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It had been weeks since the attack now, Jeongin was 100% okay, slowly forgetting it day by day. He stayed focused on his daily life and his boyfriends. Seungmin, now that Jeongin was all better almost forgot it happened probably from how traumatic it was, he finally blocked it out.

Weeks had passed and no sign of Hyunjin. The boys looked, talked to almost everyone.. it was almost like he skipped town which he most likely did. As much as Chan wanted revenge he started to think about other things, like how great life is for him and his brothers now.

"Weeeeeeeee" Felix yelled loudly as he very very slowly slid down the steps, one step at a time, his bum hitting the staircase loudly, but boy was he having fun. This was a new activity he learned from Jisung, who one night was too lazy to actually walk down the stairs so he slid down them.

Now Felix cannot go down the stairs properly anymore and of course screaming 'wee' at the top of his lungs is a given, it must happen every single time. Changbin took one step at a time as he followed his boyfriend down the stairs, a little annoyed today, but nevertheless he entertained Felix like the good boyfriend he is.

Chan and Jisung were also a little annoyed, they had a meeting with a big producer, someone who initially said they enjoyed the music they put on SoundCloud, but when they met in person to produce a song he was a complete asshole.

He tried to change every single aspect of the song the three boys worked very hard on, it pissed them off so much they stormed out of the studio not caring what it would say about them when and if they ever became big stars.

Now Chan is in the studio obsessing over the song, wondering how and where it went wrong, but every time he listened to it everything just sounded perfect to him. He just didn't get how one second someone could say their music is great and then try to change everything about it in a matter of seconds.

A quiet knock distracted Chan from his laptop for a second "hey babe" Jeongin mumbled as he entered the studio not waiting for a reply. Chan sighed loudly as he pushed his chair back so Jeongin could climb into his lap. This is what he needed right now and somehow like always, Jeongin knew Chan needed some loving.

"Jisung told me what happened" Jeongin said as situated himself in Chan's lap, he nuzzled his head into Chan's neck and slowly left small kisses. Chan's body relaxed Immediately all the stress of the day leaving his body as he focused on Jeongin "where's Seungminnie" he asked as Jeongin softly sucked on Chan's skin, not trying to initiate anything like usual, just trying to get Chan in a better mood.

"School" Jeongin answered as he slowly massaged Chan's shoulders. The oldest was in a trance now completely under Jeongin's spell, the song long forgotten.

"Let's go take a nap hmm?" Jeongin asked as he stood up while holding his hand out for Chan to take. Chan looked at his laptop hesitantly before nodding his head and taking Jeongin's hand. "Okay my love" he whispered.

"Minhooooooo" Jisung sang out as his boyfriend sat at his desk looking over more propositions for the company "if you don't sit your ass down and do your job I will fire you" Minho threatened as he glared a Jisung "fine fine, but why do we have to work in the weekend every single time? We never do anything fun anymore" Jisung whined as he threw himself in his designated chair right next to Minho's
"You wanna do something fun?" Minho asked as he slowly raised his eyebrow at Jisung "yes!" the other answered quickly. Minho made a face of approval before nodding his head.

"Help me finish this up and we can do anything you want for the rest of the weekend" Minho proposed and boy was Jisung on board, already starting on his stack of paperwork "anything you say?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

"Yes baby" Minho mumbled not sparing a glance at Jisung, "okay" he replied while keeping that same damn smile on his face, knowing damn well he was going to take Minho on a wild ride like the good old days.

Author- okay yes I suck with updating this story I won't lie, my life has been a little crazy and I haven't updated you guys on it much. Surprise! I'm pregnant and due literally any time now. So that's why I haven't been the best with updating lately a lot is going on 

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now