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Hollis's pov

"Okay, I'm going in you need to stay here." Harry sighs as we park a little way down the street. 

"Fine," I say in a huff. There is no way he is actually going to let me go in. I'm so worried that once he goes in he won't come back out. That would make all of the people I care about gone. Harry is my soul mate so that wound would never close. I need a way to know what could happen. Wait, all I have to do is touch harry and hopefully get a premonition. "Harry?"

"Yes, Hollis?"  His eyes are soft as he looks at me. I know he is worried about the same thing I am. The only difference is the roles being reversed. 

Leaning forward I place my delicate hand on his cheek and softly pull him to me. Lightly I place my lips against his. For a second I just enjoy the feeling of us. The warm tingles spreading over my body. I quickly shake the thoughts away there are more important matters going on right now. 

Never has premonitions been my strong suit. It was always one Dani could do easily. actually Dani did everything with ease. Nonetheless, I have to step up and do it. Dani is counting on me. I begin to work my hands down Harry's body. I stared at his face and traveled down to his neck. I took one hand and grabbed at Harry's hair so he wouldn't get suspicious. Giving it a tug I hear a low groan leave him. With the hand that isn't tangled in Harry's soft hair, I begin to stretch down his arm. Once I get to his hand I feel paper he's holding onto. The second the tip of my finger touches it my body goes a little stiff. 

I see Dimitri walking towards harry. A look of worry and relief is on his face. 

"Harold, what are you doing here?" Dimitri asks harry. 

"Just noticed a problem with the shipping address." He lies, probable because someone else is in the room that can hear them. Yet those two are the only ones I can see. 

"What a coincidence same here." Dimitri gives a sarcastic smile. 

"Hello Mr. Styles I'm Carter, what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" A man appears almost out of the dust. An evil smile takes over his beautiful features. 

"I just had some issues with the address on where to ship the light detectors." Harry holds up the paper. "It seems we have two addresses on where you want them shipped. We just wanted to clarify one which one or both."

"Is that so?" Carter puts his hands in his pockets. "Wouldn't it have been easier to just call Mr.Styles?"

"Yes." He says without hesitation. "Yet when it comes to the D.W.A I like to take care of the matters face to face. Since you guys are our top priority."

"Fair enough." Carter runs his hand over his jaw and chin. "You know what just send them to both addresses."

"Okay, I will go ahead and do that. Thank you for your time." Harry turns to leave but quickly turns again. "Actually Dimitri?" 

"What's up?" He looks at Harry. 

"Do you mind reminding me how to get in and change the address Information?" Harry gives Dimitri a Look at I think Only the two know what it can mean. 

"Sure I'll write them down for you since you will probably forget curly." Dimitri jokes. 

Harry slipes a pen out of his suit jacket and hands it over to Dimitri. 

"First go into the customer database, type in there information code, go all the way to the bottom, hit edit order details, change everything that needs to be changed, the lastly save it." He gives Harry a smile and hands him the pen back. 

"Thanks, Dimitri." He gives him a smile and then looks at the paper. 

They want me to kill her.

I pull away from Harry. The second my lips are away from him his eyes shoot open. Instantly I try to hide any worry are fear from my face. 

"Promise me you'll be careful in there?" I whisper. 

"Of course I will." Harry leans forward and presses a soft short kiss on my lips. "I will come back to you I promise."

I give a simple nod and he swiftly gets out of the car. Looking around the vehicle I try to find something to disguise myself. I have to go in there and help Dani. There is no way Dimitri and Dani are both going to make it out of there alive. I have to help them. In the backseat, I find a few of Harry's plain black t-shirts. Quickly grabbing one I begin to rip it apart. Once I have the perfect size of fabric I wrap it around my face. Making sure it covers my nose and mouth perfectly. Next, I gather my hair and wrap it around itself so a bun is created. Once that is secured with a hair tie I'm ready to go inside.  

I need to go into this like every time I and Dani went out on our hunts. Not to think and just do. That is crucial especially right now. If I overthink anything I won't have the courage to actually do it. My mind will be too wrapped up in all of the ways this could go wrong and I can't have that right now. 

When I step foot into the building I instantly see Harry. He picks his head up from the paper and I see his eyes are wide. 

He just read the note Dimitri left him. 


So I feel like I have finally got passed my writers block. That means no more boring chapter after boring chaper!

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!

Xxx Jess

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