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Hollis's POV

"Dani!" I couldn't help but scream when I see her in the chair. Walking over to her I get a look at her and feel tears prick my eyes. She's alive and I can't be happier.

"I'm guessing you want me to untie her now?" The blonde says.

"Carter obviously!" Dani harshly says to him.

I let the grip on his shirt loosen until it slipped from my fingers. Keeping my arm up just in case he decides to try something. He takes his time to undo the cuffs placed around her wrists. The second the cuffs hit the ground Dani jolts up from the seat. She doesn't waist a second to go after Carter.

She takes her time with every hit she gives him. I don't even attempt to stop her. Dani needs this, to get revenge on whatever the hell he has done to her. My heart aches for everything she must have gone through.

When Carter is beaten to a pulp she finally stops. Carter didn't do anything but just take it. His once blonde hair is now soaked red. The same unamused look is still plastered on his face though. That's probably why Dani won't stop, she's trying to wipe the smug look of of his face.

"Dani." I whisper to her.

Dani stops and looks at me. With a nod she turns back to Carter. Her small fist tangled into his hair grabbing it roughly in her fist. His head tilts up to her and they lock eyes.

"Have fun in hell." Dani says with so much conviction and anger I feel goosebumps rise on me arms. She places her hand on his heart.

"Don't worry Dani we will see each other again." He gives her a smirk.

Before we know it he's a pile of worthless ash on the floor. She stands back up and turns to me.

"I thought I would never see you again." Danis voice cracks as she walks over to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. My arms go under her arms and I hug her back as tightly as I can.

"I would never just leave you." I say as we hug each other.

"How did you do it?" She asks me as we break away.

"Well I had some help." I awkwardly say because I know she's going to get pissed.

"Who helped you, it was Dimitri wasn't it?" She says in a knowing tone.

I start to lead her up the stairs.

"Well yeah." I say lightly.

"What's with the well?" She asks suspiciously.

We get to the top of the stairs and walk to the main area where I see Dimitri. Behind him stands Harry. I hear Dani gasp as she sees who else is here.

"Hollis what the fuck." Dani says beside me.

"Not now." I groan at her.

I walk over to the boys. My eyes land on Harry as I watch his ring covered fingers push his hair back. As I watch him my mind wonders back to our fake fight. I start to feel my hormones getting the best of me. With the mix of our connection all I want to do kiss Harry. Have him as mine once again. Shaking my head I can't think of this right now.

"Harry, Dimitri you guys get out of here. We will all meet up at Harry's apartment. Dani and I are going to finish taking care of the rest of the demons." I say.

"Hell no I'm not leaving you guys here alone." Harry says mainly to me.

"We can't risk being seen leaving here together." I tell him. "Go we will be there in less then an hour."

"Fuck no." Harry's voice raises.

I walk over to Harry and grab his shirt and trap it in my fist. Our eyes connect and we just look at each other for a moment. My small fist drags his shirt down to me and brings him with it. I quickly crash my lips on his. Our lips move together in a passionate rush. Nothing is calm and sweet about it, it's hot and full of need. I disconnect our lips and look at him.

"Go now." I tell him.

"Yeah Romeo lets get out of here." Dimitri says then he walks closer to Dani. "I'll see you at Harry's."

"Be safe." Harry says to me.

As I nod to him they both start to walk out of the building. Harry gives me one last look before disappearing. I turn and look at Dani for the first time since we came back up from the basement. Let me tell you if looks could kill.

"Harry!" She shouts at me. "Fucking Harry."

"I know, I know but I needed help." I whine.

"What Dimitri wasn't enough!" She continues to yell.

"No." I reply even though I now deep down I didn't actually need Harry. I wanted him. No matter how much I would try to tell myself I hated him, it was never true.

"Bullshit! We both know the truth." She steps towards me and points a finger at me. "You just never got over him. It doesn't matter what he did. No matter how many times you've told me you hated him and never wanted to see him again. It doesn't matter you've tried to hide from him for over two years. You just couldn't help yourself."

"You're right." I bite my bottom lip as I feel tears prick my eyes. "I love him. Always have always will. What he did was wrong and unforgivable. Yet I know I can forgive him. I know because it will be easy and save me from a lifetime of pain and heartache. Maybe now you will see just how bonded I am to Harry, since now Dimitri is in your picture."

"I don't want him Hollis!" Dani throws her hands in the air. "I can never be with a demon! No matter what!"

"You will change your mind just give him a chance." I tell her.

"You know what how about this." Her jaw clenches as she looks at me. "Be with Harry I don't care. Just stay out of mine and Dimitri's. I'll do the same with you and Harry."

"Fine." Is all I say.

"Now let's clean this shit up and go home." She sighs.

"We are going to Harry's." I point out.

"No we are going home." She fires back annoyed.

"They know who you are which means they probably know where we live." I tell her shrugging.

"For fucks sake!" She yells. "Fine let's just get this shit over with."

I just hope she give Dimitri an actual chance. They both deserve it.


Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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