𝙁𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙭 𝙙𝙤𝙚𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚

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"No Binnie!" Felix screamed as they placed him on a hospital bed. He fought and squirmed as nurses tried to hold him down "please let me go with him! He'll calm down" Changbin begged as a nurse held him back "sir we have to take him to xrays you cannot be there" the nurse said as he pushed Changbin back.

Felix cried and screamed as they wheeled him away, down the hall and around the corner. Minho bit his lip roughly as he heard Felix's screams slowly disappear while Chan sat on the chair with his head in his hands.

"I'm the worst brother ever" Chan mumbled as he tried to hold back his tears. "What happened?" Jisung finally asked. He was too busy comforting Felix and helping Changbin carry him across the junkyard to Minho's car he never had time to ask.

"I-" Chan begun but stopped immediately. The oldest took a deep breath as Changbin sat on the floor with tears in his eyes. Changbin could never really handle hearing Felix cry, it broke his heart even when he was crying over the smallest things.

"I was just playing with him" Chan finally said "we were playing tag and" he stopped again to take another breath of air. Minho listened closely as he went to Changbin's side. "I was just chasing him around and he tripped over one of his toys" Chan explained as he shook his head slightly.

"I should've known better than to play tag in the house" Chan said "it's all my fault he's hurt" he continued. Jisung pulled Chan into a big hug "it's not your fault Chan. Don't beat yourself up" he comforted, but Chan couldn't help but beat himself up.

It was one of their rules for Felix, no running in the house. Of course Felix didn't listen to that rule well- especially when he got excited, but Chan should have never chased him around. He knew better.

"Chan it's okay. I'll make sure he gets the best care possible" Minho said as he rubbed Changbin's back. From then on it was quiet, quiet for a long time. How long? Who knows. minutes seemed to tic by quickly yet slowly at the same time and after a few hours the doctor finally came out. "It was broken" he said when Chan stood up to meet him.

"We took xrays and the break was pretty clean, but he did go through surgery and has a cast now" he explained as Chan and Changbin nodded along. "Can we see him?" Changbin asked, the doctor only nodded and asked the boys to follow him.

"He's just waking up from surgery so he might be a little groggy" he explained as he pushed opened the door to Felix's hospital room. Changbin all but practically pushed the doctor aside to get into the room "oh baby" he whispered as Felix sleepily rubbed his tired eyes.

"B-Binnie?" He asked quietly as he looked up at the older "yeah baby Binnie's here" he answered as he pulled the blanket off Felix's body to look at his cast "he picked pink" the doctor said as he checked on Felix's vitals.

Changbin chuckled quietly because of course Felix would pick pink, it's one of his favorite colors. "How're you feeling Felix? Any pain?" The doctor asked the young boy who only shook his head in response "Lixie wants Binnie" he whispered as he made grabby hands at the older male.

Chan stood to the side quietly, not speaking a word. He just watched as Changbin climbed on the bed and carefully pulled Felix into his lap. He didn't say anything when Jisung and Minho finally joined them after paying for Felix's hospital expenses.

Chan didn't say anything when Felix was finally discharged. He was silent the whole ride back to the junkyard, not a word spoken in hours. He couldn't bring himself to touch Felix, he could hardly look at the boy. "Channie chocolate milk?" Felix asked as they sat in the McDonald's drive-thru "h-huh?" Chan asked as he looked towards Felix's direction but never actually made eye contact.

"You can have milk my love" Changbin answered. "Snap out of it Chan" Jisung whispered in English to the other male. He noticed right away, Chan's hesitance towards Felix.

"I can't help it I'm scared I'll hurt him again" Chan answered back. Of course Felix understood English, but he was so young when he left Australia that he doesn't remember much of it, so really he didn't understand much of what the two boys were saying.

Minho however did, he knew multiple languages all because of his father. It was apart of being able to take over the company. He would have to be able to communicate with his overseas workers and companies.

"You're not so stop it. You're the only one blaming you. Felix doesn't care" Minho grumbled and that was the end of the conversation as they all focused on ordering their food. McDonalds was Felix's new favorite and every time he was with Minho he wanted it.

Even Junhee ordered something from McDonald's as he had a conversation with Changbin about living in the junkyard. Chan started chiming in too and soon everyone was talking and laughing as they drive back to the junkyard.

San- here's a little filler about what happened to Felix. I hope you enjoy! The next chapter is already in the works. I hope you're looking forward to it. 

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