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Hollis's pov

I push my sunglasses up so they're hiding more of my face. There's not much I can do to disguise myself. So I just have to hope that Harry will think I would never step through these doors. Granted I haven't been here since I was with Harry. The crowded building still looks the same. With many humans and demons making there way through the large structure. Making my way over to the many elevators I pick one that will take me straight to Dimitri's floor.

When I step inside I try to hid as best I can in the corner. With everyone in here decides me a demon I'm on edge. All it takes is one to to look at me with their freaky demon vision. See the white glow surround me. Then it's over for me. I'll be taken to god knows where. Where they will do with me what they please.

I carefully slide past the demons as I try to get out of the elevator. Key to not causing suspicion is to act like a scared timid little girl. If I was to show that I'm not scared of them that's when they begin to suspect something is wrong. Every human fears demons. So fear is the normal thing.

Taking a familiar path to Dimitri's office is somewhat nostalgic. Memories of walking here to play our little game we had. A question for a question. Funny how that was actually a thing we did at one point. Now it's just we share things. No need for the other one to make sure they get something out of it as well. Dimitri knows everything there is that I know. Well almost everything, we never talk about Harry. I get to his office door when I hear someone speak.

"Can I help you?" A little brunette girl speaks.

Looking at her she looks like she's trying not to shake. I can't tell if it's from fear or nerves though. Either way they are somewhat tied together.

"I'm here to speak with Mr. Greene." I tell her.

"Oh he's not in right now. He's at a meeting. Can I take a message?" She lowly says.

"No I'll wait for him." I state and begin to continue into the office.

"He doesn't like to have people in his office." She says with fear in her eyes. Fear of getting in trouble with Dimitri.

"Honey it's okay." I try to be as nice as possible. "He will be happy to see me. Plus I'll just tell him I wouldn't take no for an answer if he says anything."

"I don't kn-"

"Trust me." I say a little aggressively with a smile on my face.

The way she looks at me is strange. As if she holds some kind of emotion towards me. As I continue to look at her I realize it's envy. My lips part slightly as I come to understand more and more. She wishes to have the confidence I have. To say and act in a way with no care or worries. Envy is a dangerous thing.

"Don't envy." I say with a bit of sadness. "It's not worth it. Plus all it can lead to is it building up into something so out of control. You won't know who you are anymore. Changing you in ways that when you look in the mirror you don't see yourself. All you see is a shell of who you used to be. All it will lead to is you possibly becoming the one thing you hate the most. A demon."

I give her a sad small smile. Turning away from her I got to Dimitri's office. As I open the door I barely hear her whisper something under her breath.

"Thank you."


It's been an hour of me waiting for when Dimitri finally wake in. His all black suit makes his eyes look even more blue. Seeing him in a suit is slightly strange. I can't remember the last time I've seen him in one.

"You know when my assistant told me a girl was in my office I almost freaked out. Then she said the girl was a very persistent, confident human girl." He smirks at me. "And I automatically knew it would be you."

"I'm not human." I stand up from the chair.

"That is very true." He leans against his desk. "Isn't it angel."

"I came to ask you of a favor." I start to tell him.

"Let me guess." Dimitri stands up straight and adjusts his blazer. "Possibility one, you want to get freaky in my office."

"Nope." I shoot him down.

"Okay." He acts like his ego just got blown to bits. "Then it must be possibility number two. You want me to talk to Harry and see what I can get from him. All in hopes of finding Dani?"

"Bingo." I point at him.

"There is one probably with that. I just spend the last two hours with him. Harry is completely pissed at me. For keeping you away from him but also the fact he kinda knows we have been getting freaky." His eyes light up with amusement.

"Couldn't stop yourself from telling him that part." I say uninterested.

"Hollis he isn't stupid." He says in a matter of a fact tone.

"Fair enough." I say and let him continue telling me what else happened.

"He then went on saying he wasn't going to tell me shit. Or help me in anyway possible. He fucking hates me and can't believe I would betray him like that. We've been friends since the beginning. Blah blah blah all of the normal friends fighting shit." He puts his hand up to do the blah blah blah thing.

"Great anything else he said?" I questioned I start to head for the door.

"Yes he did say there is one way he would help." He says with a hint of grimace.

"What?" I ask even though I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.

"He will only talk to you." He says.

"Give him the phone number to my burner phone." I instantly say.

"Hollis you know that's not what he meant." He stands behind his chair as his grip on it begins to tighten. "He wants to see you in person."

"For fucks sake." I sigh out.

"You're not going to do it are you?" He asks me.

"I don't know."

"Don't." He quickly tells me. "We can figure out another way."

"We can." I say to him. "But it will take to long. I need to find Dani now."

"Don't do it it's probably all a trap to get you back." He walks around his desk and stands in front of me. Dimitri places his hands on both of my cheeks.  "I can't let him take you away from me."

"Dimitri." I softly say. Then I harshly take his hands from my face. "You don't own me."

I step away from his and her the hurt on his face. He knows what this was. It was us having fun. I told him if he couldn't handle that we can't do this. Then again I knew what I was doing when I started this whole thing with him. The bad person here is me because I knew how selfish I was being.

"Did he say somewhere to meet him?" I ask him.

"A restaurant. He didn't say the name. Something about you knowing the one." He says with his head hung low.

I know the one. It's the first restaurant he ever took me. Plus it's the only one we ever went to. What a sucker for old times sake.

"Thank you Dimitri." I say as I leave his office.


Thank You Do Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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