𝑺𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒖𝒕

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I'm going to sneak out tonight!


I'm so ready to experience life

You won't regret it

Minho tossed his phone to the side of the bed and smirked softly to himself. He was finally going to do what he's been planning for months. Maybe Jeongin was a bad influence on Minho, but god he couldn't care less. All Jeongin ever did was convince Minho to take control of his life, his first step was getting a secret cellphone his parents had no clue about so they couldn't monitor his texts and calls.

The second step was to sneak out and he was so ready to do it. He was so lucky his bank account was his own. That's the only thing the boy had control of, how and where he gets to spend his money. It's usually only online since he's really not allowed to leave the house by himself, but he's bought himself some cute outfits and he couldn't wait to finally wear them.

He ran to his closet, pulling the doors open excitedly. "I can't wait!" He whispered as he walked into the large closet. He dug around in the corner of his closet which had random stuffed animals and things piled up. Things his parents would bother to move around and look at. He pulled out the bag of hidden clothes and smiled in victory.

"Yes!" He whispered-yelled as he ran back into his room. He dumped the contents inside the bag out on his bed. Different types of pants and shirts laid out in front of him. He decided to go with the black ripped jeans "this is casual right?" He asked out loud to no one as he wiggled into the skin tight jeans.

The jeans were unbelievably tight, but they made his thighs look amazing. The rips on his thighs and knees showed off his pretty tan skin perfectly "wow" he whispered as he looked into the mirror. He was so used to wearing suits and nice flashy clothes that showed off how rich and important his parents were, but this, this was a whole new thing.

Minho's heart raced in his chest as he slipped on a plain black shirt then threw a red flannel on over it. "Mom would kill me" he squealed to himself. He tried to keep his voice down, but the excitement of what he was doing was bubbling up quickly and he was 10 seconds away from jumping around out of excitement. He took a few deep breathes to calm his excitement and nerves before grabbing his phone and a black hoodie.

"I got this" he whispered to himself as he quietly slipped out of his room. Everyone in the house should be asleep at this time, even the maids. He thanked god for the expensive floors in the house that didn't creak when he stepped on them, as he made his way down the stairs.

Minho tip-toed to the backdoor before quietly yanking the sliding glass door open. As soon as the door shut behind him, he ran, he ran as fast as he could towards the back gate. "Oh my god. I'm really doing this" he mumbled as he unlatched the lock. Finally, He was free and all he could do was run down the street laughing and screaming happily.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now