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Hollis's pov

As I walked into Harry's office I see him at his desk. His hair is a mess probably from him constantly messing with it. The closer I get I notice he has dark circles under his eyes. Not only that but I come to notice he's in the same suit as he was last night.

"Harry?" I try to get his attention.

"Hollis." Harry's head snaps up as he looks at me. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Are you okay?" I stop in front of his desk and cross my arms over my chest.

"Uhh yeah. Why?" He quickly begins to shuffle a stack of papers together.

"It's just yo- never mind." I sigh. There really isn't a need for me to say something about how he looks like he hasn't slept.

"Okay. Anyways." He brought the papers with him as he walked over to the couch. Taking a seat he pats the spot next to him.  Reluctantly I go over and sit down. Already I feel my breathing getting heavy. "So I've been doing some intel on what could of happened to Dani."

Harry handed me the papers. As I looked through them all I noticed a lot of highlighting. Also little notes are made in the side. Instantly I know it's in Harry's handwriting. Flicking through the papers I realize Harry stayed up all night doing this. My heart swells at the thought of him doing this all too help me find Dani. Granted the only reason he's probably done this is so it looks better on his behalf. So when it comes down to me deciding if I actually want to continue this relationship.

In all honesty I would take him back in a heartbeat. Gladly be wrapped in his arms once again. He's absolutely perfect to me in every way. Made for me specially. It's easy to forgive him for the pain he has caused me. Just push it into the past and not let it affect our relationship. Yet I'm not the only one he has hurt. He hurt Dani as well. Took someone from her that was the only thing she has left. That is what I can't forgive. Before I do anything in taking things further I have to talk to Dani. As stupid as it may sound I need her blessing.

"Harry did you do all of this in one night?" I ask him as I keep my gaze on the many papers. "I truly appreciate all of this effort."

Before I knew it I felt something on my shoulder. Looking over I see Harry's he's resting gently on me. His eyes are closed and his mouth is partly open. I smile at the sight of him falling asleep. He snuggles closer to me in his sleep. Generally I slid down so he's in a more comfortable position. Harry's forehead rests against my neck. I feel his hot breath his my collarbone. It sends chills down my spine. Without thinking I bring my hands up and begin to run my fingers through his hair. A slight whimper leaves him as he sighs in relief. Even asleep he is effected by my touch. Instantly becomes calm by it. I feel the same way though. Being next to Harry brings me back to something I haven't felt in a long time. The feeling of being content and happy. It feels good to have again.

Since no one else is around to witness this I bend my neck and place a soft kiss to his forehead. No matter what front I put on I will always have a soft spot for Harry. No, I will always have love for him that burns so passionately. It fuels us, gives us a reason to live. Harry is my reason to live fully.

As Harry cuddles next to me even more I realize there's no way I'm moving. I get comfortable as I begin to look over the papers again. No matter how long I stare at the pages with ink plastered everywhere I can't figure anything out. Harry is the only one who can actually explain everything to me.

"Harry!" Dimitri shouts as he barges into the office. Quickly I shoot up from the couch creating distance from Harry. Not just so Dimitri won't see but also Harry. Looking at Dimitri he has a look as if he did in fact see what just happened.

"What the fuck Dimitri?" Harry groggily says to him as he rubs his eyes.

"Don't What the fuck me we have a problem." He places his hand on his side and uses the other hand to point towards Harry. "D.W.A associates are here!"

"Why?" Harry asks as he stands up.

"They are going around asking people questions." Dimitri explained. "But only certain people."

"Like who?" Harry motioned his hand for him to hurry up and spit it out.

"Darien Graber, Dominick Gents, Dylan Grosmen. Noticing a fucking pattern here?" Dimitri sarcastically says.

"D G initials and all demons." Harry speaks the obvious.

"They are going to get to me very soon not many of those around here." You can see him slightly panic.

"Why though?" Harry asks out loud.

"Guys I think I know." I finally step into the conversation. "It's something I've suspected for quite some time now. I just didn't want to admit it."

"Today would be nice." Dimitri says in the nicest way possible.

"I'm pretty sure Dimitri and Dani or promised." I say out loud. "I mean it's all there. The initials are the same. In so many ways the are the same person. The ways they aren't the same they are the balance the other one needs. And lastly her birthday is December 16th. Dimitri when's yours?"

"December 16th." He whispers.

"Exactly! You guys are twin flames!" I breath out.

"Why keep this from us?" Dimitri asks with his jaw clenched.

"I didn't want to admit it to myself because we had our thing." I bite my lip knowing how selfish this sounds. "Not only that but Dani can't stand demons. Ever since the Harry situation all she want is to kill them. I figured I was just helping not saying anything."

"That's not the point Hollis." Dimitri steps towards me with hurt in his eyes. "You know I've been chasing that feeling. Wanting to know the true feeling of what it is to have someone just for you. I've been chasing you for years now because you were the closest thing I could have to it. Yet this whole time you knew who I was promised too."

"Dimitri I'm so sorry." I feel my eyes start to water. Never have I thought about that. I knew Dimitri had feelings for me, but I never took the thought for enough as to why. I've become a truly selfish person.

"You know it doesn't even matter because now I know and I'm going to get her." His jaw is still clenched.

I look over to Harry. He looks absolutely pissed. I'm pretty sure it's just from the moment Dimitri and I had. Not going to lie it hurts me to see him like that. Two years ago I would of tried everything in my power to never be part of the reason to see him like that.

"So bring us to the next question." Harry gets back into the conversation. "Why are they trying to find Dani's twin flame?"


Special thank you to everyone who comments! I love seeing what you guys think of every chapter! And you guys are hilarious!

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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