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Hollis's POV

Harry's touch on me was leaving my skin on fire. Everywhere his fingertips have touch I can still feel the heavy sensation linger there. He takes his time touching my body. Taking in every inch of my skin that he hasn't seen in years. Yet I do the exact same thing with him. Looking over every part of him. The beautiful tattoos he has on his tanned skin. My delicate touch goes over each one on his arm. Then I make my way to the ones on his chest and torso. Over the past few hours I don't know what has gotten into me but I've never felt more in love with this man. Maybe it was me just finally stop being in denial about how I truly feel. Opening up to actually letting the past of Harry's actions go. Mainly opening up to Dani about my true feelings. No matter what the reasoning I'm just happy to feel Harry's touch on me again.

"Is it okay for me to show you just how much I've missed you Hollis?" Harry's raspy voice breaks the silence.

"Of course." I sigh out as I look into his green eyes that hold a desperate look of wanting to have me. "I'm yours, always."

With my words his mouth goes to my neck. Kissing every part that he knows will make me go weak in the knees. He lingers a little longer in my sweet spot right under my ear. My eyes instantly close as I savor the sweet feelings he is giving me. A few moans come from me and mixes in with the sound of the running shower. His mouth is quick to move to mine. The force of the kiss is hard but sweet. Us just trying to pour all of out emotions into it. I stand on my tippy toes and wrap my fingers around his neck. Pulling his body closer to mine I begin to move our mouths with each other. As my hands roam his body I pay attention to the flexing of his muscles I feel from under his skin. As for him I feel the lingering tingling sensation his touch leaves on me.

I drag my pointer finger slowly down his chest and torso. His body stiffens as he knows what's about to come. I grip his member  in my hand with just the right about of pressure. Slowly I begin to stroke him up and down. Watching his face closely I see how his eyes flutter closed and his mouth slightly opens. Every so often his tongue sticks out to wet his lips. I feel the familiar wetness continue to get more unbearable between my legs. There's no way I can wait any longer I need him now. When my hand releases him from my hold his eyes snap open and look down at me questioning. My hands go to the back of his neck as I pull him down to me. I kiss him roughly and press our bodies together.

"I need you now Harry." I plea to him in between kisses.

I feel him nod as he pushes me against the wall. In a quick motion he lifts me up and has my legs hook around him. We continue our kissing as I feel him brush up against my entrance. As he slowly starts to ease into me I gasp. It feels so good to have him making live to me.

"Oh fuck." I moan as he begins to rock his hips into me.

My arms wrap around Harry's shoulders and my head is right next to his. I can hear his panting right by me and I'm sure he can hear mine.

With ever thrust he is hitting ever mind blowing spot inside me. My hands start to claw at every inch of skin I can get a hold of. I want to look at him later and smile at the fact that I did that to him. I want to mark him as mine in whatever way I can. I just love him and want to look at the things I can do to him. Just the same way he can do with me.

I feel myself getting close to the edge as Harry continues to burry himself insider me. The only thing heard in the bathroom is our panting and moans with the shower running in the background. In this moment I don't want it to end. I just want to stay here with him forever and never leave.


I start at myself in the mirror as I brush my hair. In my reflection I see the hickeys clear as day. It brings a smile to my face to have his marks on me once again.

"What's got you smiling love?" Harry says as he walks up behind me. His hands go to my hips as he pulls me into him. I rest my head on his chest. He lifts his hand to move my hair slightly out of the way. Tilting my head to the side I give him more access to the area. Harry slightly bends down and pressed his lips gently to the marks he's made. "Would these happen to be the reason?"

"How did you know?" I giggle.

"Because I have the same smile on my face about them." I look in the mirror and see us standing together with his chin resting on my shoulder. Yet sure enough we both have the same happy smile on our faces.

"I love you Harry." I whisper as I lean my head on his.

"I love you too." He turns me around to face him. "I'm just happy we're back."

I stand on my tippy toes and give him a soft kiss. This beautiful man standing in front of me is all mine and I absolutely couldn't be happier.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" I ask him.

"Come here." He says as he takes my hand and leads me to the closet.

In the closet it looks the exact same as I remember it. There's only one difference. The large section of the closet that once held all of the interesting different colors of fabric is gone. In its place is all of the clothes I had left here two years ago. I look at Harry surprised.

"As pathetic as it sounds I had this changed because it sometimes helped me pretend in a way you were still here." Harry says as he looks at the ground.

"We should of done this forever ago." I laugh and try to bring light to the situation. "I mean the closet would of been much cleaner the whole time."

"You are right about that." He smiles at me.

I walk over to the drawers under the racks of clothing and open the very top to find undergarments. I pick out a matching maroon set and put it on. The feeling of Harry watching me is intense go I take my time to give me a little show. Then I start at the far end of the clothes and run my hand across the top of the hangers. I make eyes contact with Harry as I continue my way down. Passing my clothing I go into Harry's and stop at his plain black tshirts. Quickly I take one off of the hanger and slip it over me. A smirk is on Harry's face as he just continues to watch me. Then I go over to the familiar drawer the holds his sweat pants and grab a pair.

"Why the bottoms?" He asks me curiously because he knows I hate sleeping with any type of bottoms on.

"Because as much as I hate to leave you for a second right now I really do have to go check on Dani." I tell him.

"Understandable." He nods his head, he then gives me a kiss. "I'll be here when you get back love."

As I exit the closet and make my way down stairs. Once I close the door and look over the railing in the living room I'm shocked to see what I do.

"What the hell." Is all I can seem to say.


Dani's POV next...

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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