Jimin"

While giving yourself the pep talk, you were interrupted by someone was knocking on the window, causing you to jump. You looked and saw your husband smiling his rectangular smile at you.

"You okay in there. You've been talking to yourself for the past five minutes" he said.

You opened the door to your car and was immediately engulfed in a hug.

"What's the matter my love?" Taehyung asked.

"I have a big surgery tomorrow and I'm worried that it's not gonna go well" you said.

"Look here baby boy. I've seen you do things that are much more complex than the surgeries. I've watched you do miracles. I know you can do this" he said.

"But Tae, the past two surgeries I've been in, the patients has died. That's two people that I could've saved but wasn't able to" you said as tears welled in your eyes.

"Hey look at me. You got this alright" he said reassuringly.

You looked at him, doubt clouding your train of thought.

"Stop it babe. You can save this kid's life. Stop doubting yourself because of the past two surgeries" Taehyun said.

"It's just..." you started but was cut off.

"Enough y/n. Now you're gonna go in that room tomorrow and save that kids life. You can do it bubz" he said as he kissed the top of your head.

It was the next day and the more time past, the more anxious you became. You  went in and began talking to Jimin about his surgery.

"Y/n, I want you to do me a favor" Jimin stopped you from continuing your speech.

"What is it Jimin?" you asked.

"Promise me that if I die on that table, don't try to save me" he said.

"Jimin, I'm not gonna let you die" you said "Now get ready, they're gonna take you in and prep you for the operation"

As they wheeled him out, you heard him whisper something, as he looked at you, which you caught.

Hours past and you walked out with a smile on your face. You looked and saw a couple walking towards you.

"Hi, we're Jimin's parents" they introduced themselves.

"Ah hello Mr. and Mrs. Park" you said.

"How did my baby's surgery go? Is he okay?" she asked as she tugged on your sleeve, pleading for you to tell her what she wanted to hear "Please tell me everything went well"

"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Park, but we did the best we could. I'll lead the way for you guys to see him" you said making his Mom fall to the ground as she let out a loud shriek.

You reached out to her as her loud cries echoed the place. You squeezed her arm reassuringly as she was helped up by her husband.

"Thank you Doctor" Mr. Park said as he was comforting his wife.

"Jimin also told me while we was getting transported to the operation room, that he wants you guys to know that he's much better. No more suffering and no more pain" you relayed his last words.

You had escorted them to where Jimin's lifeless body was lying in the cold table. You told them that they can take all the time they need to grieve for his lost. You stepped out and began to walk aimlessly until you bumped into a chest. You looked and saw Taehyung.

"So how'd it go?" he asked as he smiled at you "I also bought you some lunch to..."

You dove into his chest and burst into tears, your face in his chest as your arms wrapped around his lower back. You couldn't contain your emotions and let everything out. All the guilt you felt for not being able to save him, the grief of Jimin dying, the shame of knowing that he died in your care. And then the anger, as to Jimin not wanting to be saved.

"Baby?" Taehyung asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist as his other hand went and began to pet your head "Shhh it's okay baby. It's okay"

"He's gone Tae. I couldn't save him" you bawled your eyes out.

"Woah there. Slow down, what happened?" Taehyung asked.

"Baby, Jimin is dead. I failed again, I wasn't able to save him" you cried.

"Baby, it's okay. You did your best to save him right?" he asked making you nod your head "And that's all that matters. Besides, I'm pretty sure Jimin is smiling at you for trying"

"That's not the point Tae. Jimin is gone, he went flat lined during the operation. And I stood there in shock as blood began to squirt everywhere! He died in my hands" you sobbed "I'm a complete failure"

"But you're not baby. Stop putting yourself down" Taehyung said.

"How can I not. The kid died in my care" you said as you rubbed your eyes.

"Look at me y/n. You're not a failure, stop thinking like that. Now we're gonna go sit in the cafeteria and eat this food I made you while I compliment you on how awesome of a doctor you are"

He grabbed your hand and escorted you to the cafeteria where he would say nice things to you after every bite you took.

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