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Dani's pov

As I sit in the uncomfortable chair I continuously shift in hopes to get somewhat comfortable. Maybe if I play nice with Carter a little bit he will help me in some way. Highly doubt that though. He has never actually been nice to me. Then again I'm never nice to him either. So who knows, I'm just getting sick and tired of being tied to this chair. I'm just sick of being in the tiny ass room.

Behind me I hear the door open. Instantly I sit up a little bit. Since Carter is back I might as well try to be nice. I swear if this doesn't work I'm going to be a total bitch. I don't even care if he gets violent with me. So far I have taken everything he has done and that won't change.

"Back so soon carter?" I say as he walks over to me.

He has that smirk on his face that if you didn't know him you would think it was nice. Hell it was hot even, but since I know him I know it's evil. The smirk he gets from his sick twisted thoughts. He truly makes me nauseous.

"I brought you a surprise." He tells me.

A surprise? What the hell does me mean by that. Wait. No no no no. He's here, in the same building as me. Fuck I can't do this right now. I'm not ready to face whoever this guy is. Chances are he's going to be the one killing me. Son of a bitch I swear I'm going to make it the most difficult thing he has ever done. Scratch that all I need is a free hand and I'll take that fucker down.

"No." I finally speak out.

Right when I say the words I hear footsteps behind me. For fucks sake he's in the fucking room! As he walks around I finally see him. He is absolutely handsome. His dark hair is pushed back. The light color of his eyes remind me of my pale eyes. He's dressed in a simple all black business suit. For a second I swear I forgot how to breath.

"Dimitri meet Dani." Carter says breaking the tension that's slowly building.

"Dimitri?" I question. As in Hollis's Dimitri? What the actual fuck. My twin flame is the demon that's been having sex with Hollis. I mean now that I see him I don't blame her at all but still I can't help for a small part of me be angry about it.

"So I guess I can now explain to you what's going on Dimitri." Carter starts to say. I want to tell him to shut up that he already knows and so do I. I know for a fact Hollis told him everything. She never had any secrets between the two of us. Told us everything really, me because I'm her best friend, him because it's Dimitri he had a way of getting information out of her somehow.

I watch his every move very closely. It seems with every passing word Carter says he inches closer to me. His actions remind me of a drug addict in the presence of their favorite fix. Slowly he squats down in front of me. We don't break eye contact almost as if our eyes leave one another we would instantly disappear. Be lost in the air and not to know where we have gone.

The second his hand starts to reach for my face I begin to panic. I hate demons. Absolutely hate them. They have taken so much away from me I could never have feelings for one nonetheless be with one. No matter how attractive he is or what this feeling will be like, I need to be strong. I just can't let myself cave in. Fuck destiny, fuck being promised. Just because we were made for each other doesn't mean I have to be with him. The truth is I just don't think I can forgive all his kind have taken from me.

I feel some of my hair fall to my face. Dimitri's hand comes up and swiftly pushes it back. Then he traces the back of his hand along my cheek. In that moment I've felt more alive then I have in a long time. It's almost like evert cell in my being way being shocked. The feeling was well pure heaven. No wonder Hollis is so stuck up on Harry. This feeling is so indescribable. I almost let myself melt into his touch. Fall into a submissive roll just for him. It took everything in me too do what I did next. I pulled my face away from him and tried to give my best glare.

"Don't touch me." I harshly say to him.

Dimitri's face flashes with hurt. The look itself makes me want to blurt out that I'm kidding. Tell him anything just to make him feel better. I hate this feeling. I'm and independent woman. I've never needed a man. Hell I've never really needed anyone. Yes I like having people in my life such as Hollis but I don't need her in ways that aren't a friend. I could take care of myself and protect myself. Yet with Dimitri I feel like I need to let him do that for me. It's a funny feeling that I'm not used too and don't like.

"So Dimitri." Carter breaks the silence.

"What?" Dimitri asks him slightly defeated.

"I'm going to make you a proposition." Carter gives his nefarious smile. "How would you like to be part of the D.W.A?"

Oh no. I think to myself. The phrase instantly changes to fuck when I see his head quickly snap to carters direction. Great he's going to kill me. Never would I have though that Hollis's fuck buddy would be the one to end my life. What a sick fucking joke really.

"How?" Dimitri asks a little to curious.

"Simple just one thing. " Carter walks behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. His right grip makes me tense up and I look at the ground. "You just have to kill your precious twin flame here."

"What? No, I can't." He instantly testifies.

"Yes you can and yes you will." Carters voice instantly changes from the charming one to the psycho one.

The only thing I can think of his how fucked I truly am.


I'm planning something special coming up soon for February! I'll tell you guys what it is next chapter!!

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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