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Hollis's pov

"Okay so I'll be waiting in the alleyway for you." I tell Dani as i take a few steps back towards the alley.

"Once one comes after me I'll head this way." She nods. "Make sure you stay alert."

"Of course mother." I tease her.

Dani gives me a look of annoyance. It looks like she's about to say something but stops. A smile goes on her face an a look I only see once in a blue moon. The on way I can describe that look is adoration. I give her a knowing smile. With that she walks down the empty streets.

I patiently wait behind a large stacked pile of crates. They have small slits that make it easy for me to stay hidden but also see what's happening. As of right now absolutely nothing is happening. Looking at the watch on my wrist I adjust it a few times hoping to get an angle were I can see. It's been over an hour since Dani left. When we first started that was normal. Hell two hours would be normal too. Now it's different though. More possessors are ordered on night shift. In hopes of catching us.

My worry continues to grow with every tick of my watch. No matter how worried I am I must wait here. Just in case they are coming right around the corner.

"Please come around that corner." I continue to whisper to myself.

Twenty minutes went by when I heard a faint shout. I straightened my posture as I waited. The shouting got louder and I can hear the sound of boots hitting the ground. My heart begins to beat faster as I feel the adrenaline course through me. This has become my new high.

Dani comes around the corner but something's wrong. She has an absolute look of fear on her face. Behind her is a man, no a demon. He's not dressed in the normal possessor attire though. He flings himself at her and tackles her to the ground. She quickly rolls around so she's on her back. I make a move to step out and help her, it's almost like she saw every step I made.

"No don't do it!" Dani yells and I know it's directed at me. I'm torn with listening to her or going against her and helping her.

Dani lifts her hands towards him and presses her hand against his chest. I sigh as I see her light shine brightly onto him. A gasp leaves me as nothing happens to him. He smiles a wicked smile and lifts his hand and smacks Dani across the face as hard as he can.

"You dumb bitch really thought we wouldn't find a way to protect ourselves from you." He laughs in her face.

Her hand quickly grips his exposed forearm. Once again her light shines. The demon lets out a painful scream from the pain he is feeling. I can't help but to remember Harry when I accidentally got his arm.

"I guess you guys aren't as smart as you think." She lets out a laugh. "You're still going to die. This just drags it out and makes it more painful. Dumb bitch."

"You think you're so clever?" He grits his teeth. Once again he gives a harsh hit to her cheek. I can't watch this anymore.

I take a step closer to coming out of my hiding place. When all of a sudden I hear tired screech. Going back to being completely hidden I look through the small cracks from the crates. A black suv I stopped in front of the alley. This is why she didn't want me to come out. She knew others were on their way. As always she's trying to protect me.

The demon on top of Dani stands up and drags her up with him. His strong hold on her doesn't let up as she thrashes around. He takes out handcuffs and puts the around her wrists. With one swift mission he throws her over his shoulder. Dani lifts her head and look at the stack of crates I'm hiding behind.

'Im sorry' she mouths to me as a single tear falls from her blue eyes.

The demon opens the back door and throws her inside carelessly. He slammed the door and walks around the car.  Stepping into the passenger seat. The tires make a screeching sound once again as it makes its way down the street.

My legs move into action as I run to the end of the alley. I look down the street to see if I can see where the car went. Unfortunately it's completely out of sight. Tears pool from my eyes as panic fully sets in.

"No, no, no." I say every word louder in disbelief. "This can't be happening."

My mind floods with ideas of what I should do. I can't think straight as I worry for her. What they could possibly be doing to her. I need to find her before it's too late. Then again I have no idea when is too late.

I sprint down the street too the only man that can help me. Hopefully he's home since it's not our usual night of meeting. The run to his place seems to go on forever. Every second that goes by is a second waisted.

When I make it too his front door I don't even knock. I barge in and quickly begin to look for him. Screaming his name I wait for him to make his location known. When nothing happens I run upstairs to his room. He's not in here either. As I turn to exit the large space I hear the door to his bathroom turn. Out steps Dimitri with a towel around his waist and his already dark hair damp. If I wasn't in such a crisis I would jump him.

"Hollis? What are you doing here? It's not our normal night." He smirks at me and steps closer. "Can't get enough?"

"Dimitri." My voice cracks and tears fall once again.

"What's wrong?" His mood changes quickly.

"They got Dani." I cry.


"I don't know the demon wasn't in normal possessor clothes." I tell him.

Dimitri's whole face changes. It looks like he's realized something.

"Hollis I think I might know who took Dani." He tells me.

"Who?" I say louder than I meant to.

"Harry." That one name made my body freeze.

"What!" I yell.

"He created a type of bounty hunter group to find you. He's absolutely obsessed with finding you." Dimitri tells me.

"Why is this the first time I'm hearing this?" I calmly ask him.

"As if you would let me bring up Harry in a conversation." He gives a sarcastic laugh. "And it's not like I want to talk about him when I'm with you."

"That's fair." I tell him. "But now he probably has my best friend and I need to get her back."

"Well what exactly happ-" Before the full sentence left his mouth the sound of the door slamming is heard. We both look at each other in horror.

"Who was that?" I ask him in a whisper.

"Dimitri!" A British accent yells.

My heart drops at the sound. Nausea all of a sudden weighs heavy on my stomach. And my heart beats faster. I look at Dimitri again with panic.

"Quick hide in the bathroom." He guides me in.

Once I'm in he shuts the door. I begin to panic. What am I going to do. In no way possible can I see him. The thought of seeing him makes my heart hurt.

"Dimitri." Harry says as he enters the room.

"What?" He quickly asks.

"They got one." Harry quickly breaths out.

I press my ear against the door so I can hear better to what is being said. My breath comes out ridged and uneven. I try to control it and make it even.

"One what?" He tries to sound completely normal.

"An angel but not just any angel. Dani she's the one that's been with Hollis." He explains.

"You have her?" Dimitri asks and I press harder against the door waiting for the answer.

"No." Harry says and I hear him step around the room. "But I know who do-"

He all of a sudden stops and I know exactly why. Harry must of stepped closer to the bathroom. I can feel the familiar feeling race through me. It's nothing compared to the full thing but it's enough to send my body in a frenzy.


Honestly I think just about everyone hates Dimitri now and I didn't exactly expect it. Yet I completely understand why.

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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