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Hollis's pov

What's wrong?" Dimitri asks.

I can feel Harry step closer towards the bathroom.

"Hollis?" Harry says in a confused low tone.

In a panicked motion I quietly lock the door. Just in time as Harry grabs the handle. Since we are only separated by a door the feeling of us being close is intense.

"HOLLIS!" Harry yells as he begins to bang on the door. "Let me in."

I circle around the room as I look for an idea of what I should do.

"Hollis please I need to see you." Harry says and my heart drops from the desperation he holds in his voice.

I hear some shuffling from behind the door. Getting closer to the door I try and see if I can make out what's going on.

"Dimitri get the fuck off of me I need to get in that bathroom." Harry growls at him in a way of trying to intimidate him.

"She doesn't want to see you man." He tells him.

"I don't give a fuck what you have to say. Especially since she's in your fucking bathroom." Harry snaps at him.

I don't hear anything but I feel Harry. He's close to the door. My head rests on the cool wood. My heart longs for him. I so badly want to open this door and throw myself on him. Have his touch that I long for in every way imaginable.

Yet I can't bring myself to do it. Not just for me but for Dani too. She lost more then I did because of Harry. Almost the same but not quite. I can't allow myself to go back to him. The sad truth is no matter how much love we have for each other. No matter what we are willing to do for each other. Harry doesn't know how to not be selfish in the long run.

"Please Hollis." I hear him whisper against the door. " I need you. I love you."

I keep my sobs quiet as the tears freely fall. All I do is remind myself I can't give in. I can't give in. I can't give in.

"Just open this fucking door." I can hear his voice start to raise as his rage begins to bubble to the surface. "I'm not scared to break this door down."

The words send goosebumps all over my body. I know he's not lying. With that thought a loud hit is made to the door.

"Don't break my shit!" Dimitri yells. "It's imported wood!"

Harry does say anything as be makes another blow to the door. That door won't last long. I really need to find a way out of here. Walking to the window I open it. As I stick my head out I look left to right. To my left I notice a drain pipe. If I'm careful I can make it down that. As I sting my leg out of the window a loud sound of the wood cracking fills the small room. He's not in yet but give it a couple more hits and it's done.

I carefully inch my way to the pipe. Once I'm on it I begin to climb down. Even though I'm in a big hurry I take my time knowing every step is right. When I'm half way down i hear noises above me. I look up and see Harry's figure walk to the open window. Pressing my body to the pole I try to blend is as best as I can. I watch his silhouette as he looks around. He stops in my direction and I know instantly that he's spotted me. Quickly I start to continue down the pipe.

"Hollis!" Harry yells at me.

I continue to ignore him as I'm only three stories away from the ground. Looking back up I don't see Harry anymore. Where did he go? What is he going to do?

"Hollis the fuck are you doing?" Dimitri yells at me. I'm not even going to answer that idiotic question. "Better hurry he's on his way down!"

"Fuck me!" I yell out of annoyance.

"I mean climb back up." Dimitri says down to me.

I don't even reply to him. I just need to focus. I'm almost down then I need to hall ass out of here. The second my feet hit the asphalt the carry me down the street. As I run I don't look look back in fear of seeing Harry behind me. My legs begin to tire and a burning forms in my chest. I push through it and continue to run. Not stopping until I reach my apartment.


The next morning I wake up and instantly go into over drive. I can't waist any more time then I already have. Last night was a nightmare. Harry ruined everything by showing up. Yet it wasn't all that bad because I now have answers I didn't have before. Such as Harry has people looking for me. As well as he most likely knows who took Dani. I need to talk to Dimitri. Have him find out everything I need to know. Hopefully this goes well.


Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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