𝙁𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙞𝙩

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"Fuck" Minho grumbled as he sat the last box down in his and Jisung's room. "I didn't realize how much shit I had" he said to himself as he looked around at the 40 boxes scattered all over the giant master bedroom. Of course some of those boxes were Jisung's, not a lot of them, maybe like three and the rest were all Minho.

He could hear Felix laughing loudly downstairs, Jisung entertaining the younger while the others loaded boxes into their new house or should we say mini mansion. There was seven rooms, more than the group needed but the house was beautiful and 3racha couldn't say no to having their own studio.

Felix got his cast off a few weeks back so Minho could hear his little feet pattering across the floor as he ran away from Jisung who was stomping loudly. Minho rolled his eyes and went downstairs.

Felix made a beeline for him crashing right into him sending Minho falling backwards. "Ow" Minho groaned as he shook his head "Lee Felix!" Chan yelled scaring the other young boy.

"Sorry channie!" Felix Said quickly as he kneeled down to press a kiss to Minho's cheek "sorry Minnie" he whispered before running in the opposite direction- outside into the giant backyard. He knew if he stayed inside Chan would yell at him for running inside, so he quickly shut the back door, giggling to himself like he just got away with the biggest crime.

"You okay babe?" Jisung asked as he leant Minho a hand and helped him stand up. "I'm fine" he groaned as he dusted the back of his jeans off "just help me unpack" he said before stomping back upstairs and into their shared room.

When Minho told his parents he was moving out it didn't go over to well at first. Especially when he said Junhee was coming with him. His dad was furious, but the ceo of the Lee company stood his ground, basically declaring that he was his own man now.

His father couldn't argue with that and let his son pack his things. What he didn't know was about his special roommate Jisung, or Jisung's brothers for that matter. It's not like his dad would visit him anyway so why does it matter?

Minho got to work on unpacking his bed sheets and pillows, he wanted to at least make the king sized bed so they would have a place to sleep tonight regardless if they unpack or not. The first thing Minho and Jisung did was order everyone a brand new bed, also giving Changbin and Felix a queen, a level up from Changbin's beat up twin mattress they used to squeeze on every night.

Jisung sighed as he sat on the floor "I'm ordering pizza all we've been doing is loading boxes and unpacking" he said as he scrolled through the food app on his phone. Minho scoffed loudly while shooting a glare at Jisung "you mean all Chan, Changbin, Jun and I did was unpack" he said as he started making the bed with his pretty black silk sheets.

"Hey I kept Felix occupied" Jisung argued back "if you're ordering pizza I want wings" Minho declared as he focused back on what he was doing "hey it's my day off I don't serve you" Jisung grumbled which made Minho drop the pillow he was holding

"Dammit that's it!" Minho said while playfully tackling Jisung. The younger screeched loudly as Minho started tickling his sides "Min Stop!" Jisung yelled in between giggles. Minho stopped but still pinned Jisung to the ground. Jisung swallowed roughly as he took in the position he was in. Minho was looking at him hungrily and Jisung was ready to give in.

"Min" he whispered but got no reply, instead Minho stared at his lips making Jisung even more turned on. "Min" Jisung mumbled again as Minho just stared at him. "You're so pretty" Minho whispered as he finally leaned down to connect his lips with Jisung's.

"Mm" Jisung hummed as he kissed Minho back. "Hey Felix is hungr- what the fuck guys". Chan grumbled as he looked at the pair making out on the floor. Jisung groaned loudly at his brother interrupting them.

"Dammit Chan" he grumbled as he shot a glare at the oldest of his brothers. Chan only shrugged and shook his head "no fucking" he declared. He turned to walk away but Jisung wouldn't allow him to leave without one last blow "don't be jealous because your mans is taken" Jisung said which made Chan ball his fist up in jealously and anger

"Shut up Ji and get some food for Felix" he said before walking away. Minho looked at Jisung with wide eyes, never hearing him talk to Chan that way. "What the hell Jisung" Minho said as he pushed himself off the younger's body.

Jisung felt bad immediately after saying that to Chan, so he stood up following his brother out of the room. "Chan I'm sorry" Jisung apologized when he found Chan in their studio setting up new equipment Jisung bought.

Chan only shook his head "you should tell him" Jisung whispered as he leaned against the door frame "yea right. He has a boyfriend" Chan said "just go to him and confess. You never know, maybe it'll help you move on" Jisung advised before walking away.

Chan stopped what he was doing and thought hard for a few minutes "fuck it!" He said before rushing out of the studio and out the house.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now