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Waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. That's all they could do, wait. Nothing had been said, not between the family, they were all silent as they stood in a circle around Seungmin.

The younger boy cried as he held onto Chan. Minho bit his lip roughly as he finally pulled Jisung aside "did he say who did it?" Minho whispered as he glanced at a crying Seungmin.

Jisung shook his head "he hasn't spoken a word since he came to get us" he replied while reaching out to hold Minho's shaking hands. Jisung's hands shook as well, he was glad Minho wasn't there to see his best friend laying on the ground, shallow breathing, barely alive.

They still didn't know what happened. Seungmin wouldn't speak, too traumatized from whatever he saw or experienced. Jeongin couldn't talk, he was beaten badly. The doctors won't even let Chan see him.

The doctors wouldn't even tell them how he was doing either. They just made them wait. Chan squeezed Seungmin in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in his ears, when in reality he wanted to scream, curse, cry, but he couldn't. He had to be strong for Seungmin.

Changbin watched them, tears in his eyes as he continued to watch Seungmin fall apart. Felix was still being watched by Junhee while this happened, them not wanting to let Felix know.

Donghun came running around the corner "what happened?!" He practically yelled as he looked at the boys. They only looked at him, they didn't even know. The oldest of the bunch sighed as he sat on the floor next to Chan "I'm sorry" he whispered, but Chan only shook his head.

He had nothing to say unless it was to Seungmin. "I got you baby" he whispered as Seungmin's crying finally turned to sniffles. Seungmin looked up at him, blood shot eyes and a snotty nose, he hiccuped quietly as he stared at Chan blankly.

"Are you ready to talk baby?" He finally asked, Chan could tell Seungmin was thinking hard about it, before he finally nodded. "I- he came out of nowhere" he whispered as the other boys gathered around, dead silent trying to hear Seungmin's story.

Seungmin only kept his eyes trained on Chan, not wanting to look at the other boys just yet. "Who baby? What happened?" Chan pressed. Seungmin's lip wobbled slowly as he relived what happened in his head. "I don't know who he was" he mumbled "we were just going for a walk" he continued

"Why were you on that side of town?" Jisung asked as he kneeled down next to Chan. "You know Jeongin. He can be wild" Seungmin scoffed as he shook his head.

"Jeongin fought hard" Seungmin mumbled "he fought hard for me to get away and when the guy let me go I ran like Jeongin said too. I ran straight to you" he continued.

He visibly shook as he continued the story, the boys listening to every word as closely as possible. "I don't know what happened after that" he mumbled as he shook his head. "I need you to remember what he looks like" Jisung said ready to beat the bastard to a pulp.

"Long dark hair, dark eyes, he was too handsome" Seungmin whispered. All the boys froze, knowing exactly who he was talking about and exactly who to target now.

"It's okay now baby. Jeongin is okay" Chan lied, he didn't really know, he wished he did though. He really did.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒌𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now