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Dimitri's pov

"Why are they trying to find Dani's twin flame?" Harry asks.

I try to wrack my brain for any little hint of why. Yet nothing comes to mind. All my life I thought I knew just about everything. Once Hollis walked into my life I've been proven very wrong. It turns out our own kind don't just keep knowledge from the humans but us as well. It's annoying to know there's things I don't know but others do. All I can think about is getting answers I so desperately want; no I desperately need.

Well that's not the only thing that's going on in my head. The other thing is Dani. I've never met her but I already long for her. Just the thought of actually meeting my twin flame almost sends chills through my body. Excitement grows as I think about finally knowing the feeling of being with who your promised to. Yet in all honesty I'm most excited to finally be free from Hollis's hold.

"There's only one way to find out." I say as I turn and walk to the door.

Hollis quickly jumps in front of me. Her small hands push against my chest to make me stop. Her eyes fill with worry of what I'm going to get myself into. I like how she still cares for me even though Harry is in the picture again. The second Harry showed up in my apartment when she was there I knew I couldn't have her to myself anymore. No matter how hard I tried she will never be mine. She will forever be Harry's. The thought doesn't hurt as much as it used to though.

"What are you doing?" Her brows furrow together to show she's serious.

"Going to my office and waiting for them to come question me." I give her a little smirk. "Simple."

"No not simple." Hollis pushes her hand into my chest a little more. "What are you going to do tell them the truth about you so the realize you guys match. Or lie to them about it?"

"I guess we'll find out when it comes down to it." I stare into her green eyes.

"Dimitri don't be stupid about this and go into it without a plan." She almost growls at me. I take a step towards her. For the first time in a while I notice Harry is still here. His jaw is clenched. As for his hands they are shoved into his pockets, probably to hide the fact that they are balled into fists. I can't help but to smirk at the death glare he is giving me.

"Hollis I'm going to get Dani back." I gently take her wrist and move it off of my chest.

"We don't know what the are doing to her or what they will do to you." Her eyes change emotion to show sadness.

"That's exactly why I have to find out." I give her one last look before moving past her.

I walk out of Harry's office. My feet carry me in the direction of my office. As I'm on my way I start to think about what could possibly happen. Or how should I answer things. In all honesty I feel like I should answer everything truthfully. Well not completely truthfully. Obviously I'm not going to admit I know hopefully everything they're hiding from us. I'm not stupid enough for that. Just stupid enough to be honest about my personality. I have no idea how this works at all. No idea what ways me and Dani are supposed to be alike. All I know is we are made for each other. Besides that the only other glimpse I get is of Harry and Hollis. They aren't exactly the same. Yes there is moments when I can see how they are a like. Actually now that I think about it I do remember something about balance. Perhaps the other being what the other needed. No both of those are it.

Once I step into my office I notice a man and a woman waiting for me. Without a doubt they are the associates. Well the man is at least. The woman looks to be in her mid fifty's. Her clothing happens to show me she is a human.

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