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Harry's pov

"They got another one?" I ask the person I'm talking to over the phone.

"Yes sir." He replies.

"And you still didn't catch them?" I shake my head.

"No sir." He says defeated.

"Fuck sakes." I breath out. "Try harder tonight or you won't have a job tomorrow!"

For months I've been trying to find Hollis. There have been a lot of demon attacks that popped up a few months after she left. I don't know for sure if it's her, but I have a gut feeling it is. I know I'm not the only one looking to catch her. I just hope it's me before anyone else.

I walk into Dimitri's office and immediately I notice the stupid fucking grin on his face. He's like this every Monday and Thursday I swear.

"What got you so giddy?" I ask in an annoyed manner.

"The fact you're now here." He gives a big  smile to me.

"Yeah fucking right." I call him out. "Seriously why?"

"I already told you." He says again.

"And I'm not fucking buying it." I say every word with emphasis.

"Why are you in here anyway?" Dimitri tries to change the conversation.

"She got away again." I tell him.

"Who?" He looks at me, but it quickly dawns on him. "Hollis?"

"Yeah." I sigh as I sit down. "These fucking idiots can't do there job right."

"Harry, you need to let her go." He softly says to me.

"Why the fuck would I do that?" I angrily ask.

"Because it's been two years. She has completely disappeared. There is a reason she doesn't want you too find her." I look at him with pure hatred. He doesn't understand the power of what we have.

"She's just upset. Once she sees me she will be reminded of what we have." I accidentally tell him.

"For all you know she's getting fucked by some other dude." His words instantly anger me.

"Don't you say dumb shit like that Dimitri!" I yell at him. The anger inside me is rising who knows how much more I can take before I lose control.

"What you hate the thought of another dude touching her?" He pushes more.

"You already know that answer." My jaw is clenched so hard the words can barely escape.

"So it's okay that you fuck a different girl every night, but not okay for her to?" The look on his face is pure disbelief. He does have a point but that's none of his business. It's nothing like when I'm with her. The soft feeling of her skin pressed to me. Or the sounds she makes as I please her. It's something he could never imagine.

"She's not like that." I breath out.

"How do you know?" He just keeps going. Messing with me in the one way he knows will actually effect me.

"I know her!" I yell at him.

"You knew her." Dimitri corrects me. "It's been two fucking years. People can change a lot in two years."

"Fuck You Dimitri!" I yell and walk out.

He doesn't know anything. What Hollis and I have is something unexplainable. It's real and raw in every way imaginable. I knew her better then anyone and she knew me the same exact way.

Yet maybe he does have a point. It's been two years since I've seen her. Two years since I've heard her voice, felt her touch, seen her smile, and felt the feeling of satisfaction as our energies flowed into the other. That feeling makes me shake with withdrawals every time I think about it. I crave to have it and I know she feels the exact same way.

I hate knowing I'm the reason she's gone. That I'm so stupid for being blinded by my fear of losing her. So blind that I made the exact decision that lead to it. The whole thing was so surreal when it happened. I was stunned with disbelief. In a way I thought she was just going to leave to cool down. Like when she found out about her parents. Just go for a walk and come back. That's why I didn't push so hard for her to stay. I thought she would come back to me. If only I would of poured my heart out to her. Made her realize she belongs with me forever.

Something in her changed that night. I saw it in her eyes. The look of being defeated. She was done, exhausted with trying to figure out how she felt. So much so everything just turned off. Those beautiful green eyes hold me everything that was going on in her head. Obviously not enough though. Not enough to realize she was leaving me for good. She really has changed.

She's changed.

She's changed.

I keep running that sentence through my head. She's changed. Yet just how changed is she? This whole time oven been thinking I'm going to find the same Hollis that I knew. When in reality this is a whole new Hollis I'm dealing with. Fuck for all I know she has changed her appearance completely to match her new self.

I quicken my pace as I walk to my office. All I know is I need to branch out with my thinking. Actually get down to thinking about things she wouldn't do as well. Maybe it's not my teams problem for not finding her but my own. Fuck how could I of been so close minded. So fucking stupid for not even considering the idea of any of this. To think I probably could of found her by now if I would of just thought more.

In a way I should thank Dimitri. If it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't of realized. A smile spreads across my face. All because I have something I haven't felt in over two years. Hope.

"Hello Mr.Styles." My assistant smiles as she try's to subtly press her breast together. I roll my eyes as I walk past her without saying another word. She shows a look of disappointment at my cold response. Yet I could careless right now. Woman like her have just been a small place holder for the real thing. Someone who I can pretend is the real thing. It never works but sometimes for a second it does. Those are the times where I feel less lonely.


Guys iniquitous is #1 in harry styles fan fiction right now and it's blowing my mind. You all are so wonderful and just so precious to me!

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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