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Hollis's pov

I watch Dimitri walk out of the office. Worry fills me at all of the thoughts of what could happen. We don't even know if Dani is still alive. Now he's just going to throw himself to the wolves. Not only am I going to worry about losing one person but now two.

My bite my bottom lip as I turn around to face Harry. He looks absolutely pissed off. I'd be surprised if he wasn't. It can't be easy seeing me close to Dimitri. Hell Dimitri is probably his best friend. Neither of them would ever admit it but it's true. They have been in each other's lives since they were born into the demons they are. Created a business together. Guilt does fill me knowing I've caused a major drift in that. Being with Dimitri in a physical way will forever have there friendship never be the same.

"Are you okay?" I ask even though I already know the answer. The question seems to push him over the edge. I watch him as he pulls at his hair. Gripping it at the roots in a way that tells me just how wild his mind is going right now. As I go to ask another question I stop myself from doing so. He needs a second to collect his thoughts. Rushing him will just make him angrier. I've always tried to be his peace. The one thing that keeps him away from the burning need of his sin. Even though I've tried that so hard while we were together since I walked out I know I've only made it worse. Actually I might of made it worse but it was him that pushed me into leaving. All of the lies and things he kept from me pushed me to leave. I hate how no matter what I can't help but want to be right there next to him. Next to him just to help him escape the chaos of his wrath.

"It fucking hurts!" Harry yells at me. I'm taken back by his shouting but quickly compose myself. He needs this I know he does. Getting everything out will ease his mind. Not only that but I need to hear it. I need to know how he feels. Not only that but part of me needs to be put back in my place. I haven't been the same Hollis the past two years. I've changed in ways that there's no going back from. That's something he's starting to learn. The once timid girl is long gone. Now I don't take shit from anyone. I'm overall just not scared anymore. That's a lie I'm scared on one thing and that's Harry. I'm scared of not in the fearful way. In the way that I love him so much and will never stop. I'm scared of fully losing him.

"Keep going." I tell him. He needs to speak him mind. There's no way I'm going to let him keep it all bottled in. Not only that but I need to speak my part too.

"I hurts that you've been with someone else. Trust me I know it's hypocritical of me to say since I did the same thing. Yet it was with fucking Dimitri. I've cried to him some nights for the past two years. Went to him with everything when I was trying to find you. Yet the whole fucking time he was with you. Trying to take you away from me. It hurts because you slept with him and now you are so fucking worried about him. You should only care about me in that way." He says to me.

"He my friend." I tell him lightly and brace myself for his response.

"Friends don't fuck each other!" He yells at me. "I fucking hate him!"

"I'm sorry Harry. Yet nothing I say can change what happened. Dimitri was there to help me. I have a void without you and I thought being with Dimitri would help that void. Big shocker it didn't." I say sarcastically. "The whole time Dimitri knew I could never have anything for him then something physical. He knew I used him as a distraction. He knew the only person I can ever love is you."

"I have a void without you too. That's why I couldn't stand to see you with someone else. There is so much hate inside me towards Dimitri yet I find it impossible to hate you. Or even be slightly upset with you. It's completely fucked up." Harry sighs out.

"Harry I hate th-" I begin to say but am cut off by someone entering the office. Harry and I turn to see who comes in. A short girl makes her way in. I can't help but to give her a dirty look for interrupting our conversation. Shouldn't she know to knock first at least.

"Umm Mr. Styles?" She says quickly and scared.

"What?!" He snaps at her.

"I have a message from Mr. Greene." She clears her throat. "He said to tell you they made a match and are taking him."

"Good." Harry says as he clenches his jaw tightly. "You May leave now."

With that the girl leaves the office. A small part of me is in panic on what to do with Dimitri. Should we hurry and try to follow him? Or just sit here and wait it out. Hell no there is absolutely no way I'm waiting it out.

"I have to help." I whisper.

"Like hell you are." Harry have me a pissed off look.

"Stop just thinking about Dimitri for once. Yes I'm worried about him but he's a fucking demon. I'm worried for Dani she's the enemy. Being an angel is only going to get her hurt with demons." My voice slowly rises with every word I say. "I can't lose her too Harry."

I can tell my last sentence really got to him. He's taken so many people I care about away from me. My parents and Alessana. If there is ever a way for him to make it up to me it's now. I can see it in his eyes he knows that. Hope fills me as I watch his facial expressions change with every thought that goes through his head. Reality is I can't do this without him.

"Harry?" I question.

"Yeah." He pushes his hair back as he turns to face me.

"Please help me I can't get her back without you." I plea to him.

"Okay." He lets out a deep sigh. Then a smirk takes over his pink lips. "As long as you will still get back together with me when we find her."

"Hey hey I said we can work on it." I playfully laugh. The whole mood instantly changed between us. Funny how five minutes ago we were arguing.

"Yeah basically the same thing." He laughs.

A part of me gets kinda annoyed with his words. I don't speak on it though because I need his help.I walk over to Harry. In a slow teasing manner. The smirk on his face slowly fades as he takes in my every movement. Watching intently of my body as it comes closer to him. Once in front of him my hands slide over his shoulders. They meet together behind his neck. I move closer to his ear.

"Don't get cocky now styles." I whisper seductively.

I pull my entire body away from him. A slight whimper leaves him from the lose of contact. A part of me loves knowing the effect I have on him. How I can easily control him in certain ways.

"Now how do we find Dani?" I ask him.


Next chapter is going to be in Dani's pov...

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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