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Hollis's pov

I slip the dark grey material over bare legs, then my torso. The dress is form fitting as I look in the mirror. Stops a little above the middle of my thigh. It has off shoulder sleeves with a plunging neck line. My hair is in loose waves. As it brushes my collar bones ever so slightly.

I'm worried for what is going to happen tonight. For the first time in over two years I'm going to see Harry. He is going to see me. Nerves go crazy in my stomach and give me a slight nauseous feeling. I put my hands on my hips and take deep breathes. The more breathes I take the better I start to feel.

Taking one more final look in the mirror I nod to myself. If I don't leave now I'll probably never leave. I'm doing this for Dani I tell myself. I'm doing this to save her. With that I walk out of the apartment and make my way to the restaurant.

When I get to the restaurant I look inside through the large window. My eyes instantly spot Harry. He's as beautiful as I remember. The rich brown of his hair that barely shows his curls because he has it pushed back. I bet it's because he can run his fingers through it without worrying it's going to get messed up. Just as I thought that his hand goes up to his hair. A light smile takes over my lips. As I continue to watch him I see his leg is bouncing up and down. He's very nervous as well.

I take a few steps closer to the entrance I feel as if I hit a wall. A wall of realization. I'm actually about to be in the presence of Harry. Talk to him, and see him. Seeing him through the window was a lot to take in how will I do when we're face to face?

I can't do this. Panic overtakes me like a flood. I really can't do this. Taking a few steps back I try to take deep breaths. Slowly I breath in and out. Once I'm calmer I know what I'm going to do. I turn away from the entrance and begin to walk down the street. The only way I'm going to be able to see him face to face is if it's on my terms.

Harry's pov

Sadness fills my heart as I stand from the table. I take out my wallet from my pocket and throw down some money. Not caring how much it is I begin to walk out of the restaurant. I bury my hands deep in my pockets as I make my way through the maze of tables.

Hollis didn't come to the restaurant. She didn't want to see me that bad. It hurts to have her be this way towards me. Yet I completely understand why she is. I've done terrible things to her. Killing her parents, physically hurting her, and killing Alessana. All things I thought would help me to keep her.

As I stand outside my car pulls up right in front of me. Getting in the back seat I close the door. I slide down in the seat a little. Looking out the window I try to not think of how hurt I am. My fingers go to my mouth and cover it. I feel the cool metal of my rings.

"Did you see Hollis?" I'm asked.

"No Marvin, I didn't." I sigh heavily after.

"I'm sorry to hear that sir." He says.

"Me too."

As he stops in front of my apartment I thank him and get out. I can't wait to drown myself in a large bottle tonight. Who knows maybe I'll call over a brunette that I can barely trick myself into thinking it's Hollis.

Once in the apartment I take out my phone and keys and put them on the table by the front door. I make my way to the kitchen to pour me a glass of whatever I have left. Once I have my scotch I go back into the living room to get my phone. If I call now by the time she gets here I'll be drunk.

"This place hasn't changed one bit." A soft voice says.

My eyes shoot in the direction the voice came from. A figure stands near the window gazing out into the city. It's to dark to make out who it is. I'm guessing it's a woman from the sound of the voice and the small frame.

I walk over to the light switches and flick them on. It takes my eyes a momentous adjust. The woman is standing so she isn't facing me. She has shorter length hair that probably reaches her collar bones. As for her body it looks amazing in the tight fitting grey dress. Wait, grey?

"Who are you?" I ask confused as to how she even got in.

"Aww Harry." The sound of my name pulls at my heart. "Don't tell me you forgot about me already."

The glass slips from my hands. It crashes to the floor with a piercing sound. I can't believe it she's here. Right in front of me.

"Hollis." I whisper and I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Hi Harry." She says as she turns around to look at me.

She's as beautiful as I remember. Her soft features with those beautiful green eyes. My eyes travel down her body. The front is very low cut that I can see the valley of her breasts. She looks quite fit. My eyes instantly go to her hair. The long length now gone.

"Aren't you going to say something?" She asks me.

"I'm in shock." I take a step towards her and see her tense so I stop. "I thought you stood me up and weren't going to see me."

"I decided if I was going to see you it was going to be on my terms. And well this is as my terms as I'm going to get." She tells me.

"I'm just happy to see you. To talk to you after the other night." I pause and take a few more steps closer so we can slightly feel the electricity between us. "I got a taste of what we had. It drove me absolutely mad to have you so close yet so far away from me. It hurt to have you literally run away from me."

"You know I'm not here to get back together with you." She instantly shuts me down. I feel a stabbing at my heart. She's different then what I remember.

"Thanks for the reminder." I give her a hurt smirk. I don't want to push anything in fear she will leave me once again.

"About Dani." Hollis cuts right to the chase.

"Yeah well the D.W.A has her." I tell her.

"How can I get her back?" Her voice is filled with worry.

"I don't know. Normally when they take in women they give them to auctioneers." I watch as she takes a seat on the couch as I stand on the other side of the coffee table. The buzzing feeling I'm getting is driving me crazy. "But we both know that she isn't anything normal. She's and angel and I have no clue what they do to angels."

"Can you find out?" She asks me.

"For you." I take a seat on the opposite side of the couch. "I will do anything."


Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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