𝙁𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙜 𝙗𝙤𝙮

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"Happy birthday to you!" Minho cheered as he presented the cake to an excited Felix who had a cute little party hat on his head. Felix giggled loudly as he looked around at his brothers and Minho who also had party hats on and sang loudly.

Changbin had taken Felix out so the boys could decorate the apartment to surprise Felix. There were banners and balloons, so much for Felix to look at and be amazed by. "Blow out your candles baby!" Changbin cheered as Minho sat the cake on the table in front of Felix.

The youngest smiled and carefully blew out his candles while giggling and clapping loudly "cake Binnie!" Felix cheered which made all the boys smile at him. Jisung was quick to cut the cake up knowing Felix was super excited to have one. He served Felix the first piece and everyone watched as he messily stuffed his mouth full of cake

"Careful Baby you might choke" Changbin said, but couldn't help but admire the younger, Even with cheeks full of cake and smeared frosting on his cheeks. Changbin just loved Felix more than anything. The small boy was the light of his life and he wished he knew that.

Jisung cut cake for everybody else and they all ate their respective cake while wishing Felix a happy birthday. The younger was so happy, the happiest Chan had ever seen him. When cake was finished it was time for presents. Changbin managed to steal a few things for Felix as did Chan and Jisung, but Minho bought the boy many gifts. So many gifts that Junhee had to help carry them through the junkyard and hope they didn't get jumped.

They all sat in the middle of the living room, the beat up coffe table and couch pushed all the way to the back of the room so they could all sit around Felix. Junhee sat on the couch quietly watching the boys, a little excited himself.

Felix couldn't stop smiling and giggling especially when Changbin handed him his first present. "This is from Binnie" Changbin said with a proud smile as he handed the (horribly) wrapped present to Felix. Felix excitedly ripped the newspaper wrapping off and yelled happily when he saw a pink fluffy blanket.

"Blankie!" He yelled as he softly rubbed the fluffy material on his cheek "soft Binnie" he giggled as Changbin took the blanket from Felix to set it aside. "I knew you'd like that" Changbin said as he handed Felix another one of his presents.

Felix giggled happily as he unwrapped a thing of new markers "dammit Changbin" Minho groaned as he passed Felix one of his presents which so happened to also be a pack of brand new markers. Junhee shook his head but Felix, Felix squealed in happiness as he saw his brand new pack of markers. Two?! He had two brand new packs markers now.

He just imagined all the coloring he could do with all his new markers. The gifts went on and on for a solid 15 minutes. Felix getting new stuffies from Chan, new coloring books from Jisung, play dough, new jammies, clothes and snacks, from Minho and the most exciting thing of all a pink kids tablet for Felix to play with.

Felix was so happy as he sat in Changbin's lap. He clung to the older boy with a smile on his face. Changbin had his arms wrapped around Felix, holding the younger close to his body. "So you're finally 16 Felix" Jisung stated as he reached over to ruffle the younger's hair. Felix giggled and pushed Jisung's hands away.

"Fe big boy" he said as he looked at Changbin for confirmation. Changbin smiled and nodded his head, "we know baby" he said as he leaned down to kiss at Felix's cheeks. The youngest giggled and blushed profusely at the action. Lately no matter what Changbin does Felix seems to be blushing. Which is a contrast to before when he would just smile at the older.

Jisung took that as some kind of mental growth, making him a little more excited to see if Felix will understand being Changbin's boyfriend. "Felix do you understand what a boyfriend is?" Jisung asked, making Changbin and Chan confused with the question, but nevertheless Felix nodded. He had been around enough couples to be able to grasp the idea of what it means, well to some extent.

"Do you want a boyfriend?" Jisung asked making Changbin frown at him. Felix nodded eagerly while chanting Changbin's name. Changbin caught on and started blushing "wait what?" Changbin asked as he looked at Felix with wide eyes "boyfriend" Felix said with a pout "I don't think you're ready for that" Changbin said as he pushed Felix off his lap.

Chan sat silently, if Felix understood and wanted Changbin he wouldn't say anything. Of course the young boy had a lot to learn like almost all 16 year olds who started their first relationship (maybe a little more), but Chan believed Felix was old enough and knew Changbin would never do anything to harm him. After all they were only two years apart now.

"I'm ready!" Felix argued taking everyone by surprise, even Junhee who had never heard the other boy speak in first person before. Neither had Minho. It was a rare occurrence and only happened when Felix was being super serious which meant right now, he knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Felix" Changbin warned but the younger didn't back down "fine! Will you be my boyfriend?" Changbin asked which had Felix giggling and blushing like crazy "yes Binnie!" Felix said happily as he jumped into Changbin's lap to hug him.

Changbin couldn't help but smile as he left a soft kiss on Felix's cheek. Chan also couldn't help but smile now that the two boys were finally together. Jisung and Minho cheered them on as Felix blushed at all the commotion.

"Alright alright let's get this party started!" Minho said as he finally calmed down. He pulled out his phone and connected it to the Bluetooth speaker he brought along with him.

"Let's dance Lix!" Jisung said as he helped Felix stand up from Changbin's lap. Minho blasted his 'hype me up' playlist, while making all the others in the room join Felix and Jisung, who were dancing in a funny way.

The little family spent the rest of the day eating cake, pizza, sodas, and snacks while dancing, laughing and having a good time. Junhee even joined in dancing with Felix and pulling silly faces at the now 16 year old. It was a night to remember for Felix.

San- let's pretend it's Felix's birthday. Happy birthday Felix lol.

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