𝙐𝙣𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚

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"You're so pretty" Seungmin mumbled as he ran a hand through Jeongin's hair. Minho and Jisung snickered quietly "you're drunk Seungmin" Jeongin whispered as he pulled the hand that was in his hair away from his head "so" Seungmin argued as he wrapped his arms around Jeongin's shoulders.

"You're so pretty" Jisung teased as he ruffled Minho's hair "I know I am" Minho answered back with a smirk. The two giggled between themselves as Seungmin crawled into Jeongin's lap "Innie" he whined with a pout.

"Yes baby" Jeongin answered as he took a sip of his drink- taking it slow since seungmin was pounding drinks down trying to be a "bad boy". The older said nothing only pulled on Jeongin's shirt a little "oh hell no" Chan said as he all but practically lifted Seungmin off on Jeongin's lap and set him down on the floor.

"Not happening. I'll let you get drunk under my roof but that is not happening" he said as he scolded a pouting Seungmin and shocked Jeongin. Minho giggled quietly to himself thinking back to the time he almost let Jisung fuck him on the couch they were currently sitting on.

Almost as if Jisung could read Minho's mind, the younger sent a smirk and a wink in Minho's direction causing the older to blush. "Shots!" Jisung announced while getting up to get some soju. He took his shot first, well more of a mouthful of soju and passed the bottle down to Minho, who wanted to top Jisung's shot. The older took two mouthfuls and hissed at the horrible taste.

"Come on Jeongin" Minho said as he passed the bottle to the other boy "okay okay!" Jeongin agreed as he took a small gulp from the bottle "my turn!" Seungmin said enthusiastically as he snatched the bottle from Jeongin, taking a big gulp of the clear liquid.

"Ew!" He groaned as he coughed a little. Chan shook his head and mumbled to himself under his breath about getting Seungmin some food to soak up the alcohol in his system "here here! Get us pizza" Minho said as he threw some cash in Chan's direction "thanks channie! You're the best!" Jisung said as he sat down next to Minho again.

Chan scoffed quietly and picked up the cash from the floor. He wasn't going to go out originally not wanting to leave four drunk idiots on their own, he was just going to scrounge up some snacks in the kitchen.

"Pizza?!" Seungmin gasped as he looked over at Chan with big eyes "I've never had pizza!" He said excitedly as he took another shot of soju. "Neither have I!" Minho said equally as excited and how could Chan deny the two boys the simplest and yummiest pleasure in the world? Plus it was Felix's favorite and they never got to have it often.

"Fine! I'll be back don't do anything stupid and Jisung don't forget Felix is sleeping and Changbin still isn't back" Chan informed as he slipped his shoes on. "Felix will be fine" Jisung dismissed as he took the bottle from Seungmin who already took another four shots.

"Minho this is $200" Chan said as he looked at the money in his hands "get some chicken too! And just keep the rest I don't care" Minho mumbled as he sipped his drink. Chan wanted to protest, but what was the point in arguing with a tipsy rich man?

"Just drink responsibly. I'll be back" Chan sighed as he left the apartment. "Now that our babysitter is gone, let's play truth or truth" Jisung whispered "truth or truth? Don't you mean truth or dare?" Jeongin asked but Jisung shook his head

"The dares are always stupid. We ask a question, get the truth, if we don't think the answer is good enough you take three shots or if you refuse to answer" Jisung explained as he passed the bottle of soju back to Minho who was ready for his next shot.

"Sounds easy" Minho declared before guzzling down some soju. "Seungmin is first" Minho mumbled as he pointed to the boy who was still on the floor. "Do you love Jeongin?" Minho asked immediately starting the game off hard.

Seungmin froze and stared at the ground, his drunk brain taking in the severity of the question. "Um I like the way he smells" he answered with a smile. "Not good enough!" Jisung announced as he passed the bottle to Seungmin "three shots kid" he said with a smirk.

"What does that even mean?" Jeongin questioned as he looked at Seungmin who was taking his shots. The boy only shrugged while he finished off his shots. "Minho's turn" Seungmin slurred "are you a virgin?" He asked with a giggle.

Minho blushed but shook his head "no I'm not" he answered while glancing over at Jisung "ew gross!" Jeongin groaned as he stared at the two boys. They just giggled quietly while sipping their drinks "Jisung's turn" Seungmin said

"Uno reverse. Do you love Minho?" Jeongin asked with a smirk. Jisung stopped his laughing to give Jeongin a 'dear god please don't' look but the younger only smiled evilly. Jisung was drunk, but not drunk enough to say something stupid "Falling in love takes time, but I do care for him and hopefully soon that'll turn into love" he whispered as he looked at Minho with sparkling eyes.

Minho blushed and turned away from Jisung to look at the wall "he's blushing!" Seungmin yelled "shut up and drink bitch!" Minho yelled back and before they knew it the game they were playing was long forgotten after Minho put music on his phone and blasted it through the small apartment.

Minho started the dancing off, doing some random dance routine he learned at dance class- impressing a drunk Jisung. He can dance that good while drunk? Jisung's mind was blown. Seungmin was second to join actually having some sort of rhythm, he wasn't as good as Minho, but he was busting out some moves that had the two drunk boys on the couch impressed.

By the time Chan stumbled back into the apartment Jisung and Minho were dancing on the wooden coffee table while Seungmin and Jeongin cheered them on. Felix stood on the couch jumping around happily- he had woken up at some point ready to party with the boys.

"What the heck!" Chan yelled as he set the food down on the floor "Lee Felix! You know better" he scolded which had Felix immediately scrambling off the couch "I-I sorry" he mumbled sadly

"Just cause Minnie and sungie are being bad doesn't mean you get to be bad" Chan continued to scold while Minho and Jisung glared at the older man for killing their fun. "Get off that table now, everyone sit down on the floor and get ready to eat" Chan groaned as he picked the food up and pushed Jisung off the table who fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Jisung!" Minho gasped as he stumbled off the table and went to Jisung's side. The younger laid face down on the floor laughing as hard as he possibly could. Jeongin and Seungmin were cracking up while Minho was concerned for his boyfriend's face.

"I got pizza and chicken for you drunk kids" Chan said as he laid the food out "pizza?!" Jisung yelled as he quickly picked himself up off the floor. "Yes, now eat" Chan said and that was all he needed to say, the drunk boys huddled around him ready to munch on some food.

"I like this" Seungmin slurred as he bit into his third piece of pizza. "I like you" Jeongin giggled as he bit into his chicken. Felix happily swayed back and fourth on Chan's lap as he ate his piece of pizza "where Binnie?" He asked for the 100th time since Chan got home.

"I don't know baby. He'll be home soon" Chan mumbled as he watched Jisung feed Minho pizza. They were acting gross, but Chan couldn't have been more happy for his brother. Minho was enjoying the attention for Jisung, he was still a bit drunk and wanted nothing more than to have all of Jisung's attention until his eyes shifted to the clock on the wall.

"Shit I have to be up and ready in an hour!" He panicked as he pushed Jisung away

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now