𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙪𝙥

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Minho panted loudly as he tossed his tired body onto the hardwood floor. "Good job Minho" his instructor said with a small clap. Minho groaned loudly and laid there in silence for a few minutes. He was glad his class was finally over, as much as he loved dancing, some days he hated class.

Today was one of those days, where his instructor made him redo his dance about 100 times, so he was completely exhausted, not to mention he had to work with his dad earlier today and he made him run errands with Yuchan. I mean the two goofed off a little while they did so, but still it was a lot of work, not to mention his dad also put him in charge of approving a new business deal and Minho was slightly panicking.

He knows one day he'll be in charge of it all, but he's not ready for that type of commitment in his life. He just wants to prove he can do it though so, he read over the paperwork 50 times before singing the documents. Agreeing to take over a small business in Yongin, where Changbin so happened to be from.

"You can go now. I think Junhee is waiting outside" his instructor said which had Minho jumping up immediately and dashing to get his stuff ready. He wanted nothing more than a cool shower and some dinner, then his bed. He was exhausted as he trudged outside, his body sore and legs tired.

"Did you have a good day?" Junhee asked when Minho finally made it in the car. The boy groaned and threw his head back against the headrest. "Hard day?" Junhee asked which had Minho nodding silently

"Well I snuck Jisung in and he's waiting for you upstairs" Junhee said with a smile. Minho perked up at that "really?!" He asked as he looked over at Junhee with big eyes.

"Yup and your parents have a date night tonight, so you're free to run amongst the house" he said making Minho cheer in happiness.

"No sex though. I don't want to hear it" Jun grumbled which made Minho giggle quietly to himself. The rest of the ride home was quiet and by the time they had gotten there Minho's parents were gone "honey I'm home!" Minho yelled loudly as jun shook his head and pushed past the younger to go into the kitchen.

Minho carried his tired body up the stairs and into his room where Jisung was fast asleep on his bed "well if you can't beat em join em" Minho whispered as he stripped out of his clothes. He finally got into bed and sighed happily as he snuggled up to Jisung's body.

He was quick to doze off and slept for a good hour before he was woken up by an excited Jisung sitting on his stomach "babe" Jisung whispered as he bounced slightly on the older's stomach.

"Babe!" He said louder causing Minho to groan and shove the younger off of him. "What" he grumbled as he rubbed his eyes sleepily "Chan beat up Hyunjin" Jisung said as he giggled quietly. Minho sat up in bed and looked at Jisung with wide eyes. "What?!" He asked.

Jisung laughed a little and shook his head "we took Felix for a walk and Hyunjin came out of nowhere. He started tugging on me and scaring Felix so Chan beat him up" Jisung explained. "I practically ran here to tell you, but jun said you weren't home so I waited" he continued as he laughed some more thinking of what happened earlier.

The three boys went on a little adventure. They wanted to get Felix out of the house since Changbin's been working on a new song lately he hasn't had time to take Felix out. So out they went, staring down anyone who looked in their direction.

Felix pranced happily while holding onto Chan's hand while Jisung trailed behind them watching the two boys skip happily down the road. He was startled when someone grabbed him from behind- automatically going into fight mode, harshly shoving his elbow into the unknown assailant's stomach.

"Jesus babe" the attacker groaned as he clutched his stomach in his hands. He took a few deep breaths and slowly rubbed his stomach as he looked up at Jisung.

"What the fuck!" He said when he noticed it was Hyunjin. Felix and Chan had stopped walking turning around quickly because of Jisung's outburst. Hyunjin stood up quickly while grabbing Jisung's wrist "baby" he said "why'd you do that love" Hyunjin said as he gripped Jisung's wrist tightly.

Jisung whimpered and tried to pull his hand away from Hyunjin's grip. "Let me go!" Jisung yelled as he tried to yank his hand away from Hyunjin, but Hyunjin held on. Holding Jisung with a bruising grip.

Chan pushed Felix behind Jisung before stepping aside next to the other boy "he said let him go" Chan growled while grabbing Hyunjin by the wrist. Chan was quick to pull Hyunjin off of Jisung and shove the younger to the ground.

"Leave" Chan said as he stood in front of Jisung, who immediately turned to Felix to get him distracted. "Make me" Hyunjin mumbled as he stood up and brushed his clothes off. "You don't want to do this again Hyunjin. Just fuck off" Chan grumbled as Jisung turned Felix around so he couldn't see what was about to happen.

It happened quickly- Hyunjin angrily swung at Chan, the older dodging the hit before taking a swing of his own. People in the streets gathered around to watch Chan beat Hyunjin's ass once again. Some cheered for Chan, knowing the boy since he's been there for all his life. While some cheered for Hyunjin, only because they didn't like Chan and his little family.

The two threw punches left and right, some landing and some missing, but Chan did the most damage, punching Hyunjin in the eye making the younger stumble backwards. Hyunjin was stunned, not really knowing what was going on for a few seconds.

"It's over! Leave" Chan yelled before grabbing Jisung and Felix's hand and walking away

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now