Chapter 2: hired.

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Clay POV.
One week later.

God my ljfe sucks. 19 years old, shit apartment and no job, only living off of the money my parents left me when they moved across the country, but those thousands were growing smaller by the day.

I desperately needed work, something to take my mind off of things and so began looking at posters stuck to the side of a wall.

Club bouncer wanted.
Poisons Trip club looking for a bouncer, works 5pm to 11pm weekdays,
3pm to 11pm weekends.
$800 a week + free drink after each shift.

Call **********

That sounds boring, and I don't drink anyway, a few stores later I saw another jub advertised in a shop window.

Springset cafe
Now hiring.
Want a friendly job meeting nice people?
Want to work comfortably and adjustable hours 5 days a week?
Well here is the place!
20 bucks an hour,
8 hours a day.
Come inside and talk to our manager and you could get a job Now!

Hell no I couldn't do that, I hate people. I sighed and gave up, walking into the cafe and deciding to just get a drink and go home. I ordered a large coffee, and sat down while I waited, my eyes skimming over the local newspaper.
There in the advertisement section was a logo I instantly recognised, from the Davidson family company, I looked over the ad.

Davidson Family Company.
Looking for a bodyguard, no experience required.
Will live on site at the Davidson family estate and work 6 days a week.
Pay is $2500 a week.
Call Richard Daidson assistant at ********** to get an interview
Or come into Davidson Company building and ask one of our lovely receptionists about the job there.

A billionaire has a job offer, with no experience required and a good pay, plus a place to stay! Yes please!

During my thoughts a lovely barista brought over my drink and I stood up with it, instantly pulling out my phone and dialing Richard Davidon's number. His assistant picked up, and I inquired about the job. She explained more about it too me and offered to set up an interview for the following day, Sunday, since Mr Davidson had an hour free. Immediately I agreed, and got an interview time for 3:15 at the Davidson Company building.

The next day.

I was extremely nervous, bubbliny over with fear and excitement, the whole morning I kept thinking over questions he may ask and making my own answers in my head. By 2:30 I was ready to go, I had a nice dress shirts on and neat black pants, as well as some shinning leather shoes. Then I began the 30 minute walk to the Davidson Company Building.

When I arrived I walked into a flash recteption, the walls were all white with gold markings around the edges and some paintings and photos of landscapes and company members. A lady sat quickly typing away behind a desk so I stood quietly waiting for her, not wanting to distract her from her work. She glanced up at me after a moment, "sorry, I didn't know someone was here." The woman gave a small laugh and smiled apologetically before continuing, "are you here for an appointment?"

This woman was quite nice, "yes I am, it was meant to be at 3:15 with Mr Richard Davidson."
"Ok then." She typed something onto her computer, "name?"
"Clay. Clay Smith." I said, wincing as I felt the embarrassment of having the last name Smith.

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