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Dani's pov

"You what?" I question instantly.

"You heard me we found him." Carter laughs at me.

"Great can't wait to meet him." I sarcastically say and roll my eyes.

He claps his hands loudly. I look at him as a wide smile on his face. "That's a fantastic idea. Let's let you two meet."

"For fucks sake." I groan.

Hollis's pov

"Should we follow him?" I ask him.

"No they will instantly notice." Harry says as he runs his pointer finger over his lip.

"Then what do we do?" I try to remain calm as time ticks away.

"Well I've found some places where they could be hiding them." He gives goes over to the stack of papers I was looking at earlier when he fell asleep.

"Which are where?" I drag out the question.

"Here look at this." He lays out his map and I see a total of three locations circled in red."these or the ones I narrowed it down too."

"How do we figure out which one it is?" I ask as my eyes stay fixed on the map. My brain is in overdrive as I try to come up with different possibilities of what could happen.

"That's the thing." I watch as his fingers easily tangle in his hair. "All are owned by them but not publicly known unless you specifically look it up. People come in and out of all three. Not to mention you have to me part of the D.W.A. To even get in. So even if we do figure out which location they're at it's impossible to get in."

"I don't give a fuck how impossible it is. First things first we find which location." I snap in a quick and sharp manner.

"Dont you think I already know that?" I can see the anger is rising in him. Never have I been the reason for his wrath to start to bubble to the surface like this. Instantly I feel bad for pushing him in a way. The straightforward and not caring girl I have grown to become is instantly pushed back. Only he has the power to have me change my ways for him. In a way it's absolutely terrible for me to become so submissive to him. I've promised myself I would never be that girl I was two years ago. Yet it's so easy to fall back into your old habits when it has to do with the one you love.

"Harry I'm sorry." I say and reach over to run my hand down his arm. The gesture clams him and I'm glad.

"It's Fine Hollis." He lets out a large sigh.

Not knowing what else to say we just sit in silence. This silence isn't like the silence I'm used to with him where it's comfortable. No this silence is awkward. The type of awkward that reminds me when you say goodbye to someone and you both end up walking away in the same direction but both of you don't say anything because you already did the whole goodbye thing. Yeah that kind of silence.

To try and ease the awkwardness I pick up a file and start to randomly flip through it. I remember when I worked here and Karly used to have me file a shit ton of these all of the time. Looking over each and everyone over at least twice to make sure it was going in the correct place. Wait.

"Harry." I quickly blurt our in a rush.

"What?" He looks at me in a slight panic.

"Do you still have to contract file form for the D.W.A?" I ask him. "The one for the light detector thing?"

"Of course but why?" He gave me a weird look.

"They has to be sent somewhere right?" I ask already bowing the answer. "And I'm willing to bet the same building is the one that takes care of all matters that have to do with angels."

"Oh shit." Realize hits him as he rushed to one of his filing cabinets. "You might be right."

I start to feel antsy as I watch him shuffle through the many files. The rings on his fingers shine with every movement he makes from the small amount of sun peaking in. Part of me wants to yell at him to hurry and find it because we don't have a lot of time. Yet I know better then to do that. No way in hell do I need him to have an episode and rip apart all of the files.

"Here." Harry pulls it out of the cabinet and brings it over.

"What's the address?" I ask as I look at the map.

"One second it's somewhe- here it is." He pauses to read the print. "14765 Garner."

"Harry." I whisper as I find the address on the map.

"What?" He asks as he looks to where my finger is pointing.

The address isn't one of the points that he had previously circled.

"How?" I ask him.

"They ended changing the address with us around the same time you two started your killing spree." Harry informs me.

"Why there though?" I curiously ask hoping he somehow had the answer.

"I have no clue Hollis. I didn't even know they own it now. Trust me I've tried my hardest to forget all about that place." He whispers the last part.

"Me too Harry, me too." I fold my arms over my chest as I turn away from the map.

"At least we're have an advantage now." He points out.

"How the hell do we have an advantage?" I ask him trying my hardest not to be mean.

"We both know the building." He tells me. Yeah he is right about that.

"But why the hell would the buy Alessana's old bookstore?" I ask him.


Guys I am begging you if it's been awhile and I haven't updated PLEASE remind me!!! I don't realize how much time has gone by. I think it's been a couple days since I updated when in reality it's been weeks. I don't find it annoying if it's obviously been awhile. I really just need the reminder of "yo girl it's been a hot ass minute"

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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