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Hollis's pov

"What's the game plan?" I ask Harry.

"I need to think for a second." He replies.

He is really testing my patience today. Anxiety fills me as I start to worry for Dani again. I miss her so much, and I'm beyond worried about her. Part of me wonders if she knows she's back in her old home. The home that she has nothing but memories of Alessana and her. Is it hard for her to be back there? I know for a fact she has avoided that place like I have. Only her pain burns deeper then mine. She lost her only family. I lost a friend at the hands of my twin flame. The same twin flame that done so much for me in order to help him.

As these thoughts rise in me I start to feel the anger I had towards Harry come back. I thought I would always hold that anger. That's until I saw him again. The second I saw him walk through his apartment door it all just melted away. Without the anger there to distract me I instantly felt the longing I had for him. The need to be right by his side. To touch him and hold him. Instantly the anger that just resurfaced goes away once again.

"We have to go there?" Harry says me out of my thoughts.

"Why?" I all but t opposed to the idea.

"They have Dani and now Dimitri. It's the only thing to do." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I agree." I let out a sigh. "But we need a plan or more of a goal. What are we wanting to get out of going there?"

"The ultimate goal is to obviously get them out of there. Yet we can settle for any information that's useful." He has a point.

"Am I going in with you?" I ask because I really want to go in but I know it's going to be full of demons.

"Funny." He fake smiles at me.

"Not being funny Harry I'm being serious." I cross my arms over my chest. "It is risky for me to go in there but you need to remember I can kill a demon you can't."

My words stir something deep inside of him. The way the color of his eyes shift a little darker. His eyebrows pull together ever so slightly. Both are dead giveaways. They are to me at least. Harry stays silent for a few minutes.

"Actually I might have an idea. I should go In alone first. Scope things out then when I come out I can figure out what to do from there."

"Harry!" I groan out annoyed. "I need to do something. I can do anything."

"I'm being serious right now we don't know what's happening in there. And yes you can kill them and I can't. Yet they can kill you. I'm not going to just throw you in a room full of demons. That are literally searching for you might I add." He runs his hands through his hair. I know he's right.

"Well they don't know I was with Dani. They thought it was just her." I try to find something to be right about.

"And you believe they bought that? Yeah okay." Harry says in his annoyingly sarcastic voice. I feel my temper rising.

"You know what Harry." I say through gritted teeth.

"What Hollis?" He sounds so over this conversation.

"You can't control me. The old me that let you do that is long gone. Dead even. The new me does what she wants. And what I want is to go to Alessana's old fucking bookstore. To help out my friends and there isn't a single fucking thing you can do to stop me. So let's go right now before I just go by myself." I turn around and start towards the door. Before I leave I turn around and look at him again. He is beyond pissed. "Oh and if you have a destructive episode please, make it quick."

I already know that set him over the edge. The second the door closes I hear some smashing going on on the other side of the door. Looking at his assistant I give her an apologetic smile. Poor thing is going to have to clean his mess up. Then again he always has someone cleaning his mess it seems.

I feel so bipolar with him today. One second I want to run my fingers through his hair while he's sleeping. The next I want to jab my fingers in his eyes. He is making me go crazy.

Dimitri's pov

"So Dimitri I gotta ask you something." Carter turns to me. I still can't seem to fully take my eyes off of Dani. Instead I just give him a nod to continue. "Do you want to be one of us."

His words caught my attention enough to get me to take my eyes off of Dani. No he didn't get my attention he got my sins attention.

"What do you mean by one of us?" I ask him. My posture instantly changes. My shoulders straighten, and I adjust my feet by stepping together a little bit.

"I mean becoming part of the D.W.A. We have a few different areas you could be in." He says.

"You know." I put my pointer finger on my bottom lip. "You know the D.W.A. Is very secretive. Obviously. So the fact that you have shared the huge secret of angels, twin flames, and promised. That means the secret of becoming part of the association has to do with them am I right?"

"You really are a clever one aren't you." He laughs.

"For fucks sake." I hear Dani sigh out quietly. A smile tries to take over my face but I fight the urge.

"So I've been told. Yet I'm going to take that as a yes for my question." I really want to punch this guy and scream at him to just get to the fucking point. "Now For the love of Satan just tell me what the hell you're going to say."

"Fair enough." Carter rubs his hands. "We have a certain initiation process around here for demons who want to join. Just the simple task of killing your twin flame."

Instantly I feel my face pale. Looking over to Dani her head is hung low telling me it's true. How the hell am I going to get us out of this one?


Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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