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Hollis's pov

As he sits next to me my breath instantly hitches. The feeling that runs over my skin and through my veins is heavenly. I so badly want to touch him. To run my fingers through his slightly curled hair. My heart aches for him.

I've dreamed of him so many nights. It's always the simplest things too. Having him lay on my chest as soft snores come from him. With my fingers running through his hair. Or the simple acts he does of eating, getting dressed, or how he focuses when he drives.

I miss him so much. It's almost stupid not to be with him. Through all of the shit he's done, it will never change how I feel about him. Maybe I should just realize that now. Just give in to him and us. I just worry about how Dani would react to it if I did.

"Hey are you okay?" Harry asks as he slides closer to me. My breath hitches by the new wave of emotion I feel. I try my hardest to keep a monotone look even though on the inside I'm a mess.

"Yeah." I sigh out and look at my lap. My hair falls in front of my face to act as a curtain.

"You cut your hair." He simply states. Next thing I know his hand comes up and brushes my hair behind my ear.

Our eyes locked as he did the simple movements. I take in every detail of his face. The warmth in his eyes. A slight smirk is on his lips. His dimples lightly show. He can tell he's getting to me. Slowly but surely he is.

"I did." I say and clear my throat.

"Why love." He softly asks me in his British accent.

"It was a constant reminder." I look into his eyes intensely.

"Of what?" Harry asks me already knowing the answer. I watch as he slowly gets closer to me.

"You." Once the words leave my mouth his lips press to mine. The feeling is overwhelming. It just pulls me in with every passing second. Soon it turns from kissing to more. My mouth opens to let his tongue move against mine. I've missed this all too much. Slipping my hands into his hair I tug just the way he likes it.

I haven't seen him in a year. Only been near him for ten minutes and I'm already falling into our old ways. It's all too familiar though. All too comfortable to be honest. The sweet feeling of him gently nipping an my bottom lip.

Harry's hands travel down too my waist as he moves me. In a swift motion I'm straddling his lap. My dress bunches at the top of my thighs. We don't waist anymore time until we see kissing once again. In a lustful frenzy I start to kiss his neck. Making sure to leave purple marks as evidence that this isn't a dream.

"Uhh Hollis." He moans out.

I make sure to start rocking my hips against him. A moan escapes his pink lips. The look of him is so amazing. Seeing how much he longs for me. Longs for my touch, no for me.

"Harry." I say breathless.

"Yes." Harry looks at me with hope in his eyes.

"I-" I start to say but am cut off by someone knocking.

Harry has a slight panic on his face. I look at him with a questioningly. Leaning back I wait for him to say something.

"Umm." He breaths out.

"Who's at the door Harry?" I ask him.

"Well umm." His grip on me tightens.

I take his hands off of me and stand up. He attempts multiple times to try and grab me. Every attempt I dodge successfully. As I walk to the front door I feel Harry hot on my heels. Picking up my pace I grab the handle and yank it open. When I see who's behind the door I want to laugh. Laugh at the irony of the situation. Or just laugh at the fact that I really should of seen this one coming. I look to Harry then back at the other person.

"I could of gone my entire life with never seeing you again." I give an irritated smile.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Karly asks me angrily. The one thing I instantly notice is her once blonde hair is now a rich brown color.

"You are actually surprised to see me in Harry's apartment?" I give her a pathetic smile. "You're just as delusional as I  remember."

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to Hollis?" She asked me with her voice laced in hatred. In a weird way it fuels me.

"Obviously to someone who is trying so hard to be me." I smile at her. Taking another look at Harry I notice he's been completely silent.

"As if I would ever." Karly huffs.

"Come on it doesn't take a genius. In the only thing he wants. So you obviously dyed your hair to try and get something from Harry. Even if it's being second best." I tell her as if I was bored with the situation. Walking to the door I step inside the doorframe and place my hand on the knob. "Second best to me." 

With that being said I close the door and begin to walk down the hallway. On the outside I tried my hardest to make it seem like I didn't care about anything. Yet on the inside I felt hurt. I have no right to feel hurt though. Harry has done the same exact thing I have done with Dimitri. Try to fill the void of not having each other. I just have to push it all down. Act like I'm not  bothered at all knowing Harry has filled his void with her. Harry probably feels the exact same when he found out about me and Dimitri. If not worse because Dimitri is his best friend. Karly is just someone I used to feel threatened by. Before I realized how in control I actually am off my life in this tucked up world.

"Hollis!" Harry screams after me. I stop dead in my tracks and turn around.

"Harry?" I more ask myself.

"Don't go." He pleads with his beautiful eyes.

"It's okay Harry just go and enjoy your time with Karly." Her name rolls of my tongue like acid.

"Are you jealous." Harry asks me. As I look at him I know that I have to be completely honest with him. I have to because that's what I would want from him.

"Of course I am Harry." I sigh heavily. I'm not good with doing these kind of things anymore. "You know I am. It's just I have absolutely right to be. I've done the same exact thing you have. I know the need to fill the empty void inside. You don't have to explain anything. I just get it."

"Where does it leave us though?" Harry asks me.

"I honestly don't know Harry." I tell him. Turning away I start to walk away again. Harry grabs my arm to stop me.

"I don't want to not see you for two years again." His eyes start to well up with tears.

"I'll see you tomorrow. So we can figure out a way to get Dani back. Too much time has been waisted doing pointless shit." I bite my lip and look at him. "How about this. If you help me find Dani we can work on possibly getting back together."


Harry new video gave me a new reason to live. I loved it sooooo much. I'm so proud of him! Also that picture of Harry is so fine.

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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