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Dimitri's pov

Her soft skin slowly has goosebumps appear as my fingertips trail over the area. Going down the dip of her waist and up at her hip. Looking at her face I hope to see some reaction. Her shorter hair barely hides her face. Laying down normally next to her I move the messy hair.

"I like your hair shorter." I admit to her.

"Why thank you." She laughs. "It's been like this for a long time but I'm still not used to it."

"How so?" I ask her curiously, I always feel the need to know her thoughts.

"I've always had long hair." She lifts her head and rests it on her elbows. "In a way I feel like I different person with short hair."

"The real question is do you like this new person?" I scoot closer to her.

She looks off into the distance for a few seconds. When she looks at me I'm guessing she has her answer. "Yes, yes I do."

Hollis's pov

I enter mine and Dani's apartment and I'm instantly greeted by the smell of her incense. She constantly burns them because it reminds her of Alessana. I find her in her room reading a book. Since the thing with Dimitri started I always borrow books from him and let Dani read them. She takes the utmost care of them. Always saying things about how they are collectibles. A majority of them she has already read but doesn't mind rereading them. The ones she hasn't she soaks up every word. I can always tell from the faces she makes as she almost takes on the emotion the characters feel. I've always envied her on her ability to love reading. Many times I've tried to grow the interest but it always never works.

"What's up?" I ask her as I lean against her door frame.

"Why ask a stupid question like that?" She jokingly says. "It's obvious what I'm doing."

"Okay you're Reading was that so hard to say?" I laugh at her.

"Why not just skip the chitchat." Dani gives me an annoyed smile.

"Touché." I sigh out. "What the plans for tonight?"

"Same as every other night I guess." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Yeah but where are we going to do it?" I always have her decide because she thinks more into everything more then I do.

"Haven't decided yet." She gets up.

"How about over near garden?"

"No last time we hit the square then garden. We can't repeat anything. That will make them think there is a pattern."

"Oh shit." I say as I realize she's right.

"You really need to start keeping track." Dani tells me as she passes by me.

"That's why I have you." I smile at her.

"Want me to trim your hair?" Her thin fingers pick up a chunk of my hair as she examines the ends. "Looking a little dead."

"Why not." I sigh to myself. "I've got nothing better to do."


I sit on a stool in front of the bathroom mirror. My reflection looks back at me but it doesn't seem like myself. Then again I haven't been myself in two years. The girl looking back is a mess. A girl who fucks a man that loves her and she selfishly uses that against him. A girl who tries to hid from the man she loves. A girl who tries to change so much just to try and convince herself she's not the same person she was. Yet I miss the girl I was. I miss the confidence I had. Not just any confidence but the confidence that you knew who you were. Then again I knew who I was with Harry. The girl I liked being was with him.

"Is that good?" Dani asks me and thankfully pulls me from my thoughts.

Looking at just my hair it lands slightly under my collar bones. The hair around my face frames it perfectly. Dani is really good at cutting hair.

"It's perfect." I stand up. "Thank you."

"Of course but when are you going to let me dye it blonde?" She asks seriously.

Since I had Dani cut my hair the first time she's been nagging me to let her dye it blonde. I've never been able to bring myself to let her. I feel like that's too much of a change for me. Yet who knows maybe one day I'll let her do it.

"When I'm ready." I giggle.

"That's better then the hell no I normally get." She nods.


Since the night I froze with the demon Dani has been the one to lure demons. I keep insisting I'm fine and we can go back to taking turns. Every time she shuts it down as says, that isn't going to happen until I tell her what happened. She knows it was him that cause it. She just wants he to say it aloud to her.

I just can't bring myself to tell her that the color of the demons eyes made me think of Harry. How the thought of him basically paralyzed me. She hates him so much more then I do. I fear she will feel like I've betrayed her if I tell her my feelings for him are still heavy on me. Just like Dimitri, she doesn't understand. No one understands the feeling. In a way I wish she would find her twin flame to know how it feels. How it completely consumes you in every way imaginable. She doesn't want it to happen though. Every time I drink it up she just says.

Look where it has gotten you.

Those words sting every time she says them. I know she means then in a way of depending on another for things and having someone be your soul reason for happiness. Yet every time I take it too personally. Make it cut deeper then it was ever meant to go.

That's just how Dani is though. She speaks her mind and doesn't care how it comes out. Or if it happens to be harsh in anyway. It's one thing I've absolutely fallen in love with about her. Mainly because it's something I didn't get before with Harry.


Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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