𝑾𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝑶𝒇 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒆

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The walk of shame back into the bedroom had Minho blushing as he held Jisung's hand tightly. His legs felt like jelly still, but could you blame him? Jisung might have literally sucked the soul out of him. "You guys are nasty" Jeongin groaned as soon as he set eyes on the two boys.

"Really Jisung we tagged along just so we could listen to you" Changbin paused for a second to cover Felix's ears "have sex with your boyfriend in the bathroom" he finished. Felix was too busy messing with Jeongin's phone to even listen to the older boys words.

"We didn't do it" Jisung said while putting emphasis on the word "it". "You didn't deny he was your boyfriend" Jeongin said which had Minho blushing even more, but he decided to ignore their words and instead went to kneel down beside Felix. The younger was hanging off the bed aggressively tapping on Jeongin's phone. "What're you doing Lixie babe?" Minho asked. Felix only giggled and turned the phone so Minho could see "mojis" he mumbled with a big smile.

The boy had probably sent poor Seungmin 20 different texts with all different kinds of emojis. "Jeongin he's texting Seungmin" Minho informed, but the other boy only shrugged "he won't accept my love so he can enjoy Felix blowing up his phone instead" which had all the older boys laughing.

"So what do you and Minho usually do?" Chan asked, the older was sat at Minho's desk snooping through his desk drawers. The boy had nothing to hide though since his parents constantly check his room, so Chan wouldn't find anything weird.

"Kiss and cause trouble" Jisung answered as he shrugged a little. Minho's house was huge, you'd think with a house that big there'd be a million things to do, but there's not. His parents didn't want anything around him that would " corrupt" his mind. "Ah! I brought scary movies. Let's kick jun out of the living room so we can watch tv" Jeongin said but Minho, Jisung, and Changbin were quick to shake their heads.

"Fe isn't allowed to watch scary movies" Changbin said as he pulled the boy into his lap. He took the phone away from him passing it off to Jeongin, the boy took it while groaning "I thought you guys were bad boys. I want to get into trouble" he said as he threw his head back into the pillow. "We're not bad boys" Chan said with a huff as he turned to look at Minho, but the other boy only shrugged as he was too busy looking at Jisung who was laying on the floor next to him.

"I wanna do something Jisung" Minho whispered as he leaned down to kiss the boy's lips quickly "something dangerous" he added with a mischievous look in his eyes. Jisung was quietly racking his brain for something they could do "wasn't what we did in the bathroom enough?" He asked with a small smirk. That was enough to turn Minho into a blushing mess again "be quiet! Lixie is right there" Minho said as he pushed Jisung lightly, the blonde chuckled quietly as he sat up a little to glance and Felix.

The small boy was sat in Changbin's lap, telling Jeongin some exaggerated story of a monster that lives under his bed. Every now and then he'd ask for Changbin's input and get a small "yes Fe" or "I know Fe!" Or a "but I'll always protect you Lix". Felix was talking with his hands throwing them around everywhere and Jeongin seemed to be entertained by the small boy.

"Oh! What's this!" Chan said as he opened the bottom drawer of Minho's desk and pulled out a small box wrapped in light pink wrapping paper. "To my baby. I'm so whipped for you" Chan said as he read the writing on the outside of the paper loudly. "Hey! Stop going through my stuff" Minho whined as he got up to snatch the box from Chan's hands "It's for Jisung" he said with a blush as he walked back to Jisung and placed the box in his lap.

"Stop buying me things!" Jisung whined as he carefully unwrapped the gift. "I get $1000 as allowance every month and I'm not allowed to leave the house. How else can I spend that money" Minho said as he disappeared into his closet. It got silent in the room the second Jisung got the wrapping paper off the box "he did not" he whispered as he looked at the brand new iPhone in his hands. "He's literally acting like a sugar daddy" Jeongin said, but was quickly met with a flying stuffie to the face.

"Shut up brat. I'm sure you'd spoil Seungmin if he would get his head out of his ass and realize he likes you" Minho said as he peeked his head out from the closet. Jeongin grumbled under his breath about being hit and about Seungmin being dense, which had Chan laughing. "Boy troubles huh" he mumbled as he looked at the second youngest, who only nodded pathetically.

"These asshole here are so homophobic. Even Minho was scared of me because of my sexuality at first, then at one of those annoying dinners he started ranting about how he met a pretty boy with the prettiest lips he's ever seen and blah blah blah we made out and blah I'm in love" Jeongin ranted as he handed the stuffie to an excited Felix.

"Jeongin!" Minho screeched as he practically tackled the boy to the bed "Shut up!" He hissed as he covered the boy's mouth, but it was too late. Jisung was already processing the other boys words. Minho is in love with him?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now