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Dimitri's pov

"Mind explaining what I'm doing here?" I ask as I sit in the very uncomfortable waiting chair.

I look from person to person hoping to get a response. Yet again I get nothing. It's fine by me I can easily annoy them enough to get some kind or response. Truly one of my specialties, or so I'm told.

As I shift in the chair I look around. Honestly this place is smaller then I thought it would be. To my right there is a hallway that has a few doors. As for in front of me it looks like other rooms or offices have been recently built. The difference in the type of materials used says so. The new walls look like pure drywall as for the rest looks like worn down wood. Doesn't make sense to me why they would only redo parts of this small space. Yet that's none of my business.

"So quick question." I say as I smile at the D.W.A associates keeping an eye on me. "Is there someone here that can talk?"

"I can help with that." A blonde says as he makes his way from the hallway. "I'm Carter."

"Dimitri." I say as I stick my hand out with a smirk. He takes mine and shakes it. Instantly I get weirded out by his intense gaze at me. I mean I know I'm good looking but I don't swing that way.

"Blue eyes, dark hair, and I'm guessing you have quite a personality?" Carter says.

"Are you hitting on me? Because I must say you're not really my type." I tell him.

"Yup no doubt." He laughs.

"Okay mind actually telling me what's going on instead of being all cryptic with me?" I clench my jaw as I feel myself get frustrated.

"I could tell you but I think it's easier to just show you." A twisted smirk is placed on his face. Man I'm really starting to hate this guy.

Carter starts to walk back down the hallway he came from. He goes to a door on the left that sits alone on the wall. He opens it and it shows a staircase. We walk down and come to a door. I hear the sounds of beeping and look to notice him typing numbers into a keypad. A clicking sound is made and he opens that door. Only to show another fucking door.

"Why so many doors?" I ask annoyed even more.

"That's a secret of the association. Perhaps you will learn it soon." He says more cryptic shit.

"You know I'm getting real sick of your bullshit." I say as he swings the door wide open.

As I look inside I see a girl sitting in a chair. Her dark hair is laying down her back. I notice her hands are tied behind her back and attached to the chair. Even though I can't see her face I already know it's Dani.

"Back so soon carter?" She lets out a sigh.

"I brought you a surprise." He laughs and walk around to face her.

For some reason my feet feel flue to the ground. I've been waiting so long to finally know what it feels like. To actually experience the attraction and feeling of being with your promised. Ever since Hollis explained it to me almost three years ago. I will finally understand why Hollis is so stuck on Harry. Finally I can be released from her hold. The only way to do that is to have a new woman take a hold of me. My twin flame to take a hold of me. Dani.

"No." Dani whispers as I see her body tenses.

I take a two steps forward and I feel a weird tingle course through me. Every step I take closer the more intense it gets. As I walk in front of Dani I finally get to look at her face. There is a few bruises littering her face. Nonetheless she's absolutely beautiful. I actually feel so much anger towards whoever done this to her.  All I want to do is run my fingers over each bruise to ease the pain.

"Dimitri meet Dani." Carter says. The look on Dani's face is pure shock.

"Dimitri?" She asks again yet I have the feeling she's just putting pieces together. I have no doubt in my mind Hollis has mentioned me to her.

"So I guess I can now explain to you what's going on Dimitri." Carter says I break my gaze from Dani. "So basically every born demon has something that's called a promised."

I have to keep myself from telling him I already know. That I know this angel was made for me. Yet I need to not let him now that. So I just shut up and listen to what he says. I hope that he says something that I don't know. Yet so far it's nothing new.

The more I'm in her presence the more I want to touch her. Just to know the feeling Hollis always talked about. I just have to know. So as Carter continues talking I step in front of Dani. I bend down so squatting in front of her. Her gaze it almost burning me as she wonders what I'm going to do. A piece of hair falls into her face. Carefully I push it behind her ear. After I run the back of my hand down her cheek. It's like a shock goes through us. An electric flow goes from my hand into my whole body. A sigh leaves me as I finally know what it feels like. No matter how many times I've asked Hollis to describe it I finally understand. No words can fully describe how complete it makes you feel. The touch doesn't last long until Dani yanks her head away from my touch.

"Don't touch me." She says with venom.

I can't lie it hurt to have her reject me in that way.


It's 2020 bitches you know what that means! Get ready for the take over!

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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