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Dani's pov

I open my jaw and move it around slightly. A dull ache is felt as I stretch it. Licking my lips I get the faint taste of blood. The iron taste leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Gathering the taste I spit it out. As it lands to the concrete a slight echo is made. I'm sick and tired of being here. They continuously try to get information out of me. The question are all over the place too. From when's your birthday to do I know any other angels. Out of everything they ask I only answer a few of their questions. Only the ones about myself that don't give a lot of information about me. Those answers aren't enough for them though. They've tried nearly everything to get me to spill the juicy stuff. I've been beaten, tortured, them playing nice with me, and trying to scare it out of me. It's easy to tell they are out of their element with me. None of their demonic powers really work on me. And every time they seriously hurt me I just heal myself. It's not the easiest especially since I'm tied to a chair. Yet I've come to learn how to project my abilities a little farther then I could before.

I've come to the conclusion though that they aren't trying to kill me... not yet at least. They are looking for someone. It has to be Hollis! My heart sinks at the thought of them getting her. What I don't understand is how they would even know about her. I haven't said a fucking thing to these Satan worshippers!

"Morning Dani!" A chirpy voice says. Without looking I already know who it is.

"Hey Carter." I weakly pick my head up from the hanging position it was in. "Came to beat me some more?"

"That's the plan." He looked straight into my eyes. His sandy blonde hair was pushed back but he had a stubborn piece that always sticked out and laid over his eye. As for his hazel yes the seemed a little more brown than anything today.

"How's the wife and kids?" I annoy him with the question. He lifts his right arm and begins to stretch it. Once he's done he walks over to me. Without hesitation he sends a blow to my face. I don't dare cry out in pain or cry. Instead I clench my jaw and angrily tell him. "How many times do I have to tell you. You hit like a bitch."

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop with that fucking question. You already know I have neither and want neither." He says and punches me again.

The taste of blood instantly fills my mouth. I can feel it not only drip from the corner of my mouth but on my chick. He must of split my cheek. Unfortunately my face it to far away to be able to heal. Which is fine as long as they don't try to damage my skull.

"You sure it's you that doesn't want it. Or no one wants you?" I ask him and spit blood out of my mouth.

"You think you're so clever." Carter says as he places both his hands on my cheeks. To my surprise he's very gentle with it. "I'll let you in on a little secret. If you let me in on one of yours."

I roll my eyes at him. Cater already knows the fucking answer to that question. Manipulative ass demons I swear. I can never understand Hollis's fascination with them. I mean after Harry's lying psychotic ass I thought she would of been done with anything demon related. Yet I was sadly mistaken when she started to see a guy named Dimitri. I could never have a relationship with a demon, not even friendly. Whenever I see one all I'm filled with is hatred. How am I supposed to promised to one when all I feel is that?

"How about I go first." Carter smiles at me. Slowly he comes down to my ear. In a soft but sexy voice he whispers. "I'm born."

My eyes widen slightly as I turn to look at him. He has a dumb smirk on his face as if he told me 'I brought a condom'.

"You where born a demon, not made?" He seems taken back.

"You really are a clever thing aren't you?" He looks at me in awe.

"You know if my promised was more like you we might of worked things out." Carter tells me. "She was a naive one."

"Promised are supposed to be made for each other. Exactly what the other one needs." I say with boredom laced in my voice.

"That's what they say." He whispers. "Didn't stop me from killing her though."

"How?" I asked. Not in the sense of doing it but how he brought himself to do it. "Twin flames are supposed to have a special bond. How did you bring yourself to do it."

Carter steps away from me and goes to the wall. He crosses his arms and leans on it. As he stares at the ground I can tell he's deep in thought.

"It wasn't easy trust me. But in a way I didn't have a choice. You see she was captured by possessors as well. Then they tracked me down her promised. The D.W.A just so happen to have a special initiation for demons who are born. If you kill your promised you become one of them. One of the most powerful demons on earth. Even comes with your very own cloak stained with your partners blood. What they don't tell you though is how drastically your world changes." He sighs out.

"How does it change." I can't help but to be curious all of a sudden. Wanting to know everything he has to say.

"Your world turns grey. You lose a part of you. It becomes hard to live for a while. Hard to breath in a way. Yet the only time I met my promised I killed her within five minutes. One that are promised and have been together longer. In other words have had there bond strengthened. They have it the worst." A light chuckle leaves him. Killing his promised has made him almost heartless. No he's numbed to everything. Numbed to life. I almost feel bad.

"Do you regret it?" I ask in a whisper.

"Doesn't matter." His voice is laced with anger. That's gives me my answer. "Besides once we find yours you will be on the end that doesn't have to know what it feels like."

"Trust me him killing me wont upset me. It will bring me peace knowing I don't have to be around him. It's also a bonus knowing he will suffer after." I truthfully say.

"You really don't like demons do you?" Carter asks.

"You freak of nature's took everything from me. It brought me nothing but joy to kill the ones I have." I spit angrily.

Before he could say anything the door behind me opened. Carter looked at the person surprised. Then we walks over to the man. I hear hushed whispers coming from them. Next I hear the door closed and cater walks in front of me again. He brings his hand to brush my hair behind my ear. Again his touch is so gentle it confuses me every time he's gentle.

"We found your promised." He says with a sick, twisted grin.


I loved writing this chapter!

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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