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When they finally made it into the apartment Minho was dead silent. "Chan! Bin!" Jisung yelled as he sat down on the couch with Minho. Chan and Changbin had gathered around the two boys to see what was wrong "oh my god!" Chan said as he noticed the blood that was still falling from Minho's lips.

"Are you okay?" Changbin asked but Minho said nothing. He only turned to look at Jisung before bursting into laughter "oh my god! That was my first fight!" He said as he laughed louder. He wiped the blood from his mouth and took a deep breath "this is wild" he mumbled to himself as he stared at the blood on the back of his hand.

"This isn't funny Minho! Hyunjin could've hurt you badly" Jisung scolded but the older only laughed more "did you say Hyunjin" Chan asked which had Jisung nodding slowly

"He came back and then decided it would be okay to punch my boyfriend" Jisung grumbled as he carefully wiped at Minho's swollen lip. "That fucker" Chan said as he threw himself down on the couch next to Minho

"Did you say boyfriend?" Changbin asked. He understood the severity of Hyunjin being back in Jisung's life, or at least trying to be back in his life, but, does his brother really have a boyfriend again?

"We're dating" Minho said. He pushed Jisung's hands away from his face and smiled up at the older boys "made him mine" he continued as he slung an arm around the blonde's shoulders. Jisung blushed a little and smiled at his brother's.

"Chan, Minho has a friend he can hook you up with" Jisung said with a small smirk. "I do? Jeongin and Seungmin have each other" Minho mumbled as he looked at Jisung with curious eyes.

"The other one. The boring one" Jisung answered with a shrug. "Yeah right. Woojin's head is so far up his own ass" Minho replied. Jisung shrugged his shoulders but smiled regardless "it's worth a try" he mumbled as he looked over at Minho.

"He would rat me out and then I'd never be able to see you again" Minho pouted as he looked at Chan and Jisung. "He can't be that bad" Chan argued but Minho only laughed at his words

"Trust me. He's that bad" Minho mumbled as he thought about his older friend back home. Woojin and Chan would make a hot couple, he wouldn't lie, but Woojin would never agree to hang out with anyone from the junkyard.

"Minnnniiiieeee" they heard it before they saw him. Felix was in his room playing with the toy kitten Minho had gotten him, when he heard his favorite person in the world talking outside in the living room he got exited.

"Lixie" Minho called back and that was all it took for the young boy to come bounding out of the room to throw himself at Minho. "Hi Lixie baby" Minho said as Felix climbed into his lap and nuzzled his face into his neck.

"Binnie being mean. Won't play kitty with me" Felix said with a pout. Minho fakes a gasp and looked at Changbin "how dare he" Minho said which had Felix nodding along with his words. "Hey! That's not true!" Changbin argued back "all I said was he should color a pretty picture for me" Changbin mumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Fe don't wanna!" Felix said as he pouted more. "That's fine baby you don't need to color" Jisung said as he pushed felix's long hair out of his face. The younger was terrified of scissors and wouldn't let Chan anywhere near his head with them.

The boy hasn't gotten his hair cut for almost eight months now, the brown locks were messy and untamed, not to mention always falling in his eyes. "Baby your hair is so long" Jisung commented as he continued to play with it.

"I have an idea!" Minho mumbled as he rummaged through his backpack to pull out two blue rubber bands that he used to keep his secret snacks closed in his bag.

"Do you have a brush?" Minho asked Jisung. The younger groaned loudly but got up anyway to find his brush that he hardly even used. "In my room" Chan directed and that's exactly where Jisung headed.

When he finally returned Felix was sitting on the floor between Minho's legs playing on the older's phone. "I'm going to brush your hair okay Lix?" Minho asked. He got a small nod in return and I quiet yes, so he started brushing the younger's messy hair.

Minho was soft with his brushes, making sure not to pull Felix's hair, but also making sure to get all the tangles out "watch what I'm doing Changbin so you can keep it up" Minho said as he continued to brush Felix's soft hair.

When all the tangles were out he parted the boy's hair into two sections. He grabbed one rubber band off the couch and placed one part of Felix's hair into a pigtail- doing the same to the other side of his head. "There! Now it's not in his face" he said with a proud smile on his face.

Changbin couldn't help but coo over Felix in his pigtails "my baby!" He said as he practically pulled Felix off the floor and into his arms "you're so cute baby" he said as he placed a kiss on Felix's cheek.

"Look at him channie! Look Jisung!" Changbin gushed "thanks Minho he looks so cute I can't believe it" Changbin continued as he held a blushing Felix in his arms. "Binnie!" Felix whined as he wiggled out of his grip.

"Making fe's cheeks burn!" He said with a pout which had the other boys laughing at the small blushing boy "I'm sorry baby" Changbin whispered as he wrapped an arm around the young boy

San- I SEE SKZ TOMORROW. Also my girlfriend comes into town on Monday so this is the last update for about a week and a half

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