20. Small Details: Soobin (TXT)

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"SOOKAI! SOOKAI!" you heard the fans screams erupt through the room.

You looked and saw your boyfriend hugging with the baby of the group Huening Kai. You couldn't help but feel a sharp pain in your chest as you watched as they hugged and smiled at each other and at the fans. You looked away, not wanting to feel the pang in your chest but you couldn't help but look because the fan's screams grew even louder. You turned and saw Kai on Soobin's back as they both smiled. You felt someone begin to rub your back and turned to see Yeonjun.

"You can't keep bottling this up. Tell him how you feel about how close he is with Kai" Yeonjun said.

"I don't want them to feel like they're not able to be close because of my insecurities" you said.

"But still y/n" Yeonjun said as the fan meet was about to finish up.

You guys went inside the van, you sat in the back row with the intentions of sitting with your boyfriend. But when he hopped in, Kai immediately grabbed him to sit next to him. You saw how Kai would lean his head on Soobin's shoulder as they began giggling to themself. You couldn't watch them any longer so you decided to switch your focus to the view. You guys got to the company building where you guys would practice for your comeback. You watched as Kai and Soobin walked hand in hand with Soobin, ruffling Kai's hair as they laughed to themselves.

"You okay?" Yeonjun asked making you turn towards him.

"I'm just thinking about his happiness. Maybe he'll be happier with Kai than me" you said.

"That's it, you're going to say something. If you don't I will. You've been bottling this up for far too long" Yeonjun said as he grabbed your wrist and walked into the building with you.

You guys had arrived at home where Yeonjun nudged the side of you. You turned to him as he nodded his head towards Soobin. You let out a sigh as you nodded your head.

"Hey Kai, you wanna help me make some smoothies for the group" Yeonjun said.

"Sure" Kai exclaimed as he went in the kitchen.

Yeonjun went to Soobin and whispered something to him. After whispering into Soobin's ear, Soobin immediately looked at you. You watched as Yeonjun went into the kitchen as Soobin walked to you, grabbing your hand.

"You wanted to talk to me?" he asked worriedly.

You didn't want to make any form of eye contact, so you kept looking at the ground as you nodded your head. He lead you to your shared room, sitting on the bed that you guys shared. He patted the spot next to him, you hesitated but sat down.

"Okay so what's up baby" he asked as you still haven't looked up at him.

"Soobin? What is Kai to you?" you asked.

"Why are you asking about Kai?" Soobin asked.

"Just answer my question Soobin" you said.

"He's a friend" he responded.

"Do you still love me?" you finally asked the question that's been racing through your mind.

"Is that a serious question?" Soobin asked.

"I'm being serious Soobin" you said in a stern manner.

"Of course I still love you. I have never stopped loving you baby. There is never a time of day that my love for you has dwindled. Why are you asking me this?" Soobin asked the question this time.

"It's just..." you said as you fiddled with your fingers.

"Look at me baby" Soobin said as he grabbed ahold of your hands "And stop messing with your fingers"

You finally looked at him and you saw that his eyes were filled with concern.

"I love you so much that I even know the small details about you. Okay? I know when you're nervous, you tend to fiddle with your fingers a lot. I know when you're sick, you wear shades. I know when you're eating, you let out a little squeal of delight when the food is so good and do a little shimmy. I even know that when you're mad at me, you change my contact name from 'Babe❤️' to 'That Thing🖕🏽' which by the way, we need to talk about" he said making you giggle "Now please tell me what's going on through that adorable little head of yours"

"It's just, I've been having second thoughts about us being together because you're always flirting with Huening Kai in front of me" you said "I mean, I totally understand if you left me for him. He's charming, talented, adorable, and he's..."

"He's not you" Soobin cut you off.

You sat there after hearing him cut you off, tears threatened to flow down your face.

"Baby look at me. I don't want to be with anybody except you. You got that?" he asked you.

You nodded your head in response as your tears finally began to fall.

"When I asked you to be my boyfriend, I'm asking with the intent to marry you and have kids with you" Soobin said "How long have you been feeling like this? And why haven't you said anything to me?"

"I've felt like this for a couple months now. And I've been telling Yeonjun" you said.

"So you tell Yeonjun and not me?" Soobin asked trying to understand.

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to stop being close with Kai. I want you to still interact with him... Honestly, I think I just blew this out of proportion. It's stupid" you said.

"It's not stupid to express yourself. I know that when you want to say something but don't know how because you puff out you cheeks and make this pout and scrunch your eye brows together. And I've noticed that you were like this for awhile now"

You felt Soobin wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. He began to pat your back and kiss the side of your head as he told you to start coming to him instead of Yeonjun.

"I love you y/n. You got that?" he asked.

"Yes I got that" you said giggling.

"Good now let's get some rest. Tomorrow is just you and me" Soobin said bring you closer to his body, with you nuzzling into his side.

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