9. Bet: Chan (STRAY KIDS)

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You and your best friend was going back and forth about your boyfriend Christian.

"You've never had a liking towards Christian! Ever since I introduced you guys, it's been nothing but glares  and rude side remarks" you said.

"It's because I don't trust him!" Chan shouted.

"Yeah y/n. There's something off about Christian" Felix added.

"I totally agree" Rose interjected.

"Why can't you guys just be happy for me and Christian?" you asked and it got quiet.

"Because there's something about Christian that none of us like. We are worried about you y/n" Chan said.

"Worried for what?" you asked.

"That you might get hurt" Felix said.

"You know what, I can't take it any more. I'm gonna go" you said as you gathered up all your belongings and made your way to the door.

You bumped into Hanbyul, who had just arrived with the foods. He watched you walk out as you mumbled under your breath. You drove straight to Christian's place where you burst through the door.

"Hey babe" he called out to you.

You went straight and gave him a hug. You inhaled his scent that made you calm down a bit.

"What's the matter babe?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around your body.

"They just won't give you a chance" you said.

"They never really liked me huh?" he asked a bit amused.

"I'm sorry baby. It's just they're worried because this is my very first relationship" you said.

"They have nothing to worry about. If they don't like me, at least we know I always have you" Christian said.

You couldn't help but smile as you pecked his lips. He stood up with you still in his arms and proposed that you guys would go out in a date. You agreed with his idea and left his house. You guys were are and walked around the park til the colors of day and night met in the middle of the sky. The night breeze ran past you, causing you to shiver, which had caught Christian's attention.

"Are you cold baby boy?" he asked.

"Just a little bit, but I'm okay" you said as you noticed him taking off his jacket.

You placed your hand on top of his as he tried to drape the jacket over your shoulders. You continued to argue until he finally succeeded. He zipped up the jacket and placed a peck on your forehead.

"Are you gonna be okay?" you asked.

"I have you by my side. I'm good" he said as he grabbed your hand in his and continued to walk.

After some time, you both decided that it was time to start heading back home. Christian walked you all the way to your house. You began to take off his jacket until he told you to keep it.

"But what if you get cold?" you asked.

"I'll be fine baby" he said as he grabbed your hand and laid his lips on them "Now hurry and go inside"

"Kay. I love you babe" you said making your way inside the house.

"I love you too" he said "You work tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately" you said ending your statement with an eye roll.

Christian couldn't help but laugh as he made his way to the sidewalk. You stood there and watched as he walked out of sight. It was the next day and you had walked into work, only to be met with chaos. A line out the door and your coworkers frantically running back and forth. You rushed and put on an apron and began helping whoever needed help the most. Which so happened to be Chan.

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