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This is for the person who told me to update then die😂😂😂 love you😘

Hollis POV

"Fuck me." I heard Dani say.

So many emotions are flowing through me right now. When I first heard what she was telling Dimitri about me had me angry. Yet the sad truth is I've known she has felt this way all along. Just have never heard her actually say the words. And fuck do they kinda hurt to hear.

I begin to walk down the stairs hoping to buy a little more time to gather my thoughts. Why can't I just know exactly what to say to her to make her see. To have a different outlook on things. Just so she can understand why I chose to do this and not have her hate me for the choices I make.

"You're not wrong for seeing everything that way you know." I start to tell her when I reach the bottom level. "But just because you see it that way doesn't automatically make it the right way."

Dani and Dimitri both just look at me quietly waiting for what I will say next. That makes three of us really. Whatever is about to come out of my mouth is all gonna be spear of the moment thoughts.

"Dani I know why you are angry at the choices I have made. You have every right to be mad and feel like I have betrayed you in some way. But just know it will always be my last intention to upset you or betray you. We live in a fucked up shit world. We have been through unimaginable thing. Yet we have gotten the amazing opportunity to have a person that makes everything less shitty. And yes I see the irony of that person just so happening to be part of why it's so shitty. It is something that can be hard to get past. But not even trying to see how amazing the entire experience can be you aren't cheating anyone out of that but yourself. I may be stupid for doing this but I'm just enjoying the one thing in this world that helps make it feel less bad." I finally look away from her when I'm done speaking. "I would love for you to fully embrace this so you can understand why I'm so willing to do the things I'm doing."

I don't say anything else or wait for a response I just turn around and head back up the stairs. I hear Dani say my name but completely ignore it. I'll just talk to her later I just don't have the energy to try and do this after the day I went through.

Once I'm back in Harry's room I see him come out from the closet. His hair is still slightly wet from the shower. Black pajama pants are the only thing covering his body. The tattoos on his arms and chest are on full display.

I feel a smile pull at my lip lips. Walking over to him he gives me a curious look. Completely ignoring it I just wrap my arms around his waist in a hug. Harry don't question it be just wraps his arms around me. I take in a deep breath smelling the body wash he uses. This is my happy place. Feeling him against me just having the comfort. This is what I needed to give me the reassurance that what is said is nothing but the truth. I absolutely love this man with everything in me.

"You okay?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah." I say as I look up to him. "I'm just happy to be back in your arms."

"I can't even tell you how happy I am to have you in mine." He places a kiss on my forehead. "I love you Hollis."

"I love you Harry." I say back to him.

We stand there for a few minutes just enjoying the moment. I rest my head on his chest and listen to the soft sound of his heart beat. After staying like this for a little longer we both move to the bed. Once we are both comfortable the light is turned off. Harry's arm is rested along my waist. I quickly feel my eyes getting heavy as a drift to sleep.

Dani's POV

I stand in silence thinking over everything Hollis just said to me. For the first time really just taking it in. It's still very hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea of being close to the foul creatures. Yet there is still a part of me that wonders if her words rain true. Could possibly being with Dimitri open a whole new happiness in me? Could it some how make this world seem less painful and grey? Or is it just possible that Hollis is so caught in this messed up trance that she's completely lost her mind. I don't know but her words have sparked a curiosity in me. The type that makes me want to know now. Yet I don't think I have it in me to even try because my hatred is so strong. Maybe one day?

"Are you okay?" I hear Dimitri say.

I don't look his way I keep my eyes on the ground. Already I know I have a blank stare on my face as I think about all of this. Not even bothering to move or change my expression I just continue to let my thoughts wander. Just dancing around the thought of if it could ever be possible to feel the things for Dimitri that Hollis feels for Harry. Him and I are promises together after all. Still what is the main thing holding me back from trying to get that bit of happiness?

"Dani seriously are you okay?" Dimitri tries again.

"Yeah." I tell him as I try to rack my brain for the answer I feel like is right in front of me I just can't put my finger on it.

"You're worrying me." He says. Those words cause me to snap my head at him. Once my eyes land on him the answer I've been racking my brain for hits me.

I can't risk getting that close because inevitably he will be taken from me.

It has happened with everyone I have ever cared about. My parents, my grandmother, friends I have made growing up. The only one still here is Hollis but for how long? I have lost everyone to demons, and she's willingly close to them.

"I'm fine Dimitri." I say as I rub my temple.

Right now I need to get some sleep. Actually long full night of sleep.

"I'm going to go to bed." I simply tell him. As I start to walk to the stairs I stop in my tracks and turn around. Walking up to Dimitri I look for a open space of skin. Deciding on his hand I grab it. Before I didn't let myself fully get the feeling that was shared between us. Perhaps this will help me. As I touch his skin if feel the warm electricity flow through my hand as well. Almost instantly I let go of his hand in surprise at the intensity. I cradle my hands against my chest.

"Goodnight." I say and go to the bed room before he can say anything else to me.


Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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