14. Staying With Me: Kevin (THE BOYZ)

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You walked your boyfriend to his entertainment, hugging him and then kissing him on the lips.

"Bye babe" Kevin said.

"Call me when you're done. I'll make my way to you" you said.

"I will. I love you!" Kevin screamed as he walked through the doors.

You turned around and walked to the corner so you were out of sight. You grabbed a cigarette from your pocket, sparked it, and grabbed your phone. You called the number and waited for it to ring.

"He's at work. Where do you wanna meet at?" you asked.

"Come to the park where you guys met. Don't make me wait either" they said hung up.

You blew out the smoke that you inhaled from the cigarette before throwing it to the ground, walking to the park. You arrived at the park and saw a black car pull up. The passenger door opened and out walked the man that has contacted you. You watched as he walked towards you with another guy following behind.

"Ah y/n. It's been awhile. How are you and Kevin?" he asked.

"We're doing great. Why did you want to meet?" you asked.

The guy held out his hand, and the guy from behind stepped forward with a folder. He opened the folder and smirked.

"Y/n, I think it's best if you stop seeing my son" he said.

"What? Why?" you asked quickly.

"I hired a private investigator and I found out that you are a convict. Let alone, an escape convict. How would that effect the company's image if they find out that my son is in gay relationship with a convict? How would that effect Kevin as an idol!" he asked.

"So what? Just break up with your son?" you asked.

"No. Just leave. Leave and don't leave any trace of you behind" the older man said.

"No I can't do that to him. I love him too much" you said.

"So let me get this straight. You would rather stay in a relationship with Kevin and ruin his chance at being an idol, then leave and save us all the embarrassment" the older man said.

"Yes" you said.

"Did you think about how the press and the public would feel about your past? How would Kevin feel if he found out about you being a criminal?" the older man asked, a smirk sitting on his face.

"He can't find out!" you shouted.

"Oh so Kevin doesn't know? How interesting. You know, you should also tell Kevin how you have a kid back in the states as well that you've abandoned" he said causing for you to shoot your head up "Judging from that response, he doesn't know about that either. Or how about your addiction to..."

"Fine! But I leave on one condition. I leave when Kevin is sleeping. I pick him up from work and I take him home. Let me love him this one last time" you said.

"Fine. Here, you'll be needing this" the older man said as he threw an envelope towards you.

Opening it, a scoffed had escaped through your lips.

"Unbelievable" you muttered.

"That is some extra cash and your plane ticket. I was nice enough to send you somewhere else then the states. Remember, you have til tonight to leave"

"Can I ask you something?" you asked only to receive a nod "From the start, you never liked me. Why is that?"

"My son deserves better. He shouldn't be with some dog that's infected with fleas. It'll be bad for his image. In plus, you have no money. You're not on top of the chain with us. You're below the bottom" he said making you scoff.

"Don't you care about your son's happiness!" you asked.

"Are you saying that my son is happy with you?" he asked.

"Yes he is" you stated firmly.

"That's all bull crap. He can't be happy with you" he said.

"Why not?" a new voice asked making you both turn.

"K-Kevin? Son, what are you doing here?" Kevin's dad asked.

"I came to take my boyfriend home. He's not leaving and that's final" Kevin said as he waltzed his way to you, grabbing your hand.

"But Kevin son. What about your career? He's going to ruin your career as an idol" he said.

"My career is already tainted because I'm in a relationship with man that makes me happy" Kevin said as he looked at you.

"I don't approve of this. If you want to be with this convict, then you aren't my son" Kevin's dad shouted.

"That's fine. He was more of a Daddy than you are" Kevin said as he began to walk away from his father, with you following behind.

"Yah Moon Hyungseo!" his father screamed at the top of his lungs "If you keep walking, than you're no longer my son!"

"Bye bye" Kevin said as he continued walking with you trotting behind.

"Babe..." you started.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to meet my Dad?" you asked.

"Well he threatened to take you away from me" you said.

"Haha with what power? He's not the successful one out of the relationship. My mom is and she likes you" Kevin said "Now let's go get something to eat. I'm starving"

"I like that" you smiled.

"And then we can go back to the apartment because you're not going anywhere. You're with me for life" Kevin said.

"I don't see any problem with that" you said as you pecked his lips.

"Good because I didn't want to drug you, put you in a box, and ship your ass back to the states where the police will be waiting for you" Kevin said making your smile disappear "I'm kidding"

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