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Hollis's POV

I walk down the slightly crowded street with Dani following closely behind me. The tension between us is really heavy. She doesn't want me with Harry and I can't blame her for that. With everything he has done it only makes sense. Yet I can't keep lying to myself and everyone around me. I love him and nothing can change that. Never in my life will I feel this way about another person. No one could ever compare. I just hope now with Dimitri and Dani being promised that she will see. Her understanding the importance and craving there is to have the other will help her not be mad at me. I don't want to have to chose between the two of them. They both are the most important people in my life. Dimitri as well, yet I've always known he was just a placeholder. As messed up as that sounds I really did us him for my own selfish reasons knowing I could because of his feelings for me. Yet that is all changed now that we know Dani is his twin flame. I just hope they don't think I did this all on purpose. I'm not going to lie I did have my suspicions but you can never fully know until the two actually meet. Or maybe I just keep telling myself that to make me feel like less of a bad person. Either way I'm happy they have each other now. I just hope Dani actually opens herself up to the idea of being with him. Main thing is hope in that one.

"We are almost there." I tell Dani hoping to ease some of the tension.

"I know." She shortly answers me.

As we walk up to Harry's building I start to get nervous. Who knows what's going to happen next. With all that has happened today from Dimitri going with the D.W.A. To me basically ambushing them in Alessanas old book store, the fighting, rescuing Dani, the kiss with Harry, and lastly arguing with Dani. The least I can say is I'm a little drained after today. I can't imagine how Dani feels. The urge to ask her is heavy but now isn't the good time.

We step into the elevator and it start to take us up to Harry's floor. The simple ding of it singles we made it. As the doors open Dani and I step out of the small metal box.

"I can't believe I let you drag me here." She huffs out.

"We don't exactly have any other option. The D.W.A. Is after us we have to wait a few days to see what is going on." I inform her of all the things she already knows.

"Yeah whatever." Dani lets out a big sigh.

I shake my head and open up the door. The first thing I see is Dimitri standing up from the couch. He takes his hands and rubs them on his pants. I can tell he's nervous but he's trying to hid it from us, well from Dani most likely.

"Shortcake." He says using my nickname and I give him a small smile. "Dani."

I can cut the tension in the room with a knife. Taking a quick glance around I see if I can find Harry. He's not anywhere in sight.

"Where's Harry?" I ask him curiously.

"He's upstairs." He answers me but keeps his eyes on Dani. I open my mouth to ask another question but he stops me. "What is he doing up there? No clue and don't care."

"Well then, I'm going to go talk to him." I turn towards Dani and smirk. "I'll give you guys some time to talk as well."

Instantly Dani gives me her best death glare. I just shrug and make my way up the familiar stairs. Once I get to the door I open it and slip inside. Closing the door behind me I take a look at the room. Just like the rest of the apartment it looks the same as it did two years ago. I walk over and run my fingers over the silky sheets of his bed. Memories fill my mind of the countless nights we spent together wrapped in the same sheets. Wrapped in each other's arms.

I hear a noise come from the bathroom. Once I notice the sound of water running I realize Harry's in the shower. The door is slightly open as I make my way over to it. As quietly as I can I open it a little more, giving me enough space to snake through.

The room is already filled with steam as I look around. Harry is facing the wall as he lets the water drench his face and chest. Even though the glass is fogged I can still see him. The black patters inked into his skin is easy to see. I've missed seeing the marking I've become so familiarize with.

Without thinking anymore I start to strip from my clothing. Letting each article slip from my fingertips and make a pile on the cool tile floor. Once I'm left bare I quietly tiptoe over to the shower door. It opens without making a sound and I'm glad. I watch as Harry just continues to let the water wash over him as if he's trying to have it wash away all of his deep thoughts. As I quietly close the door I notice something on his back. A new tattoo it seems. The new image is placed just at the top of his back where his neck ends. It's in a spot that if he wears a shirt it won't be noticeable. I take a step closer to get a better look at what it is. A smile takes over my lips as I realize what it is. It's two wings, one an angel wing the other a demon wing. Between the two wings is the letters HS. It's for me and him.

Gently I place my hands on his biceps and press my front against his back. His body goes instantly stiff and he quickly turns around. When his eyes catch mine it's as if time just stopped.

"Hollis." He softly whispers to me.

"Harry." I whispered back.

Harry puts one arm around my shoulder and the other around my waist, pulling me into him. As our skin is pressed together I sigh at the instant relief I feel to have him back in my arms. I don't understand how I survived without him these past two years. The pure emotion I feel for him is overwhelming. So much has just hit me that I start to cry. I try to hid it from Harry but he notices it immediately. He pulls back from me and looks at me again.

"Hollis what's wrong?" He looks at me with worry and concern.

"It's nothing I'm fine." I lie to him.

"Please tell me." He begs.

"I just missed you so much Harry. Being this close with you again just made me realize I don't know how I did it. Or why I would do that. I belong with you, in your arms. Your mine and I'm yours. Nothing else in this world compares to being right here with you. Having you hold me again. It's like before I was numb everyday for the past two years. Now that I'm with you I can finally feel again. It's like I'm breathing fresh air and knowing what it is to be alive." I cry out to him.

"As much as I love to here you say that because I feel the same exact way. You had a right to leave. I did something absolutely terrible to you. Yet I promise you that I will never do anything to hurt you again. Not having you was a reality check for me. I love you Hollis and I need you." He tells me as he wipes my tears away.

"I love you Harry." I smile at him. "So much."

With those words he bends down and connects our lips. The kiss is absolutely wonderful. It's filled with our pure passion as we both try to show each other just how much we love one another. As our tongues dance together the temperature in the already steamy bathroom rises. Harry pushes me against the wall and pulls away from my lips. I can't help but follow him a little bit trying to continue the kiss. As he looks deep into my eyes again I feel the familiar fire ignite in me that only he can start.

"Let me show you just how much I missed you." His lust filled voice says as I feel his hand trace down my sides to my aching core.


GUYS INIQUITOUS JUST HIT OVER 100,000 READS. That's absolutely crazy to me! You all are amazing and I can't thank you enough for taking your time to read my story. I can't express just how grateful I am for all of you!!!

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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