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Minho felt the weight of the world lift off his shoulders. He sighed happily as he laid next to Jisung who also felt the same way. They stared at each other quietly, before Minho climbed on top of Jisung's body.

"I'm so glad I snuck out that night and you found me" he whispered as he leaned down and kissed Jisung roughly. Jisung let out a quiet humph before wrapping his arms around Minho's neck, pulling the older flush against his chest.

They kissed each other, just basking in the feeling of each other lips and bodies as their hands roamed around innocently. That is until they heard yelling downstairs, Minho pulled away giving Jisung a confused look. He rolled off his fiancé at the exact time their bedroom door flung open.

"Lee minho!" His father yelled, making minho jump back into Jisung's body. At first he wanted to cower, but instead he did what he always wanted to do. He grabbed Jisung by the hand, pulled him by his side and stood tall, proud of his fiancé and proud of himself.

"Yes father?" Minho said politely as Jisung did the same as Minho, standing their ground. "Gay?!" his father yelled "gay?!!!" He yelled again. Usually Minho would flinch back when his father yelled, but instead he didn't even blink. He just stared at him calmly.

"Yes father, gay and in love, I'm getting married" Minho said as he held his hand up, wiggling his ring finger. His dad's face was turning red with anger meanwhile Minho's mom stood behind his dad, peeking over his shoulder quietly. Junhee stood in the doorway, ready to intervene if he had to.

Chan, and Changbin we're standing outside the door, also ready to jump in if a fight was about to break loose, I mean three against one wouldn't be fair, but maybe Mr. Lee deserved it. No, not maybe, he did in fact deserve to get his ass beat.

Felix was pushed into the sound proof recording room with sunshine the cat for entertainment. He had no idea what was going on, easily distracted. "Are you fucking kidding me! You cannot be gay and run Lee enterprises! I'm taking the company back!" He yelled while slamming his fist on their mantle making their pictures shake and fall to the ground.

Minho laughed quietly while shaking his head "did you think I was stupid dad?" Minho asked as he let go of Jisung's hand and walked towards his pictures, looking at the shattered glass with anger in his eyes. Mr. Lee gave Minho a confused look and before he could open his mouth Minho spoke again.

"I had a lawyer go over the contract you made me sign, a very very good lawyer in fact. You signed half of Lee enterprises to someone else" Minho mumbled as he turned to look at his dad. "What are you talking about!" His dad demanded.

"You knew I would be too excited to actually read the contract and I was. I wasn't stupid enough to not have someone on MY side go over this new contract with me" he said putting emphases on the word 'me'. Minho's dads eyes widen as Minho continued talking.

"Mom" he said with a small smile, he will always love his mom. No matter what happens "you signed it to mom" he said pointing at his mother who stood behind his dad still. "That's not important!" His dad yelled "you're done! Fired! The company is mine!" he yelled.

Minho laughed again, reaching out to his mother. She softly took his hand in hers before stepping out from behind Mr. Lee. "Honey!" He yelled as he gripped his wife's wrist tightly "let me go" she whispered as she yanked her arm away from her husband. A man she had been married to for many many years, she knew him inside and out and she loved him very much, but the way he treated Minho was disgusting. The man he is today is not the man she fell in love with.

"Mommy" Minho whispered as he led her to stand next to Jisung "mom knew this whole time! In fact, she helped Jisung pick out a ring for me!" Minho laughed as he watched his fathers face change, the anger went to confusion as he stared at the women he loved. "Honey" he mumbled as she shook her head.

"Mom signed the rest of the company over to me, you own nothing anymore. It's all mine, so you can't fire me, you have no ties to Lee enterprises anymore" Minho said proudly as he looked at his mother and his fiancé. The both had a very proud look on their faces and Minho couldn't have asked for anything better.

Mr. Lee was speechless as he looked at his wife with betrayal in his eyes, but she said nothing okay grabbed into Minho and Jisung's hand. "Mom will be living with me now. You can go" Minho whispered as he turned away to pull his mom and Jisung into a victory hug.

Junhee grabbed Mr. Lee by his arm and dragged him down the stairs "good riddance" he yelled before slamming the door in his face. The little family and a very big group hug. Changbin and Chan were so proud to see what Minho had become.

He was so nervous and timid and now he stands up for everything he believes in. He stands up for his family, his fiancé, anyone who needed it. Minho was a good man, no matter what his dad said or did to him growing up. It made him who he was today. He was Lee Minho, CEO of Lee enterprises who was getting married to Han Jisung, a simple boy from the junkyard, who now helped Lee enterprises flourish.

They were Minho and Jisung, a power couple you would never have expected to be together. They were each other's world and it would always stay that way.

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