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Holliss pov

I instantly take my eyes off Harry and look to Dimitri. His eyes point in the direction of where I'm guessing they're keeping Dani. As I'm taking a few steps forward a voice stops me.

"Where do you think you're going?" I look to who has said that and see a blonde demon.

I don't reply to him. Can't risk him knowing my voice. Instead I just make another step in the direction I need to go. Considering this is Alessanas old place I have a pretty good guess where she could be.

"Fine have it your way." He simply shrugs. "Code white!"

As I see a few demons come around I'm surprised there is only three and the other demon. I look to Harry and Dimitri and give them a look of stay. As much as I want to kick these guys asses and show off in front of Harry I know I need to make this quick. Plus my guess is these guys have never dealt with an angel that actually knows how to defend herself.

The three guys come over all ready to hang up on me. Well looks like there is going to be a fight today. I bring my right leg up and use all of my force and momentum to kick one of the guys in the chest. He falls back on the floor. I quickly repeat the action to another so I'm left with just one. The third guy eager to stop me throws a punch but I instantly lean back to block it. He's only focused on punching so I drop down and use my leg to kick his feet out from under him. He lands on the floor with a groan. I straddle his waist and place my left hand on his chest right where his heart is.

"No!" He screamed as I watched the light come from my hand. I watched as the black veins covered his entire body so quickly. In a matter of seconds he turned into ash.

Both my arms are taken into firm grips as the other two restrain me. I'm lifted to my feet as they hold me with both my arms out stretched. Their hands are hold my arm at the wrist and the bicep. I take a quick glance at Harry and Dimitri they look to be in a conversation.

"Nice try but you clearly need more practice." The blonde one undermines me. I quickly lash out and try to break free from the demons holding me. "You are feisty just like Dani aren't you."

I glare at him he has no right to talk about her. Hell he'd probably the ones who's been torturing her all this time. If I found out he was I swear I'll kill him. It won't be a quick death either I'll make sure to hit him in a place where it would take quite a while for him to die.

"Aww you don't like me talking about her do you?" He likes to get me worked up. The fact he can get under my skin excites him. What a sadistic fuck he must be. This time I stay still and just glare at him.

"You know we've been wondering if Dani has an accomplice." He tells me. "It just seemed like a lot for just one girl to handle. Now two of you does make more sense."

He begins to take a few steps toward me. Panic begins to rise in me as I wonder what he's about to do.

"Let's get this off of you and see who you are shall we?" He stands really close to me, probably only two inches of space is between us. His hand comes up and I begin to panic even more. Then and idea pops into my head. But I'm going to have to be quick.

Once his eyes are focus more on the material around my face I draw my head back and thrust it forward. Our heads make contacts and I see him stumble back holding the area where our heads made contact. Trying my best to ignore the pain I notice the grips the demons had on my has slightly loosened since they are focused on the blonde guy. Using this to my advantage I uncomfortably twist my wrists so I'm touching theirs. Once the light makes contact with their skin they let me go. I grab one and hit the light on his chest. Quickly I grab the other. My hand goes to his chest and I push with all my force. He stumbles back towards the blonde demon. As he falls his body turns to ash. The ash falls on and around the blonde demon.

"Gotta admit I'm impressed." He chuckles. "Guys a little help."

Instantly I realize he's talking to Harry and Dimitri. Great how is this one going to play out. I grab hold of his head and bring it down onto my knee as hard as I can. That should keep him down a little longer.

I walk over to the guys and don't know what to do. Harry steps forward and gives me a look. I instantly know to follow his lead. He tries to punch me but he purposely goes slow so I can dodge them. As we pretend to fight I accidentally loose my balance when I misplace a step. My focus goes off of Harry as I try to adjust myself. Before I know it I feel a sharp pain in my check. I look at Harry and his eyes are filled with the utmost panic. I'm not mad if anything in a really sick, twisted, and fucked up way I want to rip his clothes off and have angry sex.

I give him a wink and kick him in his hip so it looks like I kicked him in the groin. He realizes and falls to the floor acting like I got him. When I go to Dimitri he's next to the a reception desk.

"You need him to get down stairs." He whispers so quietly I can barely hear him.

With this I kick at the back of his knee. He falls to the floor in a bit of shock. Then I push his head to lightly hit the desk but at the same time I kick the desk to make it seem like he hit harder then he actually did.

I turn around and see the blonde has now stood back up. He has a curious look on his face. Yet he doesn't say anything. He seems so trapped in his own mind that I just walk up to him. Place my hand on his chest. Once he feels my touch he is brought out of his thoughts.

I nod my head to the side hinting that I want him to go that way. He gives a smirk but nods. He knows exactly what I want. He also knows if he doesn't do it he's going to be turned into a pile of ash.

"Right this way."


Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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