𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒆 𝑫𝒐𝒍𝒍

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Jisung walked Minho home last night around 3 am. The younger didn't want to let go of the boy as they hugged tightly in Minho's backyard, but Minho really had to go, so he kissed Jisung one last time and sent him on his way, but not before telling him to come back tomorrow.

It was currently 7 am. Jisung had left Minho four hours ago and the prince of his families estate and fortune missed the "delinquent" more than anything. All it took was one day with the boy for Minho to question they way he saw boys, it took a second day for Minho to realize, he wanted everything that was Han Jisung.

He loved the rebel that came along with being with him. He loved the rush he felt every time their lips met. He loved the way he laughed whenever Minho told a stupid joke, or the way he took care of Felix. He loved everything that was Han Jisung from his lips, to his personality, right down to the place he came from. The junkyard was a scary place, on the way home last night Minho witnessed a gruesome fight, but Jisung was quick to pull his gaze away from the fight and distract him. Jisung was nothing like the other people who lived there

Minho sighed as he walked downstairs in his pajamas, his parents would kill him for not being dressed yet, but he couldn't bring himself to care. "Minho!" His mother scolded the second she saw the boy come into the kitchen.

Both his parents sat at the dinning table, they were waiting for the young heir to come down so they could eat together like every morning. "Lee Minho!" His dad scolded as the boy plopped down into his seat "please father it's too early" Minho whined as he looked at the man.

Both his parents looked shocked, first Minho wasn't dressed properly and secondly he just whined. They taught Minho better. "Go upstairs and get dressed now" his father said as he stared at the boy who seemed to not give a fuck about his words "no one is coming over right now. I don't have to be dressed up all the time. I'm not a Barbie doll" he said as he crossed his arms.

His mom gasped loudly at the suddenly sass. She closed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief. "Whatever Minho. We have business to take care of over seas. We'll be gone for a few weeks" his mom finally said as she looked up at the boy, who stared at the egg white omelette like it was his worst enemy.

"We're leaving Jun with you" his dad said and Minho really had to bite back a smile. Good old Jun, the servant, his dad's favorite. He was just like Minho, born into a life he didn't want. Jun was only 25, but his father and mother worked for the Lee's for a long time and they pressured the boy to take after them, and he did. He hated it, every second of his day was spent being someone's slave.

He was lenient with Minho, understanding that the teenager needed to live and when his parents were away he'd allow the boy to do certain things, like watch scary movies and stay up late. Minho prayed Jun would let him see Jisung without any problems. "That's fine. I'll see you when you get back mother" he said as he took a bite of his food that had absolutely no flavor at all.

The family ate the rest of their breakfast in silence, Minho excusing himself after he was done and quickly ran up to his room to text Jeongin. The boys were allowed over when his parents were gone of course Jun was supposed to "oversee" everything they did together, but the older boy couldn't give a shit what the teenagers did. They were teenagers he didn't need to babysit them.

Parents are leaving tonight
Come over? Jisung might show up

Ah the famous Jisung. I'm in. See you tonight

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now