𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙬

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"Come work for me" Minho whispered as he softly caressed Jisung's face. Jisung hummed quietly before shaking his head "for the last time no" he said while placing a soft kiss on Minho's lips.

"Baby come on, I need a new assistant. Yuchan is leaving" Minho argued but Jisung only shrugged. He couldn't see himself working for such a high class company. He was kinda glad he wasn't the heir to his fathers company anymore because he didn't know if it was the life for him.

"Fine, but when I have some sexy assistant who seduces me and-" "I'll do it!" Jisung said quickly cutting Minho off from his annoyingly annoying sentence. Minho would never cheat on Jisung, but he knew it would be the only way to get him to say yes.

"Yes! I'm having interviews tomorrow just come in wearing that suit I got you, pretend to be interviewed by me and you're hired" Minho said with a big smile "boss for a month and already cheating the system" Jisung commented with a small laugh

"Hey I'm just hiring someone who number one is reliable, number two won't spill about me in the tabloids, number three I can let fuck me in my office when I want" he said as he held up three fingers. Jisung scoffed loudly and pushed Minho's body away from him.

"Im gonna spill everything just imagine 'Lee Minho head of the Lee company is gay and dating a boy from the junkyard'" Jisung said as he made an invisible rainbow with his hands like spongebob in that one episode.

It was Minho's turn to scoff and push the younger away from him. "Shut up and go to sleep I have work in the morning" Minho said as he rolled over and closed his eyes, pulling the blanket up to his chin.

"Aw baby" Jisung cooed as he wrapped an arm around Minho's tummy "don't be a brat" he giggled while leaving a soft kiss behind Minho's ear "go to sleep Jisung" Minho grumbled. He looked over at the clock to see it was already 3 am. He had to be at work at 6 which meant he only had a couple hours to sleep.

Good thing he didn't have a hard day, just a few interviews (which he didn't need to pay attention to because Jisung was already hired) and have a meeting about the new business in Yongin. It was an easy day for him at least.

Jisung sighed and snuggled into Minho's back "what time do I need to be at the company?" He asked while getting comfortable. Minho yawned loudly before answering "shoot for 11:30. I should be done with most the interviews by then. You should be the last" he answered.

Jisung hummed again and closed his eyes "goodnight Minho" he whispered into the darkness. "Night Ji" he whispered back and just like that the two boys were fast asleep.

They both woke up to Minho's alarm blasting and Junhee knocking on the door "time to get up guys" he yelled as Minho groaned loudly and rolled over to shut his alarm off "I'm up!" Minho yelled back startling Jisung who was rubbing his tired eyes.

Minho grumbled to himself the entire time he did his morning routine, grumbled his way through breakfast (without his parents. They were on vacation now), grumbled on his drive to work with Junhee and grumbled all the way to his office.

"Hey boss. I got an americano sitting on your desk already" Yuchan said as he watched Minho stomp on by. The younger grunted in response and headed straight to his office. He slammed the door shut and sat at his desk with a sigh.

He was a little later than usually because Jisung was with him this morning, making his usual routine a little difficult, but he wouldn't have it any other way. He sighed as he drank his americano slowly and looked over some propositions on his desk, nothing worth going for. They wouldn't benefit him anyway.

"Boss! Time for your meeting" Yuchan said as he knocked loudly on his door. Minho groaned and rolled his chair back "I'm coming" he said as he grabbed his notebook and pen. He sighed again as he made his way to the meeting room. It was just going to be about how the business is doing but it could take awhile.

He didn't think it would take two hours though, setting him back on his interviews. He sighed once more as he finally sat down at his desk once again. The business in Yongin was doing ten times better than what it was before they bought it.

Minho was glad because that's the first business he ever overtook and he was nervous it would fail, but alas it was doing better than ever.

A knock on his door made him groan "yes?" He called out "it's time for interviews" Yuchan said as he pushed the door open just a little. "Send them in" Minho said as he waved Yuchan off.

The first couple people were nothing special, they had potential, but Minho couldn't see them working for him and that's how the rest of the interviews went until Jisung finally came in.

"Last ones here" Yuchan said as he pushed Jisung into the room. Minho had to fight off his smile as he stared at a nervous Jisung. "Sit" he said as he motioned to the chair across from him. Jisung shuffled in nervously and sat in the seat quietly.

"Is there anything you need boss?" Yuchan asked while getting ready to shut the door "actually its past lunch time" Minho said as he looked passed Jisung to give Yuchan and smile. Yuchan rolled his eyes but nodded his head "coming right up!" He said cheerfully before shutting the door behind him.

Minho waited a few seconds before finally looking at Jisung "welcome" he mumbled with a smile. Jisung couldn't help but smile back as he looked at Minho. All his nerves of being in this building seemingly vanished once he saw Minho's smile.

"So tell me about yourself" Minho said as he shuffled the papers on his desk to the side. He placed his hands on the now clear desk and gave Jisung all his attention "well my name is Han Jisung and-" "you're hired!" Minho yelled as he stood up and clapped dramatically.

Jisung couldn't help but laugh as he looked at his boyfriend "do you have any questions?" Minho asked as he sat back down in his chair. Jisung thought quietly for a few seconds before nodding. "What's the pay like?"

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